Cardio Benefits Physical Endurance For Weight Loss Victory! 


Boost Metabolism With Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise referred to as aerobic activity physically performed at low or high-intensity levels. Aerobic exercises are generally low to moderate in intensity activities that can increase the metabolism to burn off fat effectively.  Research from the National Libary Of Medicine indicates regular physical activity can greatly improve health and may reduce the risks associated with chronic disease.

Unfortunately, Americans living in the United States 117 million adults have one or more preventable chronic disease including 80 percent of individuals fail to meet key cardio exercise guidelines.  Half of the adults living in the US lack cardio exercises for building muscle strength for physical endurance.

Physical Activity Guidelines report issued in 2018 issued found the relationship between physical activity and health over a 10 year period provided evidence of greater health cardio benefits inactive people.  Improved flexibility in adults who exercise on a regular basis.

Individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle are deficient in regular physical activities resulted in an estimated 117 billion in annual health care costs leading to 10 percent premature deaths.

Jogging cardio exercise includes improving mental health by reducing stress lowering the incidence of depression reducing resting heart rate known as aerobic conditioning.

Cardio Exercise Tips

  • Cardio Exercise Tips Get a full physical exam before starting any new exercise program
  • Walk once per day for 30-60 minutes burn fat
  • Increase aerobic intensity to boost metabolism as physical fitness increases 
  • Perform cardio exercise at your own pace low or high intensity
  • Get moving to increase physical and mental fitness 
  • Cardio Benefits Total Body Health

Cardio Training Transforms The Body

Elliptical Workout benefits are based on scientific research found a reduced weight gain and lower risk of heart disease in people who walk 30-60 minutes per day.  Regular physical activity promotes better sleep patterns allowing the body to regulate hormones while rejuvenating the body.

Hormones released while sleeping help regulate the appetite helping you stay on track with healthy eating. According to the CDC Center Of Disease Control recommend exercise guidelines for adults to perform a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week.

Aerobic exercise also termed cardio exercise refers to any physical exercise intense enough to enable carbohydrates to turn into energy in the body. Increased health benefits of regular cardio exercise include improving mental health by reducing stress lowering the incidence of depression reducing resting heart rate known as aerobic conditioning.

Walking increases cardio fitness once per day for 30-60 minutes can improve blood circulation efficiency lower blood pressure and increasing the total number of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Cardio exercise enlarges the heart muscle resulting in strengthening to improve pumping efficiency increasing physical energy levels.  High impact cardio activity including walking, jogging, jumping rope stimulates bone growth helping to reduce osteoporosis men and women.  Enormous health benefits, the regular cardio exercise promote physical endurance improves the ability of muscles to use fats while exercising.

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Patricia Lynn 

Images Courtesy of skeez at




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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.