Charitable Giving During The Holiday Season Exceeds Expectations


Charitable giving in the United States, Americans contributed to charities worldwide in 2017 demonstrates a commitment to philanthropy promoting the welfare of others especially through financial donations.

According to the National Center of Charitable Statistics NCCS 1.5 million nonprofit organizations are registered in the United States providing assistance to special causes in the US and abroad. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention CDC, states the prevalence of obesity has affected more than 93.3 million adult Americans it is hard to fathom some children and adults suffer from hunger around the world.  Luckily there are great charitable programs available to help those in need to eradicate poverty and hunger. 

Giving to a charitable organization through financial support can have a lasting effect on special causes helping meet critical needs in nearby communities or in distant locations around the world. 

Charity Navigator is your guide to intelligent given using objective ratings to find charities you can trust and support using compiled data to learn about nonprofit organizations.  Discover how to browse by category related to hot topics in charitable giving in various areas from protecting the environment to famine and drought.

Start researching charities of interest to identify charities important to you.  When contributing be specific about the impact you want your financial donation to make.

Providing financial donations to a charitable organization is a fast and effective method to show support to a cause of interest.  Making informed decisions relating to donating financial support assists in being proactive in your charitable giving.

Browse related charities rated by categories to gather information on donating to a specific charity in times of crises. Giving by individuals totaled an estimated 286.85 billion dollars, increasing to 5.2 percent in the year 2017 indicators of generosity in times of need,    


How To Choose A Charity Making Informed Decisions

Start selecting a charity by first identifying your beliefs and interest to recognize preferences to clarify core values. Volunteering personal time in a charitable organization may be beneficial for researching a charity of interest.

Search GuideStar database for complete detailed information on how to make clear decisions about nonprofit charitable giving in an effort to find charities that meet your criteria.  GuideStar compiles data about charities in the United States, distributing well organized information to the consumer.

Analytics indicates 9 million people accessed GuideStar database last year to make informed decisions about charitable giving through Facebook, AmazonSmile and Network for good major donor advised funds including more than 200 other partner websites and applications used for charitable giving donations.

Charitable Giving Tips

  • Research charities before giving
  • Get involved volunteering in your community
  • Donate to local food pantries
  • Find more ways to donate to your local library, schools, colleges, churches
  • Every dollar counts in charitable giving donations

Charitable Giving Facts

Contributions to charities exceeded expectations indicating Americans are donating to special causes according to personal beliefs and interests. Giving by corporations is estimated to have increased by 8.0 percent in 2017 totaling 20.77 billion an increase of 5.7 percent.

As more resources are available people are choosing to make a difference in the lives of others donating time to a charitable organization or contributing a financial donation in support.  Giving by foundations increased to 6.0 percent to an estimated 66.90 billion dollars in 2017 an increase of 5.7 percent.

While policy changes may have played a role in regular charitable contributions in 2017 new tax policy regulations established in late December 2017 will affect charitable giving in 2018.  (1.)


Heifer International

One of my favorite charities in Heifer International a charitable organization dedicated to providing resources to families in need of food and necessities.  heifer is a global nonprofit organization working to end hunger and poverty through charitable donations support agricultural assistance, training, and activities to assist growing families in need.

Charitable donations help recipients receive a gift of an animal through the program helping families put food on the table and earn an extra income with self reliance and dignity. With Heifer International families can generate a steady income selling eggs, milk on a regular basis.  The income earned from animal products is used to purchase food, clothes, medicine, and school boosting economic growth within their communities.

Recipients who receive a gift of an animal pass on charitable giving of one of the first female offspring to another family in need. The promises to pass on a gift within the community ensures the generosity will continue from one family to the next providing assistance to those in need of food, shelter, and medicine.

Goats make great gifts for any time of year providing 2-3 quarts of nutritious milk daily to a struggling family in need.  Heifer International has distributed livestock to families including training for sustainable living through agricultural providing self-sufficiency.

Through the generosity of charitable donations, Heifer has donated livestock including, chickens, goats, water buffalo, bees along with instruction and resources for successful training to 105.1 million people in 125 countries worldwide.  Give the gift of charitable giving making a lasting difference in families in need to end hunger and poverty this holiday season passing on a gift of generosity.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Sasint at Pixbay




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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.


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