Fantastic Calcium Build Stronger Bone


Calcium Optimize Good Health

Calcium is vital for many functions in the body associated with the formation of bones and metabolism optimizing your health. Vitamins are necessary for bodily function performing collectively they play an important role in the body promoting wellness.  Vitamins are considered essential minerals dense in nutritional value responsible for converting food into energy-boosting the immune system and repairing cell damage. Protecting your cells with botanical antioxidants vitamins prove to be effective in fighting off disease. A vitamin is an organic compound known as an essential micronutrient required for dietary intake needed for the metabolism conversion of food into energy. The metabolism contributes to life-sustaining chemical reactions in cellular organisms that perform physiological functions in the body.  The metabolism is the conversion of food into energy through the cellular process ultimately converting food into fuel building blocks of protein, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates. Dietary calcium supplements can help provide the body with additional nutrition if the diet does not provide enough.

Calcium consumed through dietary sources ensures daily intake is optimized for bone health where it provides hard tissue with strength. It is considered the most plentiful mineral in the body requiring vitamin D and good absorption needed for people with active lifestyles. Calcium particles enter heart muscle cells to lower blood pressure and work well with phosphorus to build strong skeletal strength as 99 percent of calcium is in teeth and bone.  Calcium needs vitamin D for proper absorption in the body and is crucial for vitamin B12 synthesis needed for nerve function, brain health, and the production of red blood cells necessary for carrying oxygen to the lungs and bodily tissues. Calcium is commonly found in dairy products including milk, yogurt, and cheese providing 72 percent of calcium to people living in the United States.  It is available in fortified foods including orange juice, non-dairy milk, and cereals providing a rich source of calcium in most American diets. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and essential for many bodily fum=functions necessary for life-building bones keeping them strong and healthy.  

Effective sources of calcium include molasses, tofu, milk, dairy products, fortified foods, and green vegetables.   Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can dissolve in water easily carried to the body’s tissues but not stored in the body.  Known as the sunlight vitamin it works synergistically with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, building bone.  Vitamin d deficiency may result in muscle cramps, slow healing, nose bleeds, fast heartbeat soft bone formation. Vitamin d intake recommendations are 400-800 IU per day or 20 micrograms.  Regular sun exposure is a natural way to get more vitamin D daily to maintain healthy blood levels studies suggest aiming for 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight several days per week to soak up some rays of sunshine. The remaining calcium comes from green vegetables, tofu, shellfish, sea vegetables, and herbs that can be added to the diet to meet daily recommended requirements increasing the nutritional value of any dish.  The health benefits of calcium is astounding helping to build strong bones and teeth it also prevents muscle cramping while maintaining the nervous system well being. 

Calcium benefits 5 common misconceptions about this vital mineral builds better bone. Calcium combined with the mineral magnesium boots cardiovascular health as calcium in the circulatory system regulates muscle contraction including the heart, lowers blood pressure, and is necessary for blood clotting. The body uses bone tissue as a reservoir as a source of calcium to maintain constant concentrations in intracellular fluids, blood, and muscles to function at an optimal level. Bone tissue supplies the body with calcium necessary for critical metabolic processes remodeling bone formation throughout your life.  Bone undergoes continuous remodeling throughout your life with constant reabsorption of calcium deposits into new bone formation.  Phosphorus works with calcium to strengthen bones as it plays an important structural role in the cell membrane function and is essential for energy production in the body. Consuming calcium through diet is common among most people however calcium supplements may provide mineral support helping to replenish calcium uptake. When consumed calcium is absorbed in the digestive system into the bloodstream building strong bone and regulating the expansion and contraction of blood vessels while performing many other biological functions in the body.  

Essential minerals needed to promote weight loss include calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body responsible for vital metabolic functions including nerve transmission, hormonal balance, intracellular signaling, and vascular contraction. The body is comprised of 99% calcium stored in teeth and bones which it supports their function.  Approximately 43 percent of the population in the United States takes calcium supplements increasing intake to 330 mg per day to ensure dietary requirements are met.  Calcium absorption is best when a person only consumes 500 mg of calcium at one time through food or supplement sources.  According to the National Institute of Health, if a person is taking a supplement containing 1000 mg of calcium per day, the dose should be split in half to 500 mg for better absorption in the body.  Regular exercise along with adequate calcium intake along with vitamin D is vital for the continuous formation of healthy bones and maintenance throughout your life. Resistance exercises including calisthenics and weight training support bone health along with daily walking, working against gravity to build bone.

Walking is a low impact activity easy on the joints performed by people of all ages. According to Bone Biology bones are living tissues that have their own blood vessels made of various cells and proteins, minerals, and vitamins. This structure enables bones to grow, transform and repair throughout life. Exercising regularly helps your bone adapt building more bone and becoming denser while increasing muscle strength helping joints stay flexible improves range of motion.  Walking increases circulation, strengthening the heart muscle increases pumping efficiency ultimately reducing resting heart rate referred to as aerobic conditioning to decrease the risks associated with heart disease. Manage weight by walking  10,000 steps per day and performing moderate aerobic activities challenges your body increasing heart rate. Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity. Build better bone walking once per day for 30-60 minutes outdoors while absorbing a small dose of sunshine to brighten your day.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of DangWalter at Pixbay

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.