Aloe Benefits Health Compounds Accelerates Healing  


Aloe Natures Miracle Plant

Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes to soothe skin conditions including common medical ailments. It is a succulent plant species of the genus aloe grown as a perennial evergreen in tropical climates. According to Medical News Today, aloe is a natural product containing 75 active constituents including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids frequently used in the cosmetology industry.  Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for a variety of uses in the health, and beauty industry to heal the skin.   

Applying a stabilized herbal gel on irritated skin area three to five times per day has been shown to reduce inflammation increase healing. Studies indicate aloe vera gel applied topically to affected areas may heal external burns. Clinical trials found Aloe vera gel to be an effective healing herb compared to using petroleum jelly on burns.  More serious burns should be treated by a qualified health care professional. 

The cactus can be successfully grown indoors as a houseplant for decorative purposes also used for nutritional benefits. Aloe is cultivated for medical and agriculture uses in supplements that contain organic plant compounds high in antioxidant and antibacterial properties.  Aloe Vera has been used to treat minor burns on the skin increasing healing. 

Health Benefits Of Aloe

Aloe vera contains enzyme compounds that breakdown fats and sugars to help keep the digestive system running smoothly.  Aloe may help reduce stomach and intestinal discomfort. Aloe juice may be beneficial for individuals who may experience irritable bowel syndrome IBS and other intestinal inflammatory disorders. Aloe is typically safe to consume however research indicates undesirable side effects of unpurified aloe vera juice is the result of the presence of anthraquinone which is a laxative. 

Large Aloe leaves can be purchased in the produce section in most local grocery stores usually available year-round for consumers.  People typically apply aloe to their skin when prepared correctly it is also safe to eat as food. Aloe gel has a mild refreshing taste that can be added to a wide variety of healthy recipes.

Research indicates aloe has moisturizing effects on the treatment of dry skin associated with environmental exposure found a decrease in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Seven Minerals Organic Aloe Vera gel is great for a multitude of uses including the face, hair and sunburn relief on the surface of the skin.

New studies indicate purified, deodorized aloe vera juice is a safer option when compared to colored aloe vera options. As a topical moisturizer aloe vera has an anti-aging effect.  Aloes Mucopolysaccharides long chain sugar molecules range in size determine their healing properties. Amino acids soften hardened skin cells and zinc acts as an astringent to tighten pores on the facial area. 

Aloe harvested fresh from the field preserves the integrity of maintaining a high-quality product that nourishes the skin topically high in essential vitamins and minerals, proteins and enzymes for developing beautiful skin naturally. Aloe plants are hardy long live wild species survived for 100’s of years.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of PollyDot at Pixbay

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.