Best Juice Cleanse Ideas


Juice Cleanse Benefits

Juice cleans is sometimes referred to as juice therapy typically lasts for 1 to 3 days in the length of time as a short term dietary practice. Fasting is an absence of food or drink or both for health, religious, ritualistic, or ethical purposes. The abstinence may be complete, partial, short duration, or intermittent occurring at regular intervals. Fasting has been used therapeutically since the 5 century BCE when Greek physician Hippocrates recommended abstinence from food or drink from patients who exhibited certain symptoms of illness. Physicians recognized that some patients experienced loss of appetite in certain disease states and believed administering food during times of poor health was unnecessary and possibly detrimental as fasting was thought to be a natural part of the recovery process. An understanding of the physiological effects of fasting began to evolve later in the 19 century when some of the first fasting studies were conducted on animals and human subjects. In the 20th century knowledge about nutrition became more relevant focusing on nutritional requirements for the human body as an all inclusive comprehensive approach.

Methods of fasting became increasingly advanced as a wide variety of dietary approaches emerged often used as treatment as a form of disease prevention. Fasting was typically carried out in various steering at home, clinic, or hospital locations under the guidance of a physician or health practitioner. Depending on the fasting method used, calories were in the form of bread, honey, vegetable broth, fruit juice, and milk to ease digestion. Modified fasting is distinguished from a very low calorie diet of 500 healthy calories per day aimed at greatly reducing body weight. The most common version of the diet involves modified fasting where you can eat 500 calories on fasting days. Alternate day fasting may help promote weight loss and lower your risks if diabetes and heart disease. Intermittent fasting involves cycle periods of calorie restriction including a 24 hour period of fasting followed by a 24 hour period of regular healthy calorie consumption of 1,500 calories each day for women and 2,200 calories for males who want to lose weight. Advocates claim that a juice cleanse can help remove toxins from the body while promoting weight loss with the aim of improving health.

Ultimate Juice cleanse detox fast for the body, eliminating toxins while increasing dietary nutrition is a good way to prepare the body for weight loss before starting any new diet plan. A juice diet is a type of diet that involves consuming juice from fresh fruits and vegetables prepared with a powerful juicer machine that extracts nutritious liquid from produce. There may be reported benefits to juicing however there may be risks associated with juice cleaning. Juices from fresh produce are high in nutritional value when consumed with any healthy diet plan crucial in balanced eating patterns. People believe consuming fresh juices as part of a juice detox for a period of time can help cleanse the body, remove toxins, and restore good health.  A safe juice cleans should only last for a day 24 hour period to prepare the body for a well balanced diet plan that includes lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fat sources. Juicing smoothies is another way to add more nutrition to your diet combining delicious fresh ingredients with ice, milk, and pure water blended to perfection. 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy Of samael334 at AdobeStock


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.