Addictions Take The Edge Off


Addictions Adverse Effects

Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by a compulsive engagement of rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences that may result in adverse effects on the condition. Classic indicators of addiction include impaired control over preoccupation of a substance’s continued uses despite the adverse effects it may cause.  “Over 23 million Americans struggle with at least one type of drug addiction. Out of these very few get treatment for the disorder leaving a lot of people trying to live with substance addiction,” says USA Today. Every year 3.3 fatalities occur each year due to alcohol consumption affecting long-term health complications that may lead to liver or cancer disease. If alcohol and tobacco are included 165 million or 60.2 percent of Americans ages 12 and over have currently abused drugs in 2022 and 11.7 percent of Americans use illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. Addictions can be debilitating to some people causing food, drug, or alcohol dependency if left untreated health complications may arise over time leading to obesity and poor health.

This year INSCR stressed that the opioid crisis remains a global challenge that requires international action in 2022.  Synthetic opioids including fentanyl continue to claim too many lives in the United States that represent a growing global threat.  “Reducing the global drug threat will require sustained political comments from partner governments supported by U.S. assistance to target all links to the supplier to consumer chain. This means curbing the production of illicit drugs, interdicting drug shipments, tackling illicit finance, reducing drug demand everywhere.” says The Department Of State. Among Americans ages 12 and older 39.1 million are current illegal drug users (used in the last 30 days) 139.8 million Americans ages 12 and over drink alcohol and 14.8 million or 10.6 percent of them have an alcohol use disorder. 2 million people or 24.7 percent of those with drug disorders have an opioid disorder this includes prescription pain relievers or “pain killers.” Research indicates 31.9 people use illegal drugs and 8.1 million of 25.4 percent of illegal drug users have a drug disorder says NCDA.

Nearly 92,000 people in the US died from drug involved overdose in 2020 including illicit drugs and prescription opioids. National drug-involved overdose deaths rose from 2019 to 2020 with 90.799 drug overdose deaths reported in 2020. Deaths involving systemic opioids rather than methadone primarily fentanyl continued to rise with 56.516 overdose deaths reported in 2020. Those involved in psychostimulants with abuse potential primarily methamphetamine also continued to increase to 23,837.  National Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids rose from 3,442 in 1999 to 17,029 in 2017.  From 2017 to 2019 the number of deaths declined to 14,139 followed by an increase to 16,416in 2020. The total number of US death overdoses involving psychostimulants with abuse potential from 1999 to 2020 rose from 547 in 1999 to 23,837in 2020. The number of deaths involving psychostimulants has increased steadily since 2014 regardless of opioid involvement. The number of US deaths involving benzodiazepine in 1999 to 2020 has steadily increased from 1,135 to 1999 to 11,537 in 2017.  Between 2017 to 2020 deaths declined and rose again to 12,290. says to CDC WONDER. If you or a loved one is suffering from some sort of addiction it is important to seek medical assistance from a qualified medical professional to ensure treatment is implemented.

Natural Methods For Treating Addictions

Addictions may arise from taking pain medications designed to relieve pain discomfort due to stained injuries of the body. Natural anti-inflammatories are also effective for reducing pain and swelling without debilitating side effects from some medications. People across the globe often find themselves in disarray due to episodes of pain at some point in their lifetime often begin taking prescription medication to manage pain. Alternative therapies to medication using natural methods usually yield good results using a combination of holistic methods including healthy eating, regular exercise to help the body heal from within. Turmeric is paired with ginger has grown in popularity in recent years due to the antiviral, anti-inflammatory, properties used to boost energy and vitality. According to the Arthritis, Foundation turmeric is used to treat inflammation using supplement capsules in the dose typically 400 mg to 600 mg 3 times per day or 0.5 g to 1 g of powdered root up to 3 g per day.  For RA rheumatoid arthritis 500 mg twice per day. Today turmeric is used as a dietary supplement to naturally treat inflammation, skin, gallbladder disease, arthritis, stomach, and liver conditions.

It is cultivated in Southeast Asia, Oceania, and some countries in South Africa then sold across the globe as a spice or used in supplement form.  Although used in Ayurvedic medicine a type of complementary alternative medicine therapies and practices have been integrated into general wellness applications using natural ingredients used to reduce pain.  Addiction in any form related to food addictions or drug addictions may be related to metabolic malfunctions.  Often the best medicine to alleviate addictions to food or drugs may be to adjust the diet to incorporate more nutritious food boosting physical energy naturally combining a healthy diet with regular exercise to help overcome addictions.

Drug abuse and addiction in America cost society close to 200 billion dollars in health care and lost workplace production in 2007 according to the Office of National Drug Control.  Addiction in any form related to food addictions or drug addictions may be related to metabolic malfunctions.   In this article, we will focus on natural solutions for concurring addictions from a nutritional point of view giving you a new perspective on how the diet can promote good health. Studies indicate people who suffer from some form of substance addiction may be likely suffering from one or more metabolic disorders including mineral deficiencies, vitamin B deficiency, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, liver malfunction, and depression.  Serious health complications may result as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia are common ailments among people suffering from addictions. According to Todays Dietitian Substance Abuse and Nutrition by Alyssa Salz, proper nutrition and hydration is the key to substance abuse healing. Addictions can be debilitating to some people causing food, drug, or alcohol dependency. If left untreated health complications may arise over time.

Beat this destructive cycle using simple lifestyle changes designed to help you take back control of your life as addictions are treatable.  Often addictions to food or drugs develop from physical or physiological influence due to an imbalance caused by many factors. Addictions Concurring cravings of all kinds using nutritional support is instrumental in the recovery from addictions eliminating specific foods from the diet that cause addictions to form.  Changing the diet to incorporate whole foods can help repair the body helping to avoid addictions in the future. Processed sugar also causes endorphins to boost mood temporarily providing a chemical high making sugar addictive to some people. Sugar is at the forefront of addictions is legally sold and used in products consumed by Americans every day leading to food and metabolic disorders.

Alleviate addictions with harmonious healing combining holistic methods into your lifestyle using regular exercise to gain flexibility and strength in tired aching muscles. Yoga workouts tone your entire body with a 30-60 minute yoga workout as a low-impact exercise program increasing full range of motion in joints building lean muscles, burning off unwanted body fat.  Studies suggest people who stretch or practice yoga 3 times per week increase metabolism to burn off fat safely and effectively.  Enhance muscular coordination through a series of poses designed to stabilize strengthening each muscle group including arms, core, hips, glutes, legs, and thighs boosting the metabolism.  Sun Salutation is a practice in yoga exercise incorporating a flow sequence of some 12 gracefully linked asanas poses designed to work for each muscle group through a series of poses. Stretching with yoga helps the body relax while rejuvenating muscle groups increasing flexibility enhances physical performance. Enhance a yoga workout by extending the length of time each stretch is held moving from one pose to the next building up endurance can alleviate pain naturally. 

Studies indicate patients suffering from some sort of addiction show an increase in deficiencies due to malnutrition.  People who suffer from some form of substance addiction may be likely suffering from one or more metabolic disorders including mineral deficiencies, vitamin B deficiency, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, liver malfunction, and depression.  Serious health complications may result in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia are common ailments among people suffering from addictions. Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages can be linked to addictive practices due to depression or stress. Studies indicate 80 percent of individuals suffering from substance abuse disorders in 2014 struggled with alcohol use disorder.  Nutritional therapy should focus on healing the body damaged by substance abuse or alcohol abuse and stabilizing mood to reduce stress. Self-care is encouraged as part of the healing process learning new methods of natural stress reduction using diet and exercise improves health.

Embark on a fabulous journey of self improvement discovery with the journaling Journey app Google editors choice 2016-2021. Journaling is used for self expression and may boost productivity through creative writing, documenting beautiful memories, everlasting legacy, major milestones which live on through a lifetime and documenting a personal diary of experiences. Types of Journal Gratitude Journal, Daily Journal, Expressive journal, Dream Journal, Daily Devotional Journal, Diet Journal, Travel Journal, Hobby Journal Journeys mission is to provide the best journaling experience to the world using online technologies available at Google Play Store.  It currently has over 3 million downloads named by Google Play as editors’ choice in the 2019 Best Journaling app. Journaling can be a fun form of goal setting designed to inspire intentional goals in the right direction focusing on positive aspects of what you want to achieve in your life.  Journaling on paper can reduce stress and anxiety while dealing with addictions or personal issues of topic writing creative thoughts of interest may induce feelings of calm. Penzu journal service offers many types of journals people can use to record daily activities or feelings about a particular situation in their personal life experience.

A journal is designed to collect your ideas and a number of observations through creative writing inspire self expression dedicating time to journal. There are numerous types of journals suiting a wide array of interests people can use for different aspects of their life.  A daily journal can be used to record current activities seen as memorable moments from your life tracking each experience with a notation including date and time for future reference.  An expressive journal is a dedicated space to pour out your emotions and feelings through writing often benefiting mental wellbeing using tools to manage stress better. A dream journal sets the intention of fulfilling your vivid imagination writing your dreams on paper helps people visualize a future outcome.  Adding positive digital images to personal journals will enhance your experience in each category making memories along the way. A travel journal helps document all your wild excursions as points of self-discovery through writing. Journaling may provide an outlet of expression when dealing with addictions focusing on positive change heals oneself from within.


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.