Apple Health Benefits Powerful Antioxidants Fight Disease  


Apples The Perfect Snack Food

Apples are packed with nutritional benefits for the body in the sweet edible fruit.  According to the CDC Center Of Disease Control and Prevention apples are a good source of dietary fiber, high vitamin C when consumed with the peel.  Apples are considered a low in calories for snacks eaten cooked or raw  in recipes typically served in many dishes globally. 

Apple trees are cultivated for worldwide production growing 83.1 million tons in 2017 specifically bred for various tastes and uses in cooking, eating raw or for cider production.  As the proverb goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away may be true as apples are a rich source of phytochemicals found in the skin,core and pulp of the apple.

One medium apple with the peel is approximately 90 calories perfectly suited for snacks on the go, consumed diced, sliced or whole.  They can be added to any dish or salad for additional garnish packed with nutritional benefits.

Apple Health Benefits

The peel of the apple contains most of the fiber which helps maintain LDL cholesterol for heart health and most of the vitamin C is beneath the peel. Typically one medium apple is 154 grams for a 5.5 ounce apple, contains 5 grams of fiber, is fat free, saturated fat free, and trans fat free.

Phytochemicals powerful antioxidants  found in apples may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.  One apple with the peel on is cholesterol free and contains 5% of the daily recommendations of vitamin C.

According to Medical News research suggests a diet high in fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of developing chronic disease including some cancers, diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular disease due to phytochemicals including carotenoids, flavonoids, play an important role in fighting disease.

Delicious Sugar Free Baked Apple

Cooking with apples some recipes do not not additional sugar added to the sweetness of the fruit. Satisfy your hunger with a low calorie baked cinnamon apple topped with sugar free vanilla yogurt for snack or desert.  One apple contains approximately 90 calories, 19 grams of natural sugar, high in fiber and vitamin C.  

4 medium apples peel on cored

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon almond oil

¼ cup chopped walnuts optional


1.) Prepare apples  wash and core.

2.) Add ¼ teaspoon of pure almond oil inside each core of the apples

3.) sprinkle cinnamon in each cored apple

4) Top each core with a sprinkle of walnuts or nut of choice

5.) Wrap each apple in parchment paper

6.) Wrap each apple in foil over the parchment paper.

7.) Place the apples standing up in a baking dish core side facing up.

8.) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Bake apples for 45 minutes in a 375 degree oven until cooked through.  Serve baked apples topped with a low fat sugar free yogurt for a delicious treat low in calories packed with nutrition.    

Apples are a great snack food eaten cooked or raw in recipes benefiting good health.  Serve this sugar free Baked Apple recipe topped with walnuts and low fat vanilla yogurt. Simple delicious!

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Patricia Lynn



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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.