Clean Diet Simplified For Optimal Energy Increases Performance  


Benefits of The Clean Diet Eating Plan

The Clean diet plan is pack full of nutritious foods the body can utilize for gaining more physical and mental endurance.  Nutritious foods packed with essential vitamins and minerals are optimal for creating energy within the body, helping you look and feel your best.  Consuming clean foods have been proven to promote weight loss and help to reduce certain conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and obesity.

Unhealthy eating habits in the United States have contributed to the obesity epidemic among one-third of US Adults at 33.8 percent of adults are obese and approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents are considered obese indicating poor eating habits. (1.)

Combining omega3 fatty acids impacted total body health with the clean diet plan helping you lose weight on a balanced diet.

Studies suggest making small lifestyle changes eating a clean diet can essentially help reduce body weight by transforming your body in just a few weeks. Eating the right diet plan with daily physical activity can the results you want losing one pound at a time.  It is a balanced diet that focuses on organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Consumed in the right portation throughout the day, clean eating can help eliminate hunger cravings keeping you satisfied longer.  Typically diet plans rage from 1200 to 1800 healthy calories consumed each day for sustained energy benefits of weight loss.

The clean diet simplified is the combination of exercise and healthy eating diet plan designed to eliminate or reduce processed foods, perspectives and artificial sweeteners from your diet.  This dietary approach encourages new lifestyle changes to incorporate whole foods, organic fruits, and vegetables with lean proteins removing trans fats and foods that have been chemically altered.


Benefits of a Clean Diet

Eating a clean diet is vital for the health of the body for the prevention of some diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.  Developing new lifestyle habits on a daily bases can literally change your physical and mental wellbeing.  Improve heart and brain function by constantly eating plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables that are packed with nutritional benefits.

Improve weight loss by consuming lean proteins combined with healthy fats.  Supplying the body with lean protein from reliable sources throughout the day can help build strong muscles improving your energy and endurance.  Proteins are the building blocks of bone, skin, hair, muscles, and cartilage.

Healthy benefits of eating protein from fish, meat, poultry, nuts, seeds, and eggs supply nutritional value to your diet.  Lean proteins provide essential vitamins and minerals including Vitamins E, iron, zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins B6, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin.  There are amazing benefits for getting more vitamin B’s in your diet from food or supplemental sources for building the immune system and the process of breaking down food into energy.

According to the best diets, US News World Report Compare popular diet plans.  There are new diets released to the public every day promising weight loss, however, most diets fail to give consumers a sensible plan for weight loss leaving people disappointed and discouraged.  It is important to talk to your doctor about what diet plan is best for you during a complete physical exam to determine your diet needs and fitness level.

While losing weight your body loses both fat and muscle.  During this process, it is important to eat enough lean protein throughout the day helping the body convert food into fuel helping to preserve muscle mass. Enhance weight loss goals eating adequate lean proteins boosting your metabolism. Studies suggest eating enough protein during the day may have a beneficial impact on body fat percentage.  Without enough protein, the body may become deficient in essential amino acids causing district symptoms of tissue and muscle loss.


Counting Calories For Clean Diet

According to studies consuming lean protein intake of 30% may be optimal for losing weight.  For those on a sensible diet consuming 2,000 calories per day, it is recommended to eat 150 grams of lean protein throughout the day.  Calculating calories can be done using a calorie calculator online or using fitness apps available on your android phone.

Calories are your worst enemy find ways to defeat it with  First, determine your weight loss goals then find ways to reduce total calorie intake by eliminating certain foods from the diet including sugar, sweeteners, alcohol, soda, white flour, white pasta, processed foods, MSG and fried foods. Research shows one pound 4.5kg is equal to consuming 3500 calories of food and reducing daily caloric intake each day can help result in weight loss.

Clean Diet Plan

Consuming a clean diet consists of using whole foods when possible including fresh fruits and vegetables packed with sustaining vitamins and minerals. Highly nutritional theses foods are alkalizing to the body resulting in positive effects on Ph levels in the blood and urine.

Benefits of eating an alkalizing diet are enormous for promoting better heart health, stronger bones, reducing inflammation to reducing pain naturally, and the reversal of nutrient deficiencies.  Eat fresh organically grown produce whenever possible free of pesticides helping you speed up the calorie burning process.  Typically they convert into sugar elevating your energy level naturally.

Dark greens are a rich source of minerals all vital to your bodies health helping to protect the immune system from bacteria and viruses.  According to dietary guidelines for 2015-2020 key recommendations include healthy lifestyle choices of eating patterns that support all stages of a person lifespan to help promote overall health and prevent disease.  Consume between 5-13 servings of organic fruits and vegetables per day.

Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are loaded with vitamin K providing the body with a number of health benefits protecting bones from osteoporosis and helping to reduce inflammation that may result in some diseases.  Consuming foods high in antioxidants has tremendous benefits resulting in good heart health and may lower your risk of cancer and infections.  Increase your intake of foods high in antioxidants by consuming the correct portation of blueberries, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits and a verity of vegetables.

Nutritional benefits of kale is high in antioxidants, lutein and a good source of zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help protect hair, eyes, and skin.  Eating kale on a regular basis is a good source of calcium for building strong bones.   Kale is low in calories high in fiber and has zero fat.  Adding it to your clean diet plan is a good way aide in digestion and get more vitamins naturally including folate, magnesium, and calcium.

Drinking pure water is vital for every function in the body second to oxygen and is essential for weight loss success.  Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body helping every cell perform important functions.  Proper hydration can help flush out fats, toxins while regulating body temperature

It acts as a shock absorber to help lubricate bones, muscles, and joints. Drinking enough water aids in the reduction of sodium in the body while regulating hormones to stabilize. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day to help maintain hydration internally.

Transform your body and your health on the clean diet plan.

Diet Plans

Check Out Weight Loss Diet Plans for detailed information you can use for finding the perfect diet for you.  Tour the whole website and be sure to sign up for a free gift of Garcinia weight loss supplement while supplies last.

The 3-week diet plan is also available for those who want to lose weight in just 3 weeks time.  It is a full proof science-based diet designed to melt away several pounds of stubborn body fat in just 21 days.

FREE Complimentary Bonus gift of Diet Weight Loss Tips where you can gain access to detailed strategies for losing weight.  Discover the secrets fitness experts use to totally transform your body with exercises you can perform at home or at the gym.

Get access diet information you can implement in your daily routine creating simple lifestyle changes that can make a huge impact on managing your weight. Click Here to receive your FREE information on how to start losing weight using proven methods that maximize results.

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Patricia Lynn

Book Club

The Clean 20 by Ian K. Smith 20 foods in 20 Days Toal Transformation

The Clean Eating Cookbook and Diet 100 Whole food Recipes and meal plans by Rockridge Press

Eating Clean by Kor Marton Clean eating made simple for beginners


Photo by Gianna Trewavas on UnsplashPhoto by Katerina Pavlickova on Unsplash

Images Courtesy of Silviarita at

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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.

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