Lite Food Options


Delicious Lite Food Options

Lite food option selections are popular among adults in the U.S in 2024 for those conscious about their weight seeking healthy alternative low calorie foods.  According to the World Obesity Federation report, the number of adults living with obesity will increase from 0.81 billion to 153 billion in 2035.  Obesity is a chronic largely preventable disease for many people who follow a healthy eating plan combined with a regular fitness regimen.  Benefits of eating lite food options are enormous for the body aides in better sleep, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, boost metabolism ultimately reducing the risks associated with obesity. A healthy diet includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins including fish, beef, chicken fish, turkey, whole grains, monounsaturated fats while limiting certain foods and drinks.

Selecting whole grains high in fiber can aid in digestion for weight management reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  Eating a vast array of fresh vegetables is fundamental in any healthy diet plan reducing the risk of developing chronic disease including cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes.  Antioxidants and phytochemicals in vegetables reduce cellular inflammation and help protect the body from disease and free radical damage.  Popular lite food options high in phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory properties.  “A growing body of evidence has shown that various phytochemicals have anti-inflammatory effects on a variety of chronic inflammatory disorders.” PubMed  Resveratrol found in grapes lite juicy gems that make snacking great has antioxidant anti-inflammatory properties with only 110 calories, 0.26 grams of fat, 28.96 grams carbs, 1.15 grams protein per serving. 

Quercetin is found in many fruits and vegetables particularly in citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage tea and red wine.  One medium apple is only 72 calories, 0.23 grams fat, 19.06 grams carbs, 0.36 grams plant proteins often eaten as the perfect lite food option for snacking.  A flavonoid in quercetin are antioxidants scavenging free radicals that can damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA and even cause cell death.  Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables can neutralize free radicals and help protect your cells from damage.  One cup of orange fruit is only 62 calories, 0.16 grams fat, 15.39 grams carbs, 1.23 grams protein, 237 mg potassium, 69 mg vitamin C.  per serving.  Cacao polyphenols found in cacao chocolate have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative properties. 

Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs is 190 calories per 3 tablespoon serving, 0 mg sodium, 8 grams dietary fiber, 0 grams sugar, 4 grams protein. Navitas Cacao Nibs is certified organic, 100 percent unroasted, crushed cocoa beans, packed with nutrition, high in fiber, anti-oxidants, magnesium and healthy fats.  Enjoy their deep unsweetened chocolate and natural crunch in smoothies, yogurt, cereals, trail mix and favorite low calorie baked goods.  Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids which can help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and maintain a strong heart.  Eating 6 grams of dark chocolate daily may reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oxygen levels, nerve function and blood flow in the brain.  Chocolate contains many minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper.  Chocolate contains tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to produce serotonin, a hormone that can boost mood increasing feelings of happiness. 

Save calories with The Complete Food Substitutions Handbook by Jean B Macleod include lite food options, low fat, low sugar, low salt gluten free, lactose free, and vegan.  Whether you are seeking to replace a missing component or seeking a healthier leaner equivalent lite food options there are a wealth of options to serve your creative spirit. 

Diet right eating delicious lite food options helping you loose weight fast.  Eating healthy foods is the best way to enhance total body health and prevent a disease from forming in the body just by dieting right.  They have a synergistic effect on the immune system providing a sense of well-being both emotionally and physically. You are what you eat consuming healthy food options is essential to the source of nutrition for the body used for optimal health.  Adding a variety of vegetables to your diet can promote weight loss suppressing the appetite with foods high in fiber and nutritional value benefits overall well-being. Obesity is a global health problem affecting 35 % of the adult population. Studies suggest 12 percent of American adults meet the standard recommendations for consuming fruit and 9.3 percent meet the standard for eating vegetables. Diet right talk to your doctor about what diet and fitness program is best for you to ensure a coordinated plan between patient and physician.


Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.