Detox Diet Cleanse Rebuilding Body From The Inside Out 


Rejuvenate Your Body Detox Diet Cleanse

Detox diet plan refers to the process of detoxification process within the body to rid toxins fats and impurities from the inside out.  Environmental exposure to hidden chemicals found in many products including poor dietary choices has contributed to a prime factor in today’s civilization. Deliberately changing the diet to remove unwanted toxins from the body known as alternative medicine treatment aimed to eliminate accumulated substances that may have short or long-term effects on health.

Overload of toxins on the body has resulted in stressors on the body comprising the immune system that may contribute to serious debilitating disease.  Lowered immunity can result in frequent colds or susceptibility to contracting a serious illness if left untreated.  Stress has been shown to affect the digestive system sometimes causing ulcers or other digestive conditions. Lowered immunity in today’s society has become far too prevalent leading to conditions such as chronic fatigue, cancer, lupus, and Candida.

Causes of toxin overload accumulation can be attributed to environmental factors including prescription drugs, recreational drugs related to drug abuse, alcohol, smoke inhalation and pollutants in our food that may cause addictions and allergies.  Overloading the body with too much caffeine, poor dietary choices or processed foods are becoming more common among those living in today’s culture leading to nutritional deficiencies. (1.)

The stress response in the body may cause an increase in adrenalin a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands resulting in an increasing strain on the circulatory system.  Due to an increase in heart rate, the immune system can be affected and may elevate blood pressure.   Luckily natural methods are available to those who want to reduce stress and change their lifestyle habits resulting in better overall health. A sugar detox can deferentially improve your waistline eliminating junk food from the diet

In the past years, a detoxification diet was used in clinical settings for recovering from addictions.  Today more and more people are seeking alternative medicine as a natural approach to healing.  Alternative medician has grown in popularity in many countries worldwide and is used by a signifiest portation of the population.  Activities commonly associated with the detoxification process used at the beginning of a diet or fasting to rid the body of impurities can be accomplished by avoiding specific foods.


How Often Do You Detox?

Detoxing too long or too often can leave you depleted of valuable nutrients along with toxins leaving you in a weakened state of depletion. For that reason, you should not restrict your diet too often throughout the year.  It is important to check with your doctor before changing your diet or fitness program to discuss your options.  Optimally the body should be detoxified through a cleansing process 2-3 times per year particularly in the spring, summer and fall months to reap the full benefits of a detox diet plan.

Studies from scientists doctors and nutritionists generally view detox diets harmless unless a person is deprived of nutrients.  Detox drinks can be beneficial to cleans and rid the body of toxins if you are experiencing symptoms of low immunity, digestive disorders, weakness, bloating, nausea or issues with the skin.

The best thing about detoxing periodically throughout the year is to rid the body of impurities that have accumulated in stored excess wast.  Detoxing in early spring summer and fall allows the body to get more exposure to the sun naturally increasing the absorption of Vitamin D necessary for the formation and health of teeth and bones.

Detox Tips

  • See your doctor before  changing your diet or fitness routine
  • Gather all ingredients for detox fast including juices, supplements, filtered water, mineral water, blender if needed
  • Schedule meals time for a detox
  • Plan ahead for a detox, spring, summer, fall
  • Bodywork suggestions- walk once a day 30 -60 minutes absorbing natural sunlight.
  • Take a long warm bath or shower and use a dry brush to gently release toxins through the skin
  • Only detox for a short period of time to prevent nutritional deprivation

Cleansing The Body of Toxins

The conventional medical view is that the body has natural mechanisms to rid itself of toxins and a healthy diet is usually best for good health.  Supporting evidence suggests a brief fast for a single day is unlikely to cause harm however prolonged fasting as recommended by some detox diets may cause dangerous health consequences or can even be fatal if abused.

As the saying goes “you are what you eat” indicating the importance of consuming a well-balanced diet for best health benefits.  Using an elimination detox diet plan can boost digestive elimination.  A well-planned detox can bring about great benefits to the body by trapped toxins in the digestive tract and cellular wastes.  The first steps to detoxing is to clean the body from toxins from the inside out with a short fasting method designed to eliminate waste byproducts.

Almost all disease formed in the body both physiological and physical may be established due to the total accumulation or saturation of toxins in the tissues resulting in lethargy a feeling of weakness.  Vitality is the state of being strong and active might be thrown out the window if your body is off balance if your defense mechanisms are disrupted in some manner.  Added supplements create additional protection for the body probiotics reduce inflammation promote optimal health boosting the immune system.

A short fast of elimination the consumption of solid food from the body for a day or two may have beneficial effects.  Longer fasts may disrupt equilibrium a state of physical wellbeing and calm state of mind.  A brief fast without solid food may be instrumental in bringing about change in lifestyle habits need to improve your health.  As you progress through the elimination process of detoxing your personal awareness about the physical and mental aspects will become more aware.

Cravings for protein you may be experiencing could be an indication of a mineral or vitamin B deficiency alerting the body to nutritional needs.  A short fast increases energy levels in the body as waste and toxins are eliminated allowing improved digestive assimilation or the uptake of vital nutrients people need for good health. (2.)

Fasting For Detox Elimination

Fasting works with the digestion process food through the mechanical and enzymes breakdown of large insoluble food matter into small molecules the body can access in the digestive tract.  Refraining from consuming specific foods or drinks for a short period of time allowing the bodies metabolic state achieve complete digestion of a meal.  During a cleans the body will decompose and burn off tissues and material within the digestive tract and damaged tissues.

Studies indicate a short fast may be beneficial to accelerate the elimination of toxins from the skin, kidneys, liver, and lungs allowing the body rejuvenate, resulting in drastic changes in the body as waste is carried out from the body.  Although fasting for a 24 hour period may be effective for weight loss in healthy adults and obese individuals to maintain lean muscle mass if done periodically 3 times per year.

Live foods in the form of juice or organic fruits and vegetables are actually beneficial to the body for picking up dead matter from the digestive tract for elimination.  The benefits of consuming raw foods in the natural uncooked form can have a huge impact on total body health providing more energy and vitality. Fiber has also shown promise for overall health benefits promoting the risk of obesity.

During a brief detox, you may experience symptoms of body odor, fatigue, headaches, bad breath, mouth sores or diarrhea associated with the elimination process. Normal digestion usually resumes after a fast and improved gland and nerve functions.  A detox diet can help facilitate the function of hormones secretions in the body providing an optimal environment preventing the disease from forming. In a few weeks after your fast, your body should begin to balance as natural energy levels increase helping you feel more physically and mentally calm.


24 Hour Juice Detox

A brief 24-hour juice detox is often enough to begin a fast providing initial elimination of toxins from the body.  In preparation, you may need to purchase an inexpensive blender or Vita-Mix to break down and blend raw fruits and vegetables into a liquid drink.  Gather all ingredients for your fast ahead of time to make the process easier and set aside specific scheduled times for consuming your liquid meal.  Fasting may be difficult for some people who want to delay the process, however, find fasting beneficial after the first initial fasting.  Find more recipes on Pinterest for a juice detox diet plan.

Night Before Fast

In preparation for the fast the night before preparing a small dark green salad with lemon oil dressing.  Benefits of leafy dark raw green vegetables are an excellent source of folate, fiber, and corticoids.  These vegetables contain vitamins K and C minerals calcium and iron.  Additionally, dark green vegetables act as antioxidants in the body fighting free radical damage on a cellar level.

Apon Rising

Take one 12 ounce glass of pure filtered water with the juice of 2 freshly squeezed lemons.  Add one tablespoon of maple syrup mix well. Drink


drink one 8 ounce glass of cranberry juice


Take on an 8-ounce glass of fresh alfalfa juice or fresh apple juice with one serving of  Nutricost Chlorella powder mixed in the water until dissolved.  Studies indicate chlorella benefits the entire body by supporting the bodies hormonal function while promoting cardiovascular health, lowers blood cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and aids in the detoxification process in our bodies.  Find chlorella powder online or at your local health food provider.


Enhance enzyme production by drinking one 8 ounce glass of pineapple juice or papaya juice or drink one 8 ounce glass of apple juice with one serving of Chlorella powder or one serving of superfood green powder by Organifi found online or at Amazon.  Organifi organic superfood powder supplement hydrates and revitalizes vitality using a proprietary formula designed to nourish your body.

Before Bed

Drink one cup of mint tea with one serving of yeast powder extract to help energize the body the next day.  Nutritional yeast extract can be found in any health food store.  There are many brands of yeast extract available to select from.  Most brands have the same ingredients included in the product. Nutritional yeast extract is a complete protein meaning that among 18 amino acids to contains 9 vital amino acids the body can not produce on its own.

One serving of nutritional yeast provides 4 grams of fiber, compounds beta 1,3 glucan, glutathione, mannan, trehalose,  which are all associated with boosting the immune system while helping to prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol levels.  When you consume one serving of nutritional yeast you get a significant amount of minerals including selenium, zinc, iron and B vitamins including folate, niacin, B6.  These essential vitamins help the body produce red blood cells while extracting energy from food sources aiding in vitality.

AM Next Day Break the Fast

Break the fast upon waking eating one serving of fresh fruit and one yogurt keeping your first meal of the light.

Lunch and Dinner

Consume raw dark green vegetables in raw form for lunch.  In the evening around 5:00 PM eat one low-fat entree simply prepared for a light meal at dinner.  It is important to drink plenty of pure filtered water throughout the day to flush out fats and toxins from the body. The detox diet allows the body to cleans and rebuilds from the inside out helping you look and feel your best.

There are many benefits to fasting for a 24 hour period to rid the body of accumulated toxins while promoting good health.  Fasting has shown to improve substances of environmental exposure related to disease, reduce oxidative stress helping to preserve memory and learning capabilities.

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Patricia Lynn


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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.