Essential Minerals Promote Good Health


Minerals Boost Physical Energy

Minerals that act as nutrients are essential to a host of processes in the human body, from the formation of bone to the functioning of the heart to the digestive system. Millions of Americans are now taking a variety of mineral pills in large doses in the belief that some are good a lot is better. Most people do not need supplements if they have a good nutritious diet however some people could benefit from adding supplements to their daily regimen. Balance is key when adding minerals to your diet. Minerals are essential for digesting food maintaining weight loss building bone, increasing physical energy.

Minerals are necessary for the activity of enzymes, vital chemical reactions that act as a catalyst in the body’s reactions. Recently scientists have been studying the importance of minerals in the diet and the link between mineral deficiencies and major chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, obesity, and even cancer.  This research has been very promising and encouraging for people who want to improve their health by supplementing their mineral intake with vitamins.

There are several minerals that can help you lose weight. Today people are eating processed foods that have been stripped of vital nutrients, fiber, minerals leaving a huge population of individuals internally starving for nutrients.  Disease’s diabetes, heart disease, insulin intolerance, osteoporosis, cancers, and obesity are directly attributed to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Malnutrition has become part of our fast past society and is directly responsible for the health decline of many men, women, and children

There are shocking reasons why people need more minerals in their diet. People who have been suffering from gross malnutrition and fiber deficiencies can develop serious diseases. Weight gain in individuals generally has less fiber in their diet due to eating more processed food that has had the fiber, minerals, vitamins removed.  Excessive calorie intake can create insulin resistance and magnesium deficiencies from eating too much junk food and not enough organic fruits, vegetables.

Minerals and trace minerals are the building blocks of life and are the most basic of nutrients and are the bonding agents between you and your food. (Allowing your body to absorb nutrients)   Minerals are needed by everyone for good health and active life.  Minerals are especially necessary for athletes and active individuals that engage in sports because you must have minerals to run.  All the minerals together make up 4% of the body weight and is responsible for major areas of human health.  Minerals keep the body’s PH balance – alkaline instead of acidic.

Minerals cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through water, mineral baths or food.  Replenishing your body on a daily basis to keep your mineral levels in balance.  Minerals from herbs and plants have a higher quality and are easier to absorb in the digestive system.  They work optimally in the body’s enzyme production and process assimilation of nutrients.  High-stress lifestyles that rely on tobacco, alcohol, steroids, antibiotics, and other drugs contribute to mineral depletion. Eating a diet rich in nutritious foods combined with supplementation may ensure adequate consumption.


Patricia Lynn






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About Patricia Lynn 304 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.