Calcium Benefits Essential For Good Health 


Promote Good Heath With Calcium

Calcium is essential for important processes in the human body, from maintaining weight control.  In the United States, 43% of adults use dietary calcium supplements to ensure intake is the adequate formation of bone to the functioning of the heart to the digestive system.

According to the National Libary of Medicine, inadequate calcium consumption results obvious symptoms ranging in osteoporosis, poor appetite, lethargy, abnormal heart rhythms, obesity as low calcium intake is associated with death.

Increasing calcium intake is necessary for the activity of enzymes, chemical reactions that act as a catalyst in the bodies reactions.  Research on calcium consumption has been promising for encouraging people who want to improve their wellbeing eating nutritious foods.

Scientists have been studying the importance of minerals in the diet and the link between mineral deficiencies associated with chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, obesity, and even cancer.

Effective food sourced shellfish, Plantain, green leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products, tofu, sea vegetables, and molasses. Herbs that contain calcium are Chives, Chamomile, Caraway seed, Dill, Dandelion, Nettle, Parsley, Silverweed, Yellow dock, Horsetail.

Calcium consumption prevents low blood pressure, helps blood clotting, muscle cramping, maintains nervous system health, controls anxiety, depression, and ensure good quality sleep.  Adequate calcium consumption prevents osteoporosis, colon cancer substantially improves the overall health.

Aluminum based anti-acids interfere with calcium absorption.  Cortical-steroids and antibiotic drugs increase the need for more calcium. The best calcium for absorption is calcium citrate on record. (Calcium Citrate is the calcium salt of calcium) and is used in food as a flavor or preservative and is in the class of minerals and electrolytes.

Calcium Tips

  • Snack on calcium rich nuts almonds, brazil nuts, chia seeds
  • Eat dark leafy greens spinach, kayle herbs high in calcium
  • Divide calcium supplements 500mg taken in the morning 500mg taken at night increase absorption
  • Replace meat with tempeh or tofu
  • Consume low fat fortified dairy products yogurt, milk, almond milk high in calcium

Discover How To Get More Calcium

Shocking reasons why you need more minerals in your diet to build bone while preventing disease.  Most people do not need supplements if they have a  nutritious diet however some individuals could benefit from adding supplements to their daily diet.  Balance is key when adding minerals to your diet consuming a verity of foods rich in calcium to benefit the body.

The best way to ensure an adequate supply of minerals with a few exceptions is to eat a varied balanced diet packed with nutrition.

Calcium supplement recommendations to keep your bones strong 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams per day, women under 60 should take 1,200 milligrams per day best to be broken up twice per day 500-600 mg in the morning 500-600 mg in the evening because most people can not absorb more than 500 mg at a time.

Studies suggest calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and need vitamin D for good absorption and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin B-12.  Works with phosphorus to form bone and teeth with magnesium for skeletal strength and cardiovascular health.

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Patricia Lynn

Photo by Niclas Illg on Unsplash 


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.