Energize Your Body


Wellness Energize Your Body

Energize your body by reducing stress by focusing on a positive mindset designed to relax the mind and body.  High stress can weaken the immune system and may cause fatigue in the body if left untreated as stress can impact overall health. Adults in the US who stated selected wellbeing activities were considered important to their personal lives seek solutions for reducing overall stress using natural methods. Cortisol the primary stress hormone increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream enhancing your brain’s use of glucose and increasing the availability of substances that repair tissue. Cortisol can also curb functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight or flight situation says Mayo Clinic.  When your stressors are always present and you constantly feel under attack the fight-and-flight reaction stays on and may lead to digestive problems, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, muscle tension, pain, weight gain, and sleep problems. Learning to react to stressors in a healthy way is the first step to staying calm ultimately reducing stress.

Regular exercise can energize your body and reduces stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that is the body’s natural mood elevator, and painkillers. Walking outdoors once per day for 30-60 minutes can boost physical performance and may substantially reduce stress overall. Workout using calisthenics as a  form of strength training using your own body weight to create resistance building lean muscle mass consisting of a wide variety of movements targeted exercises of large muscle groups, Anaerobic exercise involves quick bursts of energy performed at maxim effort for short durations of time during jumping, lifting, sprints, weight lifting exercises. An anaerobic activity like resistance training can increase the strength of bone boating the metabolism to help burn off body fat. Strength training is a national obsession as people of all ages enjoy working out using various exercises designed to tone their entire bodies. Strength training exercise routines can be customized suited to personal specifications varying in length of time for 30-60 minutes in duration.

Exercise anytime on your own schedule at home following a workout routine that includes a vast array of exercises designed to build lean muscle defining the tone of your body. Strength training tones the entire body, building lean muscle to help you lose weight. Increase endurance, improve balance, increase flexibility build muscle burns off calories 24 hours per day even when your workout is finished making resistance training the number one exercise to perform. Calistengths is an aerobic activity strength training, lifting weights, toning the entire body including sprints, and interval high-intensity anaerobic workouts. There is a vast array of exercises to choose from designed to get your body moving like Zumba Dance, aerobics, walking, jogging, cycling, elliptical workouts, yoga, swimming, and resistance training at your local gym.

Yoga energizes your body by practicing a series of poses designed to reduce stress, gain muscle tone and help you lose weight. Yoga is considered holistic therapy and has increased in popularity to reduce stress potentially producing favorable physical and mental clarity among people of all ages. Yoga routines typically vary in length of duration from 30-60 minutes often available for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. As you progress in your yoga fitness routine workouts become more challenging in complexity building strength and endurance using targeted sequins of poses. Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which muscles and tendons are deliberately extended to increase flexibility in order to improve muscle tone. Using your own body weight perform yoga exercises building muscle by holding each pose for a short duration in consecutive repetitions in each routine. Implementing healthy lifestyle choices including sensible dieting combined with regular exercise has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce body weight. 

Energize Your Body Tips

  • Soak up the sun 20 minutes per day
  • Control Stress
  • Sleep well
  • Get regular exercise
  • Eat Whole Foods

Sleep Well Energize Your Body

Sleep for total body rejuvenation reduces stress and naturally energizes your body to wake up feeling refreshed. Scientific research suggests adequate sleep is essential at any age, reduces stress, and may lower your risks of developing serious health problems including heart disease, and diabetes. In America 70 percent of adults report they lack sufficient sleep at least one night per month, 11 percent report insufficient sleep every night. It is estimated that sleep related difficulties affect 50-70 million Americans of all age groups. Adequate sleep powers the mind and invigorates the body, restoring vitality and fortifying virtually every system in the body. National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is essential for being your best both mentally, and physically restoring vitality provides the body with increased energy during the day while reducing stress. Make sleep a priority in your schedule and allocate specific times for rest so that social or work activities don’t trade off for sleep. Chronic lack of sleep increases potential impaired physical performance and increases fatigue feelings of lethargy and lack of enthusiasm. Adequate quality sleep can rejuvenate vitality in living life to the fullest extent in daily activities. 

Eat Well Energize Yor Body

Proteins are the building blocks of body tissue that serve as a fuel source that provides the body with physical energy and play a vital role in brain function and mood elevation suppresses hunger, boost metabolism and helps the body lose weight. Classic American barbecue often involves grilling meats, steak, hot dogs, and hamburgers continues in 2021 even as many diets change people are grilling veggie burgers, grilled vegetables, and grilled desserts 88 percent of US consumers continue to grill meat or steak.  Metabolic Enhancers boost weight loss effectively by burning off calories and managing weight.  The main purpose of metabolism is converting food into energy through a cellular process filling the building blocks of proteins and some carbohydrates. You can get more B-vitamines from eating lean meats, fish poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas, fortified cereals are great sources of B vitamins that can energize your body. 

All B vitamins play a role in converting food into energy in the body naturally increasing vitality through dietary or supplemental sources can energize your body.  Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis of low levels of B12 and folate, a dairy equivalent of folic acid to B9 may be associated with depression in older adults. The amount of vitamin B12 a person requires each day depends on their age, The National Institute of Health Office Of Dietary Supplements suggests older adults may require higher doses of some B vitamins in order to meet daily recommendations. B vitamin complex supplements may be beneficial in restoring vitality, increasing physical energy is considered generally safe when a person takes as directed, only taking high doses under a doctor’s guidance. When possible people should obtain B vitamins from eating a variety of healthful food choices, however, some people benefit from taking B-complex supplements.   

Energize your body’s mental performance using natural methods scientifically proven to increase energy naturally B vitamin complex helps a wide variety of enzymes do their jobs ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates, and fats and breaking down amino acids enabling transportation of oxygen and energy containing nutrients around the body. Most people in the United States get enough vitamin B12 from the foods they consume, but some people may have trouble absorbing B12 from food sources which may lead to deficiencies.  Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is naturally found in animal foods including beef, chicken, fish, shellfish, and fortified cereals. Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA synthesis the genetic material in cells. Energize your body by eating whole foods high in nutritional value like lean proteins, monounsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates like nuts, quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, beans, soybeans, and peas. 


Patricia Lynn



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.