Coffee Prevents Death Possible Health Benefits Improve Longevity Wellness


Evidence Supports Drinking Coffee For Improved Health

Coffee was introduced approximately in the 15 century cultivated in the country of origin Yemen as a drink enjoyed by many.  Coffee is a brewed liquid carefully prepared from dry roasted coffee beans which are berries from the coffea plant.  Coffea is a genus of flowering plants whose seeds are referred to coffee beans are used to make several products and beverages used worldwide today.

According to the National Institute of Health diet and health study analyzed the correlation between drinking coffee and mortality.  Studies show consuming drinking 2-3 cups of morning Joe once per day actually boost health benefits for weight loss control, as well as preventing heart disease or diabetes due to its diverse biological compounds. (1.)

Research from the New England Journal of Medicine found that consuming coffee appeared to decrease the risk of death compared to women and men who didn’t drink coffee.  Individuals who drank 3 or 4 cups of coffee per day reduced their risk of death by 10 percent.

In 2014 the genome published including more than 25,000 geans identified.  This evidence revealed that coffea plants make caffeine using a different set of geans then those found in coco or tea.

The tree of coffee will begin growing fruits after 3 to 5 years of growing seasons and will continue to produce between 50 to 60 years possibly up to 100 years in optimal conditions.  Coffee is ranked as the worlds most valuable and wildly traded community crops worldwide and is considered an important export product for surrounding countries including Africa, Asia, Central and South America.

Several species of Coffea are grown for the seeds with coffee arabica accounting for 70-80 percent of the worlds coffee production while coffee canephora accounts for 20 percent production.

In 2008 new species were discovered Cameroon coffee charrieriana which is caffeine-free coffee.  Crossing new species with other well-known coffees two new features may be introduced to cultivated coffee plants without self-pollination or caffeine.

Baba’s beans resulted in new competitive European coffee trade as new plants reached the new world in the early 18th century although the beverage was not popular in America until the Boston Tea party in 1773 when making the switch from making tea to preparing this beverage a patriotic duty.  Since then Americans have learned how to enjoy this brewed beverage including health and nutritional benefits.

Coffea plant has 1,000 complex compounds profile a derivative from the coffee bean including caffeine and another 300 created during the roasting process.  Researchers have now linked drinking coffee to on a regular basis to improved health increasing antioxidant levels leading to longevity.

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Nutritional Benefits of Coffee

Believe it or not coffee has nutritional values for promoting good health and preventing disease.  Typically one cup of coffee 8 0unces 237 g brewed from grounds prepared from tap water contains 40 mg of caffeine per 100 gram and some essential nutrients including 116 mg potassium, 1% magnesium, polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidants.

It is estimated that 10-12 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide each year.  This delicious brew can be enjoyed as a special pleasure of satisfaction especially for those who want to reap the health benefits of improving athletic performance, losing weight and fighting disease.

Researchers suggest drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of liver disease cirrhosis by a whopping 65%.  Studies from the Journal of Hepatology 2014 indicate consuming decaf coffee lowers liver enzyme levels suggesting health benefits are not linked to caffeine content.

There are more than 100 compounds in coffee and tea which are contained in variable amounts resulting in positive biological effects on the liver.  Polyphenols are a rich source of dietary antioxidants mainly found in seeds fruit skins abundant in our diet helping fight disease through good nutrition.

Over the past 10 years, food manufacturers and researchers have become more interested in the benefits of polyphenols and their probable role the prevention of specific health conditions associated with oxidative stress including, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease showing probable health benefits for those who drink coffee according to Harvard Health studies.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition polyphenols contain active substances found in medicinal plants aiding in the regulation of a wide range enzymes and cell receptors in the body.

There are beneficial biological effects of caffeine related to oxidative stress known to protect users from type 2 diabetes mellitus and complications and other chronic disorders associated with oxidative stress to tissues and blood. (1.)

Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites thought to provide important health benefits through antioxidant effects and cell signaling pathways.  These beneficial molecules are found in a verity of vegetables, fruits, tea, and coffee.

In past years we have been told coffee is bad for our health due to elevated levels of caffeine.  New studies show how to harness the power of drinking a daily cup of joe to enhance mental clarity, fight diseases Parkinson’s, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.  Coffee consumption appears to lower the risk of nonalcoholic and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.

Caffeine in small doses can relieve tension headaches and one study found the combination of pain reliever ibuprofen and caffeine was more effective for treating tension headaches compared to a placebo or ibuprofen alone.


Antioxidants in Coffee Fight Free Radical Damage

Antioxidants protect us from free radical attacks a precursor to the development of serious health complications such as cancer, heart disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Candidiasis which are a result in a lowered amount of antioxidants in the body.  Boosting natural antioxidants act like scavengers to neutralize their damage rendering them harmless allowing the body to repair itself naturally.

Free radical damage is linked to several degenerative diseases and is highly active compounds found in molecules that react with oxygen. They are part of the normal metabolic breakdown but are increasingly present in air pollutants, tobacco smoke, and rancid food.  Free radicals are constantly present are considered harmful to the bodies cells. (3.)

Exposure to free radical damage assaults and oxidation over the years can result in cellular decay leading to an immune deficiency.  Particularly vulnerable cells of the nervous system can result in Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Many studies found that people who drank 3-5 cups of joe per day for a long period of time reduced the risk of developing dementia or Alzheimers or other serious diseases due to the antioxidants properties in coffee.  Caffeine can improve brain function by reducing inflammation in the brain.

Fight Weight Gain and Type 2 Diabetes Drinking coffee

Fight type 2 diabetes a long-term metabolic disorder associated with insulin resistance or elevated high blood sugar levels.  Type 2 diabetes usually is a result of obesity and lack of exercise while some individuals are genetically at risk.  Rates of Type 2 diabetes have increased since 1960 in parallel with obesity resulting in approximately 360 million people diagnosed with the disease in 2015 in comparison to 30 million in 2018.

Type 2 diabetes is preventable by maintaining a normal weight exercising on a daily basis, eating a healthy diet and drinking coffee.  A four-year study by the Harvard School of Health determined that people who change coffee consumption drinking 1-3 cups of coffees per day appear to affect the diabetes risk in a relatively short period of time. (2)

The study also found individuals who decreased the amount of coffee consumption by one cup per day increased their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 11 percent.

Coffee Drinkers Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Coffee consumption is no longer thought to be a hazardous risk factor for coronary heart disease.  The Ikaria study of Vascular Medicine 2014 analysis concluded that serious cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or artery disease are less likely when individuals drink 3-5 cups of decaffeinated coffee per day but more likely with higher amounts of coffee consuming over 5 cups per day.  Balance is a key factor when consuming any food or beverage.

According to the Mayo Clinic drinking coffee definitely has great health benefits for preventing Type 2 diabetes, liver disease, liver cancer while improving mental alertness, relieving depression and preventing cardiovascular mortality.  Some studies indicate coffee consumption decrease overall mortality rate however that may not be true for the younger generation who are consuming high amounts of caffeine.

Lifestyle habits including poor dietary choices may contribute to cardiovascular complications.  In addition, those who add heavy cream, sugar, and sweeteners can expect to add 600 extra calories to their favorite cup of joe.  Calories add up quickly in beverages leading to obesity possibility health complications result.

According to the American Heart Association drinking moderate amounts of coffee may be linked to reduced risk of death.

Drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day does not increase your risk of hypertension a medical condition in the arteries in which blood pressure is slightly elevated compared to individuals who drink little or no coffee at all.  Talk to your doctor or cardiovascular professional about drinking coffee to find out what is best for your particular needs.

Guilt-Free Low-Calorie Coffee

Brewed coffee has 1 calorie when consumed black without adding sugar or cream.  Most individuals don’t realize that adding additional heavy cream or sugar can add up to a whopping 600 extra calories or more per cup.  If you are trying to lose weight or on a diet try cutting back on sugar and sweeteners by using substitutes such as low-calorie sweeteners, low-calorie creamers or non-dairy milk, soy, flax coconut will help you lose weight.

Check out the alternative substitutes below for creating custom blends of coffee flavors that are delicious and low calorie, using spices or extracts for unique flavorings you will enjoy. Collect all Pinterest healthy coffee drink recipes.

  • Cofee with soy milk as a creamer
  • Coffee with coconut milk as a creamer
  • coffee with a pinch of cinnamon
  • coffee with a few drops of  vanilla extract  with a splash of soy milk if desired
  • Use extracts to create custom flavors peppermint, cocoa, vanilla, hazelnut, walnut, coconut Add a few drops of the desired extract to one cup of coffee
  • Use spices to create new flavors pumpkin spice, cinnamon, clove.  Add just a pinch desired spice to one cup of coffee
  • Cut back on sugar or drink black coffee to save on calories
  • Mocha Cofee Add 1 tablespoon of dark plain cocoa powder to one cup of brewed coffee
  • Lose weight eliminate heavy cream and sugar additives save 600 calories
  • Use low-calorie sweeteners if desired.  Here are some top brands of low-calorie sweeteners, Splenda, Wholesome Sweetener, Swerve, Truvia,
  • Carnation Creamer sugar-free 30 calories per serving and is available in several flavors including holiday blends sold seasonally.

The National Coffee Association Stationed in New York City report studies indicate drinking coffee daily can boost immunity in the body while preventing live disease, reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes, improved memory cognitive function and enhance athletic performance.  Reap full health benefits drinking 3-5 cups per day with little or no sugar or cream. Enjoy!

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Patricia Lynn

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Book Club

The Coffee Lovers Diet Change Your Coffee Change Your Life by Bob Arnot
Is Coffee Good For You by Van Der Meer and Mr. Jeen Disciver the powerful benefits of coffee
The Coffee Lovers Diet For The Creative Mind- The Ultimate Guide to Coffee by Edwin Oscar Lee

Books are available online at Amazon in print or Kindle.

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.