Amazing Alfalfa Sprouts Health Benefits


Alfalfa Superfood Gains Attention

Alfalfa Medicago sativa also referred to lucerne, a perennial flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae boasting huge health benefits. Sprouting alfalfa seeds is the process of germinating seeds in the immature stage for use as garnishes, salads and side dishes to add more nutritional benefits it provides.  The consumption of plant sprouts has grown in popularity for the daily diet attracting interest in recent advancements in the sprouting industry.  Phytochemicals in selected sprouts including buckwheat, alfalfa. broccoli and red cabbage merit special consideration for further research to evaluate health benefits it provides.  According to the National Library of Medicine Tremendous advances in the production and safety of sprouts over the recent and past numerous reports have appeared in mainstream journals describing their nutritional and medical properties. 

As people become increasingly aware of the importance of the relationship between diets and health attention is shifting as more consumers utilize better methods of food functionality. Alfalfa is a tonic plant rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins that is used to treat many diseases, due to its pharmacological properties such as antioxidant anti-inflammatory activities. Alfalfa has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries often consumed as a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Kitchen Crop VKP 1200 sprout seed sprouter makes sprouting a breeze featuring several 6” diameter trays that grows fresh sprouts in 3 to 5 days.  Enjoy healthy sprouts in your favorite dishes garnishing soups, salads, sandwiches with ease increasing nutrition uptake of your dish.  Hydrophobic water flow method eliminates the need to pre soak seeds leading to higher germination rates and yields. 

Grow multiple seed varieties of sprouts at the same time including broccoli, alfalfa, radish, Mung beans, and salad mix.  Natural Roots microgreens variety seed packs for sprouting are available online carefully selected and measured hand packed in the USA to provide you with the best yield of healthy sprouts.  Sprouting is easy to grow using minimal space and cooking equipment.  All you need to get started is seeds, water, two sterile canning jars with lids or sprouting tray.  Fresh sprouts are an immune boosting superfood packed with nutrition eaten as a potent source of amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and chlorophyll enzymes, that have numerous health benefits.  Chlorophyll equals more energy increasing brain function removing toxins from the body while strengthening the immune system, reducing oxidative stress, a form of free radical damage boosting physical energy.

One way to get more chlorophyll in your diet is to consume fresh alfalfa, broccoli, chlorella,  brussel sprouts, mustard seed sprouts, buckwheat, and superfoods dark leafy greens kale, spinach, collard greens. Oregon’s Wild Harvest Alfalfa organic herbal capsules supplement is naturally nutrient rich, vegetarian, gluten free product taken as a good source of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.  Microgreens have a synergistic effect on the immune system providing a sense of well-being both emotionally and physically by eating a clean diet. Alfalfa has various vitamins such as C, E and K including flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds a large family of naturally occurring phenols abundant in plants high in antioxidants and some minerals in alfalfa such as calcium and phosphorus and some types of phytosterols and other antioxidant compounds. 

Greens are nutritious leafy vegetables high in photochemical compounds proven to have positive effects on the body. Alfalfa is a green superfood abundant in vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll and vitamin K.  It is naturally balanced and consumed since ancient times, used by herbalists worldwide for centuries and consumed as a superfood. 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of dasuwan at AdobeStock    


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.