Factors Minerals In Food


Minerals In Food Replenish

Minerals are needed for proper composition in the body including bodily fluids, blood, and composition of muscles, tissues, bones, teeth, and nerves.  Minerals play a significant role in the regulation of muscle tissue, controlling fluids inside and outside of cells and turning the food you eat into energy. Minerals are basic elements of the earth’s crust and in comparison to vitamins, they are inorganic matter. (They contain no carbon) minerals are carried into the ground soil, water, and into the sea by erosion.  The minerals are taken up by plants and animals and then eaten by people.  The minerals in food are stable and easily absorbed by the body however if you boil your food some of the minerals can dissolve into the water and be discarded.  Minerals can also be processed out of food as in the refinement of making flour and other processed foods. Minerals cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through water, mineral baths, or food.  Replenishing your body on a daily basis to keep your mineral levels in balance is important turning the food you eat into energy. Minerals from herbs and plants have a higher quality and are easier to absorb in the digestive system.  They work optimally in the body’s enzyme production and process assimilation of nutrients.  High-stress lifestyles that rely on tobacco, alcohol, steroids, antibiotics, and other drugs contribute to mineral depletion.

To make matters worse many minerals and trace minerals are no longer sufficiently present in our fruits and vegetables.  They have been leached out of the soil by chemicals, fertilizers used in commercial farming, and sprays and pesticides on the produce.  Research shows that testing on fruits and vegetables shows a measurable amount of mineral competition has a lower quality and quantity than we are led to believe because testing was done decades ago when pesticides were not as prolific as they are now. Consuming a diet rich in magnesium is a great way to help you lose weight and control insulin levels.  The top magnesium-rich foods are spinach 1 cup 157 milligrams (40% DV), Chard 1 cup milligrams (154 milligrams (38% DV), Pumpkin Seeds 1/8 cup 92 milligrams (23% DV), yogurt-kefir 1 cup 50 milligrams (13% DV), Almonds 1 ounce 80 milligrams (20%DV), black beans ½ cup 60 milligrams (15% DV).  Adding an assortment of foods containing magnesium can benefit your health and help you lose weight.

There are shocking reasons you need more minerals in your diet to maintain good health.  there are more than sixty minerals in the body making up 4% of its weight, but only 22% are considered essential for good health.  Of these seven minerals chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and sulfur are called microminerals because they are found in relatively large amounts in the body. Other essential materials are deemed trace or ultra-trace nutrients due to the minute quantities. Minerals and trace minerals are the building blocks of life and are the most basic of nutrients and are the bonding agents between you and your food. (Allowing your body to absorb nutrients)   minerals are needed by everyone for good health and active life.  Minerals are especially necessary for athletes and active individuals that engage in sports because you must have minerals to run.  All the minerals together make up 4% of the body weight and is responsible for major areas of human health.  Minerals keep the body’s PH balance – alkaline instead of acid. 

Calcium benefits the entire body build and strengthen bones. According to The National Institute of Health, calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and needs vitamin D for good absorption and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin B-12.  Works with phosphorus to form bone and teeth with magnesium for skeletal strength and cardiovascular health.  Prevents low blood pressure, helps blood clotting, and muscle cramping, maintains nervous system health, controls anxiety, and depression, and ensures good quality sleep. Helps prevent osteoporosis and colon cancer. Aluminum based anti-acids interfere with calcium absorption.  Cortical steroids and antibiotic drugs increase the need for more calcium. The best calcium for absorption is calcium citrate on record. (Calcium Citrate is the calcium salt of calcium) and is used in food as a flavor or preservative and is in the class of minerals and electrolytes.  

Effective food sources are shellfish, Plantain, green leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products, tofu, sea vegetables, and molasses. Herbs that contain calcium are Chives, Chamomile, Caraway seed, Dill, Dandelion, Nettle, Parsley, Silverweed, Yellow dock, and Horsetail. According to the National Institute Of Health, high levels of calcium levels promote lipogenesis lipolysis.  The theory suggests that dietary calcium increases lipolysis and preserves thermogenesis thereby accelerating weight loss. Essential minerals obtained from food for good health include calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper, fluoride, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, chloride, sodium, and potassium. Minerals are elements on earth found in foods our body needs to develop and function normally. There are shocking reasons you need more minerals in your diet to maintain good health develop and function properly, lose weight, turning the food you eat into energy.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Sonyakamoz at AdobeStock

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.