Juice Cleanse Reset Your Metabolism


Natural Juice Cleanse

Juice cleanse can eliminate toxins from the body giving the digestive system a rest bringing back your body’s natural alkaline balance.  Juice cleanse is a type of short term diet of consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables blended to perfection designed to benefit the body.  Fasting as a form of  abstinence from food or drink for health, religious, ritualistic, or ethical purposes.  The Abstention may be complete, lengthy of short duration or intermittent at occasional intervals.  Fasting has been promoted and practiced from antiquity worldwide by physicians who used it therapeutically since the 5th century BCE, when Greek Physicians Hippocrates recommended abstinence from food or drink from patients who exhibited symptoms of illness. Some physicians recognized a fasting instinct whereby patients in certain disease states naturally experience loss of appetite.

Some physicians believed that administering drink or food during such states unnecessary and possibly even detrimental since fasting was thought to be an important natural part of the recovery process.  An understanding of physiological effects of fasting began to evolve in the latter part of the 19th century where some of the first organized studies on fasting were carried out on humans.  In the 20th century as more information about nutrition and nutritional requirements of the human body methods of fasting became increasingly sophisticated as a wide variety of approaches emerged.  Fasting was often used as treatment for disease prevention and was carried out in various settings, hospital, clinic or home.  Fasting methods intermittently involved cyclic periods of calorie restriction such as a 24 hour period of fasting using a juice cleanse followed by a 24 hour period of regular consumption of healthy food options. In the 21st century fasting was clearly applicable in some instances of treating disease particularly when accompanied by loss of appetite whether fasting in other instances was proven to be beneficial to human health.

Studies suggest “Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of several biologically active components that contribute to general health and decrease the risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease.  They are the most ubiquitous source of phenolic compounds.  Polyphenols exert a variety of physiological effects in vitro including antioxidative, immunomodulatory, and antimicrobial.” PubMed  Gut microbiota is an important contributor to human health.  A juice cleanse consisting of a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits provide polyphenols fiber, nitrates, oligosaccharides. Beet juice which may induce a prebiotic like effect.  A juice cleanse can act as a reset of your metabolism reducing your craving for unhealthy food, reestablishing preferences for whole food choices. 

Advocates claim that a juice detox can remove toxins from the body aiding in weight loss, improve physical energy levels and strengthen immunity. A juice detox involves consuming only fresh fruits and vegetables for a short duration of time then returning to a normal healthy diet plan.  Fresh juices are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help boost nutritional uptake supporting overall health.  Some people experience weight loss during a juice cleanse in preparation for dieting to reset your body as a kickstart for a healthy lifestyle.  It is important to note that there are potential downsides such as nutrient deficiencies and lack of fiber when restricting a diet.  It is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any detox or cleanse.  A nutritious juice detox hydrates the body with nutritious juice blends customized to your preferences.  Some people experience mental clarity and focus during a short juice cleanse benefiting overall health.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Wirestock Creators at AdobeStock  


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About Patricia Lynn 292 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.