Best Diets 2017 According to the US News and World Report


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Best Diets according to the US News and World Report.  There are new diets released to the public every day promising weight loss and hot bodies.  Some diet programs fail to give you a sensible plan for weight loss leading to disappointment and disaffection about advice or plans.  Diets too low in calories and nutrients can be dangerous to your health.

Finding the right plan for weight loss success depends on your goals and willingness to make changes in your eating and fitness habits.  Losing excess pounds is easy when you implement strategies used by experts.  Delivering the results you want through a sustainable program.  Eliminating or reducing junk food and replacing it with better choices can dramatically change the course of your metabolism reducing total body fat. Best diets for 2017 plans are available for comparisons helping people find the right diet plan for their specific needs.

Best Diets for Weight Loss and Good Health

Best Diets for 2017 delivers the facts about the hottest trends in weight loss.  Cutting through the clutter and misinformation giving your insight on what really works in the weight loss industry.  What is the best diet plan for you?  Each person is a unique individual that has specific needs and goals.  Find a diet plan that works for you according to your lifestyle. With so many choices people are asking “What is the Best diet?”

Check out the list below on the best diets for weight loss rating from healthiness to claiming weight loss.  US News and reporters and editors spent months going through potential diet programs to rate the newest plans and rule out any misconceptions. Resource’s from medical journals, government reports are used to compile in-depth information on the best diets for weight loss.

Let’s face it you ate horribly over the holidays and put on a few pounds eating delicious meals and tempting treats you would not ordinarily have in your diet.  It is completely normal to put on a few pounds during the holiday festivities.  Getting back on track with a good diet and fitness plan is just what you need to start off the New Year focusing on a new you.

This year tens of millions of people will empty their pantries of junk foods and attempt to start a new diet and fitness program.  Research the best diets to lose weight fast helping you reach short-term or long-term goals.  Your success will depend on the diet you choose, pure determination using the best weight loss program.

US News released on Monday the best diets for 2017 rating the diet Dash (dietary approach) number one weight loss plan.  The Dash diet is a lifelong approach to healthy eating that is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure called hypertension.


The Dash Diet Plan For Weight Loss & Reduce Systolic Blood Pressure

The Dash Diet encourages you to reduce sodium in your diet and eat a verity of foods rich in nutrients that help lower blood pressure like potassium and magnesium. By following the Dash Diet you may be able to lower your blood pressure by a few points however over an extended period of time your systolic blood pressure could drop by 10 – 14 points.  The Popular plan Dash Diet Us News covered as one of the best eating plans available for weight loss.

Following the dietary recommendations will give you a significant difference in health risks.  This diet offers a healthy way of eating that helps prevent cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Fantastic Weight Watcher Diet Lose Weight While Being Satisfied

Weight Watchers is a fantastic diet plan that allows you to eat the foods you love the most while losing weight.  Changing recipes using simple substitutes and portion control for an easy to follow a diet plan.  New low-calorie entrees, drinks, and even desserts can be enjoyed guilt-free.  Weight Watchers is the largest, longest established and most respected weight loss company in the world.   Weight Watchers is one of the best weight loss diet programs available for a lifestyle change.

Teaching individuals how to lose weight while eating healthy foods.  Fully Customizable to fit your specific nutritional goals delivering a holistic approach to weight loss, inspiring you to live a lifestyle of health and happiness. Follow Weight Watchers Online Plus for healthy living, 24/7 online support, guidance, and the online community.

Try new and exciting recipes backed by science-based techniques that go beyond food and fitness. This is a diet plan that can be used your entire life and be enjoyed by the whole family.  Try the Weight Watchers meal plans for extream weight loss or to lose unwanted weight keeping it off for good.

The Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

The Mediterranean diet has been popular for weight loss, brain, and heart health and disease prevention of cancer.  They claim that you will lose weight and keep it off those extra pounds while avoiding a host of diseases.   Studies show that people who live on the border of the Mediterranean Sea live longer and suffer less cardiovascular ailments and cancer compared to Americans. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating primarily plant-based foods, legumes, whole grains, nuts fruits and vegetables.

Replacing butter with healthy oils like canola oil or olive oil and using herbs instead of salt to spice or flavor foods.  The overall success of this plan consists of weight control, active lifestyle, diet low saturated fats, red meat, and sugar, high in fresh fruits, vegetables, other healthful foods.  It is no surprise that this diet is in demand for weight control and its health benefits.

The Mind Diet For Heart & Brain Health

The Mind Diet primarily focuses on heart and brain health by combining two diets the Mediterranean and the Dash Diet.  Preventing Alzheimer’s with brain healthy foods.  Research suggests eating specific foods can dramatically reduce the effect of mental decline with the balance of heart-healthy diets.

The theory emphasizes on eating dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, berries, legumes, poultry, fish and red wine high in polyphenols, resveratrol, a compound found in red wine.  Lose 10 Pounds fast following the diet plan while eliminating specific foods from your diet and replacing it with healthy alternatives considered the best suitable diet.

Polyphenols an epically good for the heart and entire vascular system found in red wine, berries and pill form can protect the lining of blood vessels.  Drinking any alcoholic beverage should be done in moderation and as always check with your doctor before beginning any diet program. The Mediterranean diet US News reports is one of the best diets plans for good health benefit.

If you want polyphenols and flavonoids without the risks associated with drinking alcohol you can eat more berries, blueberries, black radishes, coffee, soy, onions, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruit, nuts, flax seed, spices, tomato and tea to reap the full benefits that include flexible arteries.  This will reduce your risk of heart and brain disease.  Foods that are avoided red meat, butter, margarine, sugar, cheese, fried and fast foods, pastries, treats, and sweets. How to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks?  Results may depend on the diet and fitness program you choose to follow

Recipes can be modified to include healthy ingredients that will promote good overall health.  The Mind diet still needs more long-term definitive studies and comparisons to accurately determine the long-term effects of this diet; however, research shows clear improvement and prevention of mental decline.


Flexitarian Diet Mostly Vegetarian Plant-Based Plan

Flexitarian Diet is mostly vegetarian way to lose weight, prevent disease, be healthier and add years to your life.  Dawn Jackson registered dietitian says we don’t have to completely eliminate meat from our diet to reap the health benefits of vegetarianism.

You can still be a vegetarian most of the time and still eat a steak, burger, fish or chicken when you feel like it.  Studies show that Flexitarians lose 15 percent more weight compared to their carnivorous counterparts and have a lower rate of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and live for 3.5 years longer following the best current diet trends for improved health benefit.

The Flexitarian diet is about adding five new groups of foods to your diet not taking anything away.  These are the new meat including tofu, legumes, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, eggs, fruits, vegetables, sugar, spice, agave nectar, whole grains dairy, cereal, dried herbs, and salad dressing.  A five-week meal plan provides breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks with recipes you can swap from different weeks to meet your preferences.  Will you lose weight?

Studies show that Flexitarians eat fewer calories during the day and weigh less and have a lower body mass index (a measurement of body fat) compared to people who eat meat on a regular basis.  If you emphasize a plant-based mostly vegetarian diet eating lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains in the correct proportions you will lose weight.  Maintaining a good balance of protein found in tofu, beans, nuts, grains, good for a quick weight loss diet plan.

If you emphasize a plant-based mostly vegetarian diet eating lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains in the correct proportions you will lose weight.  Maintaining a good balance of protein found in tofu, beans, nuts, grains, good fats and low carbohydrates will give you the proper nutritional support for your diet.   Experts were impressed with the Flexitarian diet nutritional safety and completeness falling in line with government guidelines and expectations on the best weight loss diet plans.

The Mayo Clinic Diet Lose It Live it Plan

The Mayo Clinic Diet focusing on a complete review of your current diet.  Saving the aspects that are working for you and ditching what is not working on your behalf.  With the Mayo Clinic diet book as a guide, you will work in two parts “Lose it” and “Live it” focusing on 15 key habits.  Lose the habits that sabotage your weight loss and add new habits that will keep on track with the program.  You do not count calories and you can snack on all the fresh fruits and vegetables you want.  After two weeks you learn how to count calories and where they come from for weight loss or maintaining weight.  No food group is off limits you are developing a new pattern of healthy eating you can use for life following best diets for 2017

Review the best diets for 2017 and find a plan that is right for you and your personal lifestyle.  If you need more information visit Weight Loss Diet Plans.  There you will have access to diet, fitness and health topics.  Tour the whole website and be sure to sign up for a free sample of Garcinia natural weight loss supplement while supplies last.

Join the How to lose Belly Fat Facebook group.  Share your personal stories, tips, and healthy recipes.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Devanatha, Kamila, Kezia at

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.

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