Exercise Benefits Entire Body Boost Physical Performance


Exercise Benefits Wellbeing

Exercise benefits the entire body increasing physical performance building lean defined muscles burning off unwanted fat.  In a time od social distancing people are searching for creative ways to exercise staying active is important good health habits. Regular exercise is probably the best prescription for a healthy living however fewer than 1 in 5 adults 65 and older get the recommended amount of exercise each day. 

Regular physical activity improves and maintains fitness by increasing strength managing weight successfully staying active.  Working out is typically performed for various reasons to improve the health of the body, boosting energy levels naturally.  According to the CDC Center for Disease and Prevention, regular physical activity plays a role in maintaining optimal weight.  Research suggests people who are inactive often develop poor health conditions including obesity, cardiovascular complications, diabetes.

Exercise recommendations for active healthy adults suggest performing at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week or a combination of vigorous and moderate aerobic activities to benefit physical fitness levels.  

Exercise benefits athletic enthusiasts using all aerobic activities that can become anaerobic if performed at a level of intensity benefits the body building lean muscle mass.  Discoveries in physical fitness training is now used by people of all age groups to promote strength, power increasing physical endurance.  Anaerobic exercise is good for the body building muscle while effectively burning off unwanted body fat.

Exercise Benefits

Cardio exercise benefits heart health can be easily attainable for most people eating a sensible diet, along with a regular exercise program suited to fit personal needs.  Research indicates adults living in the United States, 610,000 people die of heart disease each year contributing to 1 in every 4 deaths.

The heart is vital to good health, beats approximately 2.5 billion times in the life span of an average person pushing millions of gallons of oxygenated blood throughout the entire body. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system and blood vessels located between the lungs in the middle of the chest cavity.  

Perform interval training warming up for 10 minutes walking or riding a stationary bike to oxygenate muscles in preparation for exercise.  Perform interval training using the intense aerobic activity of choice running, walking, cycling, adding a 20-second burst at the end of each exercise maximize your effort. Exercise benefits the entire body maintaining weight good health.

Exercise benefits of HIIT Interval Training exercise can be very beneficial for toning the body while losing weight as a cardio session arranged in short bursts of intensity. Interval training warming up for 10 minutes walking or riding a stationary bike to oxygenate muscles in preparation for exercise.  Interval training using the intense aerobic activity of choice running, elliptical, cycling, adding a 20-second burst at the end of each exercise maximizes your effort. Perform HIIT exercise session lasts 20-45 minutes exercising intensely for 30, 60, 90 seconds, and resting twice as long, incorporating strength training between sets. 

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.