Amazing Benefits Of Apples


Health Benefits Of Apples

Benefits of apples are amazing as they may lower cholesterol protecting the cardiovascular system from developing heart disease. Apples are considered a delicious snack option packed with nutritional benefits high in nutritional value, and low on the glycemic index thanks to the fiber content. Apples are an edible fruit produced by an apple tree Malus domestica cultivated worldwide bred for various tastes to be used in cooking, cider production, and eating raw. Apples make up half of the world’s fruit tree production.  Over 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States in 2023.  Winter apples are picked in late autumn and then stored just above freezing and have been an important food source for Asia, and Europe for millennia. Apples were introduced to North America by colonists in the 17th century and the first apple orchard on the North American continent was planted in Boston by Reverend Willam Baxton in 1625. Today there are over 7,500 growers producing apples across all 50 States in the U.S. 2023. The health benefit of apples is impressive eaten as a good carbohydrate apples are considered low on the glycemic index and provide 4.4 grams of fiber per serving.

Around 4.9 million tons of apples were commercially produced in the United States in 2023 viewed as one of the most valuable crops in the U.S. The actual origin of apples is not clearly known. The apple tree originated between the Caspian and Black Seas. The benefits of apple is one average-size apple is 90 calories, naturally sweet including 19 g of sugar, 4,4 g of fiber, 195 mg of potassium, and 2 mg of sodium, per serving. Discover more places to find fresh produce packed with fun trip ideas picking your own fruits and flowers browsing locally grown foods at the assortment markets in Mechanicsburg. Start a fun packed weekend at Paulus Farm Market in Mechanicsburg known for its u-pick flowers and pumpkins starting in late June/ early July and lasting through the last frost through September into October to pick a beautiful bouquet at an amazing price. Apple can be made into Mulled apple cider, Cinnamon Apple Pie, apple cider, apple butter, dried apples, apple sauce, and other favorite apple recipes. Enjoy the benefits of apples in your favorite recipes as naturally sweet fruit.

Tour apple orchard festivities in 2023 in your area to go apple picking enjoying the fall season’s abundance of freshly grown produce. To help with the annual harvest many apple orchards are open to the public for visitors to pick their own apples often with autumn entertainment. Cumberland Valley has a strong agricultural heritage with an abundance of orchards and farms that invite you and your family to experience the beauty and bounty of each season. The health benefits of eating apples are a satisfying snack option. There is proof that people enjoyed the benefits of apples for at least 750,000 years eaten by ancient Romans and Greeks. Early settlers brought back apple seeds with them to cultivate crops for growing.  As the United States was settled traders, missionaries and Native Americans transported apple seeds out West. John Chapman also known as Johnny Appleseed an American pioneer nurseryman responsible for the extensive apple tree planting in the MidWest introduced apple trees to parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Ontario, as well as Northern countries of present-day West Virginia.

He became an American legend while still alive due to his kind generous ways in his leadership in conservation and the symbolic importance attributed to apples spreading apple seeds randomly wherever he went. The United States is the second largest apple producer worldwide behind China followed by France, Poland, and Italy. The U.S. grows 200 apple varieties grown from 5,000 plus apple producers who grow an average of 240 million bushels of fresh apples each year. Favorite apple types include Red Delicious, Empire, Pink Lady, Honey Crisp, Mcintosh, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Rome Crisp, Gala, and Cosmic Crisp apple. The benefits of apples is outstanding providing the body with a delicious low calorie snack option that is good for health.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of irina at AdobeStock



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.