Benefits of Dancing Fun Strategies For Improved Health


Dance and Health Strengthen The Entire Body

Benefits of dancing correlate into techniques you can you use to help transform your body from the inside out.  In general, dance is enjoyable for recreational purposes or used in exercises to strengthen the entire body.  It is an enjoyable activity that promotes physical wellbeing for many people worldwide who incorporate dance into their lives. The importance of dance for physical fitness can be enormous for people who want to lose weight and get in shape. Synchronizing music with movement has been demonstrated to be beneficial to both brain and body functions, helping you look and feel your best.

Physical inactivity contributes to many health complications including obesity, heart disease, and some cancers.  Fortunately adding exercise to your daily program through walking once per day or using dance moves to burn off more calories can greatly impact your health in various ways.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of dancing using physical activity is an effective method for preventing or controlling specific diseases.  Physical activity, in general, has a positive effect on elevating depression, stress, anxiety, and sleep.

Dancing can be a way for individuals of all sizes and ages from children to adults to remain physically active.  Increased physical activity has been linked to a spike in physical and mental performance, however, inactivity in some cultures continue to be common for some.  Most forms of dance are considered an aerobic activity proven to strengthen the cardiovascular system, now being used in local gyms as a fitness program.

Zumba is an excellent exercise program developed by Colombian dancer and cyclist Alberto Beto during the 1990’s.  Zumba involves energetic music incorporated with choreographed movements created to promote movement while increasing aerobic capability.  The choreographed routine integrates total body fitness using various dance moves including hip hop, salsa, soca, mambo, samba, lunges, and squats in combination. Approximately 15 million people take Zumba class weekly now offered in 200,000 across locations in 180 countries.

A 2007 study found regular participation in hip-hop dance improved mobility and positive effects on mood and higher coordination.

Zumba classes are typically one hour in length and taught by licensed Zumba instructors who are dedicated to providing an exercise program to people who want to get fit.  In one Zumba class, a person can literally burn off 600 calories depending on the energy put forth during the session. Participate in Zumba 3 times per week and you can burn off 1800 calories in one week.  The increase in aerobic activity can boost your metabolism to work more effectively helping you lose weight.

There are nine different types of dance classes offed by Zumba for different levels of age and exertion.  Because Zumba offers different options advocates of the program claim it is safe for all groups from 0 to 100 can participate in the aerobic activity. Some types of classes are significantly aimed at seniors to help develop strength, improve motion, posture and socialize with others.  Benefits of dance can include building muscular tone, weight loss, and cardiovascular improvements.

Most authorities suggest exercising at least 3-4 times per week to achieve the full benefits of dancing for 20 minutes or longer depending on your fitness level.

Find Zumba classes online for a location near you to obtain more information about programs offered.  Always check with your doctor for a complete physical examination before participating in a fitness program or changing your diet.

Quote- “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching. Love like you will never be hurt. Sing like nobody is listening and live like it is heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey

Benefits of Dance

Elements of dance can be a way for people to engage in physical activity while having fun participating in an organized class environment or dancing to music on there own.  Dancing for benefits offers a wide range of mental and physical improvements including muscular toning, losing body fat, burning calories, strengthening bones while reducing risks associated with osteoporosis.

Increase better coordination and flexibility using dance methods as part of your regular exercise program.  Most forms of dance are considered aerobic activities that can bring about a heightened fitness level and the benefits associated with being physically fit.  Participating in some form of dance on a regular basis may help you lose weight toning your entire body from the inside out.

Studies indicate there are considerable benefits of dance for improves psychological wellbeing as well as improving stamina and agility in the body.  The benefits of dance have been proven to positively impact a person’s mental health.  Like other forms of cardiovascular exercise, dancing seems to elevate mood, boost energy levels, and lower stress levels similar to aerobic exercises. (2.)

According to John Krakauer of Columbia, University Neurologist suggests movement has shown to stimulate the pleasure and reward centers in the brain orbitofrontal cortex located behind the eyes and midbrain region referred to the ventral cortex. Additionally, music activates the cerebellum at the base of the brain responsible for coordination and timing of movement.

Studies have demonstrated integrating music with movement can be particularly pleasing to emotional wellbeing.Dancing improves brain functions on many levels including strengthened neural connections and enhanced memory in all age groups. Benefits of dancing have been proven to increases happiness in individuals who add activity to their routines boosting a sense of wellbeing.

benefits of dancing

Enhanced Health With Benefits of Dancing

  • Stronger bones reduced the risk of osteoporosis
  • Weight management
  • Increased aerobic fitness
  • Positive elevated mood
  • Increased muscular strength and muscle tone
  • Improved endurance
  • Improved condition of lungs and heart

Benefits of dancing have been proven to be extremely helpful in the prevention of obesity and the reduced risks associated with physical decline.It has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression and stress levels while boosting self-esteem awareness.  Studies have indicated dancing on a regular basis can improve sleep patterns, mental cognitive skills and fine motor performance in elderly individuals who participate in low impact dance movements. Dance studies include several a series of dances thought to be beneficial through ballroom dancing, jazz, tango, folk, and a series of choreographed moves promoting muscular flexibility.

In addition to improving symptoms of dementia mental decline related to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease benefits of dancing have been proven to increase cognitive acuity in all ages,   Research indicates not all types of dancing are considered equal.  Dance styles that are designed to make split-second decisions are more effective for developing new neural connections.  Dance styles with the most memorized dance styles are least beneficial. (3.)

Furthermore increasing aerobic activity through dance is a physical exercise of high or low intensity can be performed according to your specific fitness level.  Generally, light to the moderate physical intensity of dance activities is supported by aerobic metabolism that can be achieved for long periods of duration, resulting in weight loss.

Benefits of dancing are enormous for increasing aerobic capabilities during dance exercise reducing the risk of death for a cardiovascular event. Additionally participating in frequent low impact activities can stimulate bone growth preventing osteoporosis in both women and men.  Studies indicate improving circulation efficiency can reduce blood pressure conditioning the heart and lungs to pump blood more effectively, allowing more oxygen to get to organs and muscles resulting in an increase of energy to the body.

Benefits of Dancing Therapy

Studies from the American Dance Therapy Association founded in 1956 conducted a study presenting at the ADTA National Conference in November 1999 Donna Newman Bluestein registered dance therapist has reported success using benefits of dancing as therapy for cardiac stress management for patients.  Classes provided stress reduction strategies as health professionals used dance therapy methods to engage individuals through teaching body awareness.

According to Donna Burstein, dance therapy techniques helped patients deal with self-awareness, the stressful feeling of anger, making them feel more relaxed and at ease.  Dance therapy also helped patients adjust emotionally to the discovery of stressful physical conditions providing enjoyable activities to the patient.

Dance therapists should have dance experience in Liberal Arts background with designated coursework in psychology for there undergraduate degree.  A qualified dance therapist must receive a graduate degree from a school approved by the ADTA or has a masters degree in dance psychology.

The physical benefits of continuous movement through the benefits of dancing include improved range of motion, increased muscular strength, stability, balance and emotional wellbeing   Dance therapy can enhance athletic performance while improving enhanced circulation helping individuals prevent injury through continuous movement.

Findings suggest regardless of dance style it can significantly improve muscular strength, stability, balance, and endurance including other characteristics associated with physical fitness.  Studies indicate the harmful effects of living a sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental indicators suggest the positive effects of regular activity further efforts are needed to encourage people to participate in a regular physical activity in all age groups.  Boost your sluggish metabolism with dance incorporated into your fitness routine burning more calories effectually.

In conclusion, many different culters agree that the benefits of dancing are an enormous positive mind-body connection that is undeniable.  Individuals worldwide use dance for various reasons including recreational use, exercise and physical rehabilitation from injuries.  Furthermore, patients are using dance therapy for emotional support to connect with their inner self-promoting self-confidence through the benefits of dancing.

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Patricia Lynn

Courtesy of Voltamax  AdinaVoicu at

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About Patricia Lynn 304 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.