Chocolate Simply Delicious Benefits Health 


Chocolate Health Benefits

Chocolate is beneficial to good health as a powerful source of antioxidants that may improve blood flow reducing blood pressure. Estimates suggest one billion people consume chocolate each year as an indulgent confection and for the health benefits of flavanols.  Consumers who continue to indulge in chocolate concerned with eating too many calories from sugary foods look for alternative low-calorie treats. Packaged chocolate is an affordable luxury that creates many opportunities in the industry. perpetual dieters found sugar-free chocolate options satisfying treat alternatives. 

Chocolate contains a large number of flavonoids, a diverse group of phytonutrients plant chemicals act as powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties promote immune function. Flavonoids in dark chocolate have been shown to promote the production of nitric oxide in the endothelium in the inner lining of blood vessels that relaxes blood vessels, improves blood flow resulting in lowering blood pressure.  Traditionally health benefits of cocoa have been associated with a high content of antioxidants Theobromine in cocoa beans is a safer alternative compared to caffeine as a vasodilator that opens blood vessels lowering blood pressure may even help reduce high cholesterol.

Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals that have antioxidant capabilities.  It is a naturally occurring plant metabolite thought to provide health benefits with powerful antioxidants found to promote several health benefits for promoting healthy blood vessel function.  Adding this delicious chocolate sugar free treat to a clean diet can optimize physical performance. Indulge in chocolate cravings anytime eating 2 ounces of special sugar free snack-size chocolate bars are available with a slightly sweetened taste without the sugar. Individually wrapped bars are perfect for the office stash, lunch boxes, or on the go eaten as healthy treats you can enjoy. Each 5 piece serving is 170 calories or 34 calories per snack bar. 

Cocoa nibs are a very nutritious chocolate product made from crushed cocoa beans natures dark chocolate chips.  Delicious cacao nibs are 100% gently crushed cocoa beans, an excellent source of antioxidants, fiber, minerals including iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, flavanols dense in nutritional value. Typically sourced from the native Peru Navitas Organics Cacao Nibs are the Criollo nutrient-dense variety non-hybridized beans that make up 5% of the world’s cocoa trees.  It is delicious in granola, trail mix, cereals, yogurt, or eaten raw as a nutritional supplement to fortify your diet. 

Dark cocoa products are rich in polyphenols including flavonoids compounds that protect your heart influence antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities accounting for health-promoting effects on the body. Consuming chocolate in moderation can be beneficial, reducing risks to heart disease and improving brain function. Raw unsweetened cacao nibs are known to be highly effective mood enhancers and energy boosters as dark chocolate relieves stress making you feel relaxed. Dark chocolate contains numerous substances that induce the production of endorphins, a group of hormones that have positive physiological effects on the brain creating feelings of pleasure mood regulation. 

Chocolate health benefits are enormous often used to flavor foods while positively boosting mood. Good quality dark chocolate with high cocoa content provides nutritional value if consumed in moderation.  Research suggests eating a 1.6-ounce piece of dark chocolate each day can boost memory and provide the body with essential antioxidants the body can use to fight disease and improve circulation. Research on cocoa chocolate indicates the content of cocoa is primarily responsible for its favorable impact on the vascular system blood vessel health and the regulation of nitric oxide production.


Patricia Lynn 

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash 

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.