5 Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Herbal Teas

herbal tea

Relax With Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are the basics of all-natural mediums easily absorbed into the body from a liquid infused with herbs and spices that usually do not contain caffeine.  These teas are distinguished by true teas, including oolong, white, black, green.  Herbal teas are prepared from the cured leaves of the tea plant ( Camellia sinensis) as well as decaffeinated tea in which the caffeine has been removed.  These beverages are labeled infusions or tisane a combination of herbal spices used for relaxation, detoxification,  increase energy, weight reduction, relief of insomnia, and wellness.  While they are least concentrated of all the herbal perpetrations many herbs are epically effective when steeped in hot water for ten minutes or longer.

The brewing tea releases herbal energy and volatile oils from the tea leaves infused into tea beverages. Herbal tea providing a flushing action for cleansing and detoxification to take place in the body dissolving toxic waste that is loosened by the herbs.  Like beverages, herbal teas can be served hot or cold and are considered to have milder, subtle effects than capsules containing tea leaves or extracts but they often work in synergistically with both the stronger medicinal forms of teas to boost value.  Always check with your doctor before drinking any herbal tea if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication.

Herbal Tea Health Risks To Avoid

Any tea can be composed with any plant material some of the ingredients can be toxic if consumed and should be checked individually before ingesting for health and safety.  Most teas sold in retail are considered safe however some misdial herbal teas may be considered dangerous if consumed in large amounts.  Comfrey tea which contains alkaloids can cause permeate liver damage with chronic use. The tea lobelia contains the compound alkaloids that have the same effect as nicotine.

Herbal teas can have a different effect on each individual and vary from person to person, this is further compounded by the misidentification of herbal teas.  The deadly foxglove, for example, is much more benign than Comfrey tea and can be just as toxic.  The Uk does not require herbal teas to have any evidence of their efficiency but technically treats them as a food product and considers it safe for consumption.

In addition just like any crop check the source of all herbal ingredients including herbs, herbal teas herbal preparations should be evaluated according to Naithani and Kakkar testing for product safety giving consumers global acceptance of the products being sold.

Some herbs use as herbal treatments suspected of adverse side effects either alone or with drug interactions.  In general, the safety and effectiveness of alternative medicine has not been scientifically proven and more studies need to be conducted.   Beyond the herbs themselves, inappropriate formulation or the lack of understanding of the ingredients or interactions with drugs can lead to adverse effects. Always conduct research and talk to your doctor before preparing and consuming any product, teas, or herbal tea combinations.

Tips Drinking Herbal Teas

An infusion of tea is made from leaves flowers, stems, or powdered herbs.  To make a herbal tea pour one cup of boiling water over one tablespoon of dried herbs or 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs, or four opened capsules of powdered herbs equal to ½ to ¾ teaspoon.  Cover the liquid and let steep for ten to fifteen minutes.  Never boil the tea.  The steeping process allows the natural oils to be released from the tea leaves and herbs resulting in a mild flavor.

A decoction of tea is made from bark and roots and can be made by adding two tablespoons of cut pieces into one cup of cold water.  Bring the liquid to a low boil over a low flame rather than electric heat if possible.  Cover and simmer gently for 20-30 minutes.  Strain for best results.  Mix both the herbal tea bark and root tea for a unique combination.

  • Use a teapot made from glass, ceramic or earthenware.  Do not use aluminum as that may negate the herbal effectiveness as the meat washes into the liquid and enters the body.
  • Use distilled water, purified water, spring water or distilled mineral water to prepare herbal tea and maximize the strength and effectiveness of the tea.
  • Use one packet of small tea ball to 3 cups water for medicinal strength tea
  • Bring mineral water or purified water to a boil.  Remove from heat and pour water over the herbal tea mixture or tea bags and allow to steep for 10 to 15 minutes for leaf and flower tea, 10- 15 minutes for root and bark tea.  Keep the lid of the teapot tightly closed for the volatile oils to release from the herbs into the liquid and avoid evaporation.
  • Medicinal herbal teas should be sipped frequently throughout the day rather than all at once.  Drink one-half to one cup of herbal tea 3- 4 times in a sixteen-hour period will allow proper absorption and assimilation before the tea passes through your digestive system allowing the tea to work.
  • Sun tea can be made in a large glass jar filled with 6 to 8 cups of cold distilled water.  Add 6 to 8  tea bags to the water. Secure a lid on the jar to completely seal the tea.  Place the jar in direct sunlight for hours allowing the jar to sit in the sun.  As the water heats up the oils from the tea will be released into the water.  Sun tea is a cold infusion where herbs or tea bags can be placed in a jar.  Covered with water and allowed to stand in the sun until ready to drink.


Herbal Teas In Capsule Forms High Concentrations

Herbal tea capsules are easy to take and are considered 4 times more concentrated forms and provide a convenient way to take therapeutic herbal tea for medicinal purposes. Capsule and oils make water-soluble herbs available to the body from stomach acid and enzyme activity.

Capsules are viable carriers of measurable amounts of amino acids, Tryptophan, and L-Lysine.  Capsules also work well with providing hormone and gland precursor elements such as progesterone and phytoestrogens.   It is best to take capsules in descending strength for a period of 6 the first day, 5 the second day, 4 the third day, 3 the fourth day, 2 the fifth day, 2 the sixth day for one week.  Most combinations should not be taken more than 6 days in a row to allow the body to regulate and restore Its own balance.

herbal tea

Top Herbal Teas

  • Green tea for weight loss and relaxation
  • Ginger tea for good circulation and improved energy
  • Licorice tea used to reduce body fat, treat upper respiratory symptoms, acid reflux, and indigestion, sore throat, weight loss
  • Echinacea Tea used to treat the common cold, flu, and infections.
  • Chamomile tea helps with sleep to reduce insomnia, calm an upset stomach
  • Rooibos tea cure for nagging headaches, hypertension, premature aging, eczema, bone weakness.
  • Rose Hip Tea high in antioxidants, rich in vitamin C, prevents disease cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.
  • Drinking herbal teas can be a great way to relax while treating yourself to a delicious beverage.  Use teas in smoothies or consume hot or cold depending on your preferences.

Most Popular Herbal Tea Combinations

Some of the most popular herbs for creating tea blends are peppermint, chamomile, Hibiscus, Citrus peel, spearmint, lemon balm, lemon verbena, nettle leaf, red clover, Licorice, rose hips and spices, cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger.  Find premixed ready made herbal tea combinations at your local supermarket or health food store.  Experiment with different blends to find the teas that suit your specific taste.

If you are having trouble sleeping or relaxing try chamomile tea before bed to reduce stress and promote a good night’s sleep. Need more energy during the day try Ginger tea to increase stamina and good circulation?  Detox herbal tea is great for eliminating toxins, impurities, healing your entire digestive system.  Herbal teas can have amazing health benefits if taken properly.  Instead of drinking coffee in the morning try a cup of tea instead.  Take advantage of all the health benefits of herbal tea and low caffeine alternative to coffee for a soothing morning beverage.

Herbal teas for stomach soothers and intestinal discomfort may be a good place to start.  Store shelves are packed with different types of tea using combinations of ingredients that may promote healing from a specific ailment or discomfort.  Finding the right herbal tea may take some research on your behalf to find a product that is satisfactory.  According to Herbalist Walter Kacera, Ph.D. at the Apothecary Clinic at the Garden of London,  intestinal discomfort is soothed with a combination of ingredients including peppermint, ginger, and chamomile, steeped in hot distilled water for 10-15 minutes to release the oils from the leaves and pulp. Sip the tea slowly to relieve any gastrointestinal discomfort. Heavenly Tea assorted tea sampler 9 counts giving you fresh herbal teas to try for yourself.  Look in your local grocery store or health food store for more options.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Dayron, Unsplash, NatashaG at Pixbay.com



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About Patricia Lynn 304 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.