Diet Concepts Balance Is Key


Diet Concepts Eating Well

Highly regarded diet concepts focus on overall health eating delicious satisfying foods packed with nutrition.  Key factors of eating well in any healthy diet plan include consuming adequate amounts of required dietary foods, balancing the diet with portion control, and eating a wide variety of nutritious foods in moderation. Dieting regulates food intake with the purpose to attain good health of one’s physical condition especially with the purpose of losing weight.  Many diet plans are based on the reduction of micronutrients calories, fats, carbohydrates, proteins that constitute major portions a person eats other than water and that are necessary sources of energy.  Balance is key in any diet plan focusing on nutritious low calorie options designed to improve overall health. 

Energy deficits eating a low calorie diet consisting of 500-1,000 calories per day may produce initial rapid weight loss with early loss of body water especially if carbohydrates are restricted because your body uses glycogen to store that are attached to water.  When you eat carbohydrates your body stores unused energy as glycogen molecules with each gram of glycogen containing 3 grams of water.  When you cut carbs your body uses up these glycogen stores which release water weight and you may lose some salt.  If you start eating healthy carbs again your body will retain more water.  This is a natural bodily process fluctuating your weight day to day due to water gains and losses.  In the 1920’s it became apparent that carbohydrates are an important fuel source for exercising muscles and that blood glucose concentrations may be linked to fatigue during marathon running. 

“It is now widely accepted that consuming a diet sufficient in carbohydrates along with ingesting carbohydrates during and following exercise can improve performance and speed recovery. “ PubMed Central  Whole body glycogen content is approximately 600 g, a figure that varies widely based on BMI body mass index, diet, fitness and recent exercise. High quality carbohydrate foods including grains, fruits, vegetables provide ample amounts of natural carbohydrates per serving along with important micronutrients and gap nutrients that are commonly underconsumed in a typical American diet.  Dietary guidelines for Americans identify gap nutrients as dietary fiber, vitamins A,D,C,E,  calcium, magnesium, potassium, and chlorine.  Balancing glycogen involves managing carbohydrate intake to ensure your body has enough energy intake for exercise and daily activities. 

Diet right to lose weight fast establishing new lifestyle habits eating nutritious foods low in calories that is satisfying to eat. Consuming natural complex carbohydrates including whole grains, legumes, whole fruits and vegetables provide a steady release of glycogen which helps maintain glycogen stores.  Diet concepts focus on eating small balanced meals every 3-4 hours to keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent glycogen depletion. “ This happens when your glycogen stores run out due to intense exercise or lack of carbohydrates in your diet.  It will cause chronic fatigue, reduced strength, lack of endurance, and an all around declined reduction in athletic performance.” Performance Lab. Post exercise eating after intense workouts consume healthy carbohydrates and lean proteins to replenish glycogen levels and overall energy.  Stay hydrated drinking plenty of water as glycogen binds to water molecules.  Proper hydration is essential to help maintain glycogen levels and overall physical energy.  While low carb diets can deplete glycogen levels.  It is important to balance eating enough carbs to support your energy needs and activities. 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Irina Ukrainets at AdobeStock


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.