Cardio Exercise Elements Benefit Health


Cardio Exercise Enhance Fitness

Cardio exercises conditioning aerobically where the heart and lungs are trained to pump blood more efficiently. Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances maintaining physical fitness while improving overall health. Cardio exercise has numerous health benefits for the entire body increases metabolism converting food into energy.  Cardiovascular disease comprises coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure often related to poor health in people lacking adequate exercise. Together CVD resulted in 17.9 million deaths 32.1 percent in 2015 up from 21.3 million 25.8 percent in 1990. Underlying mechanisms vary depending on the disease involved in atherosclerosis due to the buildup of plaque of the arterial walls.

Often regular exercise combined with healthy diet choices is effective in reducing heart disease. Recent studies suggest 48 percent of all adults in the United States have some form of cardiovascular disease, a condition that may be caused by high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, lack of exercise, poor dietary choices.  It is estimated that 90 percent of cardiovascular disease is preventable by establishing healthy lifestyle choices.  Aerobic exercise is the most efficient way to burn off calories including walking, cycling, aerobics, elliptical training. Regular cardio exercise routines strengthen your heart while reducing the risks of developing several diseases.

High-intensity interval training HIIT is a form of interval training performed as a cardiovascular strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise combined with less intense exercise increases resting metabolic rate (RMR) ultimately burning off more calories than lower intensity exercises.

Jogging is an excellent method for losing weight while increasing cardiovascular endurance while improving total body fitness.  Some individuals prefer to run while others enjoy the continual pace of jogging.  Apparently, there are clear differences between the two is the pace in which a person exercises at their own personal pace. People who are physically active are 30% less chance of death compared to those who are sedentary or inactive.  According to President Council on Youth Fitness from President Lyndon B Jonson clearly expressed medical evidence proves the positive effects of moderate exercise benefits for healthy heart, mind, lungs, and muscles for those who participate in regular moderate or intense jogging.

Regular physical activity walking 10,000 steps per day promotes better sleep patterns allowing the body to regulate hormones while rejuvenating the mind and body. Recommendations exercise guidelines for Adults.  Get a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise, moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week, or a combination of moderate to intense heart-pumping cardio exercise each week. Walking is considered one of the most popular forms of exercise performed across the globe. Over half of Americans living in the United States 117 million adults have one or more preventable chronic diseases including 80 percent of individuals who fail to meet key cardio exercise guidelines.

Best Cardio Exercise

  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Elliptical
  • Aerobics

Cardio Exercise Enthusiasts

Fitness enthusiasts enjoy the low impact sport easy on the joints increasing strength and flexibility walking 30-60 minutes per day to maximize their workout with intense cardio exercise. People who live a sedentary lifestyle lack regular physical activities that have generated an estimated 117 billion in annual health care costs leading to 10 percent premature deaths. Cardio fitness exercises are described as any physical activity that increases physical activity boosting endurance levels. Physical fitness is a state of wellbeing with the ability to perform occupations, daily activities. or sports.  Specific exercises can benefit aerobic conditioning whereby lungs and heart pump blood throughout the body more efficiently allowing more oxygen to reach organs and muscle groups enhance

Cycling benefits sport enthusiasts hit the trails for social originated fun exercising outside increases physical activity. Americans cycled on a regular basis for transportation or for recreational activities find the sports exertion known as a popular pursuit.  The number of people engaging in cycling in the United States has increased in the past three years from 43 million cyclists to 47.5 million in 2017.  Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally. One person dies every 36 seconds from cardiovascular disease resulting in about 655,000 Americans dying from heart disease each year.  Cycling cardio exercise is beneficial for promoting heart health when performed as a low-impact workout.  Sports enthusiasts who enjoy cycling outdoors find the activity intense enough to increase cardio fitness.

The United States market for bicycles is estimated to be specified around 6 billion US dollars favored indicators of cycling trends. Americans cycled regularly for transportation or for recreational activities finding cycling exercise increases physical endurance. After decades of steady decline in the US. deaths from CVD is still on the rise 840,678 deaths in 2016 up from 836,546 in 2015. Combining regular exercise with sensible eating habits is paramount in preventing CVD improving risk factors through exercise, healthy eating, and avoidance of tobacco smoke, limit alcohol consumption among others. Up to 90 percent of cardiovascular disease may be preventable if established risk factors are avoided. 


Patricia Lynn


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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.