Alleviate Addictions Harmonious Healing 


Reduce Addictions Change Lifestyle

Addictions can be debilitating to some people causing food, drug or alcohol dependency. If left untreated health complications may arise over time. The use of illegal drugs remains problematic in all parts of the world estimated 5.4 percent of the global population using illegal drugs in 2018. Addictions of any kind may lead to a destructive cycle. Simple lifestyle changes may alleviate addictions help you take back control of your life.  A national survey in 2014 from the Behavioral Health trends in drug use and health 21.5 million Americans between the ages of 12 years of age and older battle substance use disorder. Often addictions to food or drugs develop from physical or physiological influence due to an imbalance caused by many factors.

The death rate of a drug overdose in 2018 in the United States varied considerably state averaged 17 overdose deaths per 100,000 population.   Overdoses include illicit drugs, but also misused prescription drugs particularly opioid drug abuse which has become a serious problem in recent years. Addiction in America cost society close to 200 billion dollars in health care and lost workplace production in 2007 according to the Office of National Drug Control.  Addiction in any form related to food addictions or drug addictions may be related to metabolic malfunctions.  Often the best medicine to alleviate addictions to food or drugs may be to adjust the diet to incorporate more nutritious food boosting physical energy naturally combining a healthy diet with regular exercise to help overcome addictions.

Addictions Concurring cravings of all kinds using nutritional support is instrumental in the recovery from addictions eliminating specific foods from the diet that cause addictions to form.  Changing the diet to incorporate whole foods can help repair the body helping to avoid addictions in the future. Processed sugar also causes endorphins to boost mood temporarily providing a chemical high making sugar addictive to some people. Sugar is at the forefront of addictions is legally sold and used in products consumed by Americans every day leading to food and metabolic disorders.

Studies indicate patients suffering from some sort of addiction show an increase in deficiencies due to malnutrition.  People who suffer from some form of substance addiction may be likely suffering from one or more metabolic disorders including mineral deficiencies, vitamin B deficiency, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, liver malfunction, and depression.  Serious health complications may result in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia are common ailments among people suffering from addictions.

Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages can be linked to addictive practices due to depression or stress. Studies indicate 80 percent of individuals suffering from substance abuse disorders in 2014 struggled with alcohol use disorder.  Nutritional therapy should focus on healing the body damaged by substance abuse or alcohol abuse and stabilize mood to reduce stress. Self-care is encouraged as part of the healing process learning new methods of natural stress reduction using diet and exercise improves health. With the increase of certain addictive and dangerous drugs, prevention and treatment remain irrefutable. in 2019 there were 16,000 substant abuse facilities in the United States an increase of  13,600 facilities in 2003.


Patricia Lynn




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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.