10 Ways To Start Losing Weight Fast


Fantastic Strategies Used To Start Losing Weight

Losing Weight utilizing practical methods for creating new lifestyle changes in diet will reduce body weight in a few short weeks.  Unfortunately, there are a million ways to gain weight including sedentary lifestyle leading to physical inactivity. According to the Department of Health obesity may lead to chronic heart disease, diabetes or a host of other preventable health complications. Poor dietary choices or lack of dripline may lead to metabolic disorders leading to an increase in body fat.  Fortunately losing weight and keeping it off can be achieved by making small dietary changes and increasing physical activity to make a huge impact on your weight. Discover 10 fascinating ways to lose weight fast boosting your metabolism to burn off body fat.

Rejuvenate With Yoga

1.) Balance hormones relaxing more using yoga to increase physical endurance, reduce stress levels 3 or 4 times per week deep breathing while stretching muscles rejuvenating the body. Excess stress can release cortisol increasing insulin levels ( fat storing enzyme lipoprotein lipase)  Medications including steroids, prednisone, and corticosteroids used for pain management have the same impede the fat burning directly leading to weight gain.  Reduce cortisol levels sleeping 6-8 hours per night, and eat well and drink plenty of water to flush out your system.  If you are on medication that causing insulin levels to spike talk to a physician about alternative methods of pain control.

Meditate relax and a deep breath to release tension for weight loss success. Research has shown that those individuals that practice meditation for 40 minutes or more have lower stress levels and lessen their risk of cardiovascular disease.  A study in 2005 of men and women who meditated showed that they had a thicker cortical wall in their brains and that meant that their brains were aging at a slower rate.  Cortical thickness is also associated with decision making, attention makes.  Learn how to relieve stress, relax and basic meditative techniques to lose weight effectively.

Walking Increase Physical Activity

2.) Walking 30-60 minutes per day as part of a low impact exercise program is one of the best aerobic exercises for people of all fitness levels.  Studies indicate that a daily brisk walk reduces body fat, lower blood pressure and increases oxygen levels naturally boosting energy levels.  Exercise helps the body remove unwanted toxins and fat resulting in a reducing in weight loss. Experts suggest walking 6,000 steps per day to improve health, 10,000 steps per day to lose weight keep it off for good.

Portation Control

3.) Eat from a small plate instead of eating from a large plate. This will help control portion sizes of your meals. Quite sugary drinks to reduce calories lose weight fast. One can of soda contain 19 grams of sugar, 92 grams of caffeine and artificial sweeteners.  Follow dietary portation control guidelines to track calories consumed to avoid overeating.

Naturally Suppress Appetite

4.) Suppress appetite naturally with one glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice in the morning before breakfast.  Lemon juice will naturally detox your body correcting the ph. balance in your blood and leaves you feeling full throughout the day.  Studies indicate people are less likely to crave less junk food resulting in weight loss.   Lemons are a good source of vitamins C, B-complex, pantothenic acid, folates, pyridoxine and minerals copper, potassium and a rich source of calcium.  These are essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health.

Drink Oolong Tea

5.) Drink 2-4 cups of Oolong or black tea per day loaded with catechins boosting your body’s ability to metabolize fats faster.

Build Body Strength

6.) Increase muscle strength using pushups to activate all of your muscles, chest, arms, legs, torso, and back, increase your heart rate, and improve your heart health.   If you are unable to do standard pushups wall pushups work just as well.  Stand in front of a wall. Feet hip distance apart.  Put your hands on the wall at chest level and push.  Do 10 reputations to start and increase your reputations when you gain strength.  This is a great exercise for your upper body, neck and thoracic areas in your back.  Building body strength is essential for remaining physically active throughout life at any age or fitness level.

Gym Workout For Losing Weight

7.) Join a gym for losing weight fast using increased physical activity to burn off fat while toning your entire body. Metabolic training with weights is the best and fastest way to lose weight, tone, sculpt your body.  Building lean muscle mass will burn calories 24 hours per day even when you are finished working out. Gyms in the United States provide programs, equipment, and class all designed to optimize physical fitness. Get a complete physical with your health care provider before starting any new diet or fitness routine to discuss options pertaining to your specific needs.

Typically gyms offer weight training, free weights, Nautilus weight training, yoga, swimming, aerobics, boxing, treadmills, elliptical machines  It is important to become fully trained by a certified trainer to avoid injury. Most gyms offer 2 free training sessions when you join and lose weight fast by engaging in physical activity, building muscle and burning fat. Start losing weight going to the gym 3 or 4 times per week using cardio equipment and weights to tone the entire body.

Lose Weight While Sleeping

8.) Sleep well to lose weight while balancing hormones will rejuvenating the body from the inside out.  According to the National Sleep Foundation exercising on a regular basis makes it easier to fall asleep, we wake up feeling refreshed and alert in our daily activities.  While we sleep our body rests, regulating hormones that are responsible for muscle, tissue repair, and rejuvenation.  Research shows that people that experience insomnia or poor quality sleep over-eat and gain weight.   Getting a good night’s sleep will improve your overall health and help you lose weight fast even while you sleep.

Workout With Friends

9.) Find a buddy. You are more likely to go to the gym and stick to a weekly routine if you exercise with a friend to increase social activities while working out.  Get extra motivation from friends and family who encourage and support your weight loss efforts planning physical activities.  Boost metabolism taking aerobic classes designed to increase the metabolism to burn off fat effectively while toning the entire body.


Losing Weight My Fitness App by Jillian Michales

My Fitness App by Jillian Michales is a comprehensive approach to losing weight using the best information backed by science.  Customize a daily personal workout plan, choosing from over 800 individual interactive exercises.  Choose from one of Jillian’s exercise programs designed to tone your entire body for all physical fitness levels from beginners to advanced levels.

Let Jillian be your coach with Yoga Fit a complete yoga program utilizing both power yoga and traditional yoga techniques. It is the latest addition to the customized programs to build energy, stamina and mental and muscular strength using a sequence of yoga poses. Compare diet plans that offer both fitness and diet plan options for lasting results.

The Yoga Fit approach is to shift the focus throughout several weeks of exercise to tone core abdominals, and upper body to achieve amazing results.  All fitness and diet plans are available on the computer desktop, iso, Android and iPad devices for easy access.

Choose your music matching the tempo and pace of your workout session to elevate your mood and performance.  Maximize calorie burn choosing from unique exercises designed to perfect form building lean muscle and increase endurance with the Fitness app available on desktop, mobile devices or iPad.

Low-Calorie Diet Plans To Choose FromMy Fitness app diet and fitness program is one of the best methods for losing weight using healthy lifestyle choices that get lasting results.   Choose from a verity of meal plans now available tailored to suit specific dietary needs.  Personal chef and registered dieticians have created new and exciting meal plan selection including easy to use step by step instruction, shopping list and complete low-calorie menu to choose from.

Each plan offers delicious recipes designed to optimize nutritional intake with fresh foods that are nutritious and taste delicious.  Jillian Michales 5 day jump start a meal plan was created to help the body detox by eliminating waste from your system in preparation for dieting. Compare diet menus from My Fitness App to find a dieting solution designed to incorporate both fitness and diet strategies into your daily routine perfectly suited to your needs.

Boost your metabolism by removing specific foods from your diet including processed grains sugar and alcoholic beverages. Reduce cravings for foods known to cause weight gain reducing the appetite to optimize your metabolism.  Start losing weight burning off calories safely and effectively with the 5 days jump start meal plan to kick start your program.

Pescatarian Meal Plan

The Jillian Michales pescatarian meal plan makes healthy eating simply delicious eating affordable nutritious foods.  This plan is for individuals who do not consume meat products but still incorporate seafood, eggs and dairy products into their diet plan. It is designed to maximize the nutritional intake of an amino acid complex from clean proteins, and phytonutrients to fully optimize metabolism function to burn off unwanted body fat.

Delicious recipes perfectly balanced using key ingredients to build lean muscle and increase energy levels utilize the right combination of micronutrients the body needs for weight loss management.  Fule your workouts using the pescatarian diet meal plan to maintain muscle and optimize fat burning capacity.

Vegan Meal Plan

The Vegan meal plan for vegans was co-created by Megan Marlow shows you how to burn fat eating delicious nutritious foods.  The plan was created to include key ingredients ensuring you are consuming the correct amount caloric intake each day to boost physical performance and rev up the metabolism for weight loss.

The nutrient-dense recipes ensure you are getting the right amount of protein, iron, and calcium without having to eat animal products.  The dishes are affordable, tasty and effective for losing weight and keep it off for good using fresh organic ingredients.

Omnivore Diet Plan

The Jillian Michales Omnivore diet meal plan is designed to burn fat through eating healthy nutritious foods offers omnivores a complete diet plan suited to maximize weight loss.  Whether you want to shed weight or detox your body with the 5-day jump start meal plan, increase energy levels, build lean muscle to increase metabolism, increase your immunity system this diet has all the right combination of foods known to promote weight loss successfully.

Compare diet plans from Jillian Michales My Fitness App created for individuals who want to lose weight using diet and fitness strategies proven to get lasting results.

FREE BONUS gift the Jillian Michales My Fitness Diet and Fitness App  Jillian takes all the guesswork out of fitness and diet giving you all the tools you need to successfully lose weight with the new app.  Click the link to gain access to the program. Start your 7-Day Free Trial with the Jillian Michaels personalized fitness app. Available on iOS and Android.

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Patricia Lynn

Images by Pixels at Pixbay.com Images Courtesy of Cherylholt at Pixbay

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.