Fantastic Probiotics Benefit Your Health


Probiotics Benefit Digestion

Probiotics benefit the body impacts on human health suitability support digestion increasing immunity. The global market for probiotics reached a value of  49.4 billion US dollars in 2018 and was predicted to reach about 69.3 billion dollars in consumer sales in 2023 worldwide. The future of the functional food market continues to grow provides benefits beyond basic nutrition. The digestive tract is loaded with beneficial bacteria live organisms known as probiotics known to balance good bacteria aids in digestion.  The internal Scientific Association for Probiotics defines probiotics as live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer health benefits. These microorganisms which contain mostly bacteria are naturally present in natural fermented food sources and yeast.  Many commercial yogurts are a type of fermented food that contains probiotic microorganisms such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.  Live microorganisms used to make fermented foods including yogurt survive well in the product during its self life. 

One serving of a low calorie yogurt is 6 ounces or 3/4 cup is about 100 calories or less depending on the brand.  Several fermented foods contain live microorganisms that improve intestinal health and may provide other benefits lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes, control appetite. Popular product types gained worldwide recognition including vitamins and dietary supplements designed to increase nutritional uptake. Consuming fermented foods on a daily basis adds digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria to intestinal flora strengthening 100 trillion bacteria microorganisms that thrive in your digestive tract. Probiotics are linked to reducing inflammation and promoting optimal health in men women and children. Probiotics are microorganisms that have been proven to have substantial health benefits when consumed regularly it is available in probiotic powders, supplements capsules, liquids, and other forms.  Functional beverages have gain attention from the health conscious consumers increasing the sales of the water to grow an estimated 740 percent and probiotic plant based milk increased 270 percent between 2016-2017.

The sale of probiotic products has grown steadily since 2014 within the category health-promoting yogurt sales in the United States amounted to 7.24 billion US dollars in 2021.  Research indicates the using probiotics reduces inflammation in the body after exercise or injury, Aids in muscular repair and rejuvenation, increases strength,  reduces Metabolic Syndrome a condition of abdominal obesity, high cholesterol similar to pre-diabetes. Doctors are interested in the health effects of probiotics on lipids and other factors in heart health and circulatory disease. The potential probiotic benefits health is the focus of a great deal of scientific research on treating health conditions including eczema, obesity, and digestive disorders.

Studies suggest probiotics benefits obesity-related conditions site gut microbiota plays an important role in food assimilation absorbing nutrients from food during digestion.  Researchers examined fifteen studies covering 788 people who have taken some form of probiotics either from foods or supplement form. Measurements of total LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, lowered the body mass index scores and reduced the waist and total abdominal fat as well as reducing harmful inflammation.  Additional research is needed to fully understand the potential effects of probiotics on body fat, body weight, and obesity in humans in 2021.

Probiotics Benefits Health

Probiotics reduce inflammation promote overall health.  Good digestion and food assimilation is the heart of health.  When digestion is not optimal problems go far beyond the usual symptoms of gas and bloating.  Energy is reduced as a result of metabolic byproducts that have not been eliminated, diarrhea, allergic reactions, and fatigue can result. Chronic indigestion impairs the immune system allowing viral and other infections such as Candida and chronic fatigue to comprise your health. Common symptoms of poor digestion include excess gas, diarrhea, gnawing, burning pain, and tenderness occurring directly after food consumption due to poor food assimilation. Probiotics benefit the entire body aids in digesting food that combats obesity.

Common causes of intestinal digestion difficulty can be caused by eating poor combinations such as eating too much and eating spicy and fatty foods.  Allergies to sugar, dairy wheat, and enzyme deficiencies, Candida, yeast overgrowth, overeating, too much caffeine, and soda and acid-forming foods can all lead to digestive difficulties, constipation, HCI deficiency, diverticulitis, and vegetable protein deficiency.

Fermented foods contain microorganisms including yeast and bacteria that use the nutrients in food to convert food as an energy source. According to the National Library of Medicine consuming fermented foods  provides probiotic bacteria boosting the health of your intestinal microbiome in the digestive system Adding fermented foods that contain probiotics or taking a probiotic supplement can help regulate your digestive system reduce inflammation and help you lose weight. by lowering LDL cholesterol.  Individuals who eat probiotics have better carbohydrate metabolism and lower blood sugar levels after three weeks.

A study of 29 men at an average age of 22 who have been recreationally trained was given a daily dose of 20 grams of casein protein alone or with a probiotic containing 1 billion colony forming units of bacillus consultants for two weeks. The men completed the sessions of intense training meant to damage their muscles.  Immediately after training the men had swollen muscles, inflammation, and difficulty recovering.  Within twenty-four hours the group who consumed only casein protein had not improved.  The group who had consumed probiotics was recovering. Seventy-two hours later the group who was given had less muscle soreness, which doctors confirmed by measuring fewer signs of muscle damage. Measurement of strength was tested in both groups and concluded the group who ingested probiotics maintained the same level of strength from the beginning of the study. Doctors conclude that the probiotics may have made the protein more absorbable improving strength and accelerating physical performance, recovery, and strength.

Probiotic Benefit Tips

  • Probiotics optimize digestion
  • Balances Gut Flora
  • Reduces Obesity
  • May help boost mood & cognitive function
  • Reduce appetite
  • Probiotics may reduce the risks of  developing some diseases

Probiotics Reduce Inflammation

Foods that contain probiotics natural forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate enzymes and digestive juices that keep the digestion process working properly.  Probiotics can be purchased in supplement form or eaten in foods that host live bacterium such as yogurt,  kefir, dark chocolate, microalgae, miso soup, tempeh, pickles, kimchi pickled sauerkraut, kombucha tea.

Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of traits that include abdominal obesity, high cholesterol similar to pre-diabetes, high blood pressure.  In this study, 51 individuals with metabolic syndrome took 2.7 ounces of fermented milk with or without probiotic lactobacillus bifidobacterium.   After forty-five days the group with no probiotics saw no change in weight or health benefits.  The group who was given probiotics saw a reduction in body mass index scores by a 1.3 point improvement and total LDL ( bad cholesterol)  decreased by 7.2 and 13.6 percent.  Doctors also saw a decrease in two types of pro-inflammatory molecules in the group who was given probiotics.

Probiotics can come from certain foods or natural pharmaceutical grade proprietary strains of non-pathogenic yeast with a probiotic activity that acts as a temporary flora to protect the intestinal flora and protect the gastrointestinal tract and the beneficial organisms of the intestine.  Works with the body to re-establish the intestinal microflora, helping to maintain gut health digestion, healthy immunity, reduce and repair muscle and body inflammation.

Eating an alkalizing diet for therapy consuming plenty of cultured foods including yogurt, miso soup, kefir, whole grains, fresh organic vegetables, fruits, enzyme-rich foods such as pineapple and papaya reduces inflammation.  These specific foods will aid in the digestion process with probiotics benefits digestion with enzymes to naturally break down fats, and carbohydrates.

Optimize digestion avoid fatty spicy acid-forming foods.  Omit fried foods, red meats, refined sugars, caffeine, and sodas from your diet. Cleans the digestive system and establishes proper food assimilation and enzyme production.  tart with a two-day high pectin diet of apples and apple juice.  Then for four days use a diet of 70 % fresh organic foods, brown rice for B vitamins and to rebuild the digestion system. To relieve gas and bloating quickly add a pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves in one glass of pure water and drink.

Commercial antacids neutralize stomach acids inviting the stomach to produce more acids, making some conditions worse in the long run. Research shows that chronic use of aluminum-containing antacids can cause bone loss.  Also, avoid overuse of antibiotics as they destroy friendly digestive flora.

Are you having trouble losing belly fat?  Your gut may be out of balance or digestion is not working at an optimal level. Try adding fermented foods to the diet or a probiotic supplement to establish friendly digestive flora.  Those who ate a diet of fresh and fermented food, probiotics had better carbohydrates metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, improved immunity, and reduced LDL ( bad cholesterol levels)  Probiotics have become a popular resource for individuals who want to improve their digestion and good health.

Selecting a Probiotic Formula

All probiotics are not created equal.  Find probiotics sold online, local health food stores, drugstores, or local stores near you.  One common source is supplemented form in capsules, tablets powder or liquid form.  Fermented foods also contain probiotics and promote good digestion.  Incorporate yogurt, kefir,  dark chocolate, miso soup, kombucha tea, and sauerkraut into your daily diet.  Fermented foods can help promote digestive balance, however, taking a probiotic supplement offers a quick solution. Different strains of probiotics have very different functions concentrated in the digestive tract.  Formulas that include multiple strains tend to be more effective compared to formulas that contain highly concentrated of just one or two strains.  Heath is influenced by products working synergistically in the digestive tract as probiotics benefit health.

  • B. longum is like L.Acidophilus is one of the most common bacteria and is critical to the digestion in the intestinal tract and maintains the integrity of the intestine in adults and is a specific scavenger of toxins.
  • B bifidum strain is found in the large and small intestines.  This strain is particularly important in aiding in digestion as you grow older and natural digestion declines.  B. bifidum is important for the ability to break down fats, complex carbohydrates, and proteins, the body can utilize in small components in the digestive process.
  • L. acidophilus strain is the most important for digestive health by colonizing on the walls of the small intestine.  It supports good digestion of dairy and the absorption of nutrients.
  • L. fermentum – This Lactobacillus strain aids and neutralizes byproducts of the digestion process and promotes a healthy level of gut bacteria.
  • L. rhamosus- Known as a popular travel probiotic to help prevent occasional diarrhea while traveling.

Probiotics Benefit Gut Flora

There are a growing number of probiotic supplements offered to the public leaving consumers wondering how to choose the right formula?  When evaluating probiotics follow the basic criteria for choosing the best brand that will work for you.  Check the label for specific probiotic strains Saccharomyces, Boulardii 20 billion CFU.  Some formulas contain a combination of L. Acidophilus, B.Lactis at 2.5 billion CFUs. Check the product, packaging, and delivery system.  Some probiotics survive best in refrigeration keep the product fresh and cultures live.  Review the expiration date to ensure product stability and the money back guarantee on the package. Probiotics benefit gut flora living in your intestines that aid in digestion and the absorption of food.

Fermented foods high in probiotics contain microorganisms including yeast and bacteria that use the nutrients in food to convert food as an energy source. According to the National Library of Medicine consuming fermented foods provides probiotic bacteria boosting the health of your intestinal microbiome in the digestive system. The digestive tract is loaded with beneficial bacteria live organisms known as probiotics known to enhance health in the body. Several fermented foods contain live microorganisms that  improve intestinal health and may provide other benefits lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes/

Eating fermented foods on a daily basis adds digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria to intestinal flora strengthening 100 trillion bacteria microorganisms that thrive in your digestive tract.  Studies indicate consuming fermented foods reduces the appetite and reduces cravings for carbohydrates and sugar benefiting weight loss. You are what you eat as studies suggest eating fermented foods increases gut flora feeding your microbiome may have the best impact on physical and emotional health.

Consuming fermented foods through dietary sources has proven to boost immunity and good gut bacteria improving digestion and help maintain healthy weight enhancing nutrient content of vitamins in minerals from food sources.  Fermented foods yogurt and kimchi are rich in probiotics live microorganisms providing health benefits to the body restoring gut flora that lives in the digestive tract. Fermented foods are processed to preserve the nutritional value and shelf-life of common foods providing the body with a boost of probiotics live microorganisms living in the intestinal tract improve digestion. The number of organisms found in fermented foods can vary due to the manufacturing process and storage method used in preserving food. 

Consuming fermented foods as part of a healthy diet containing beneficial live microorganisms would provide the body with micronutrients for the gastrointestinal tract.  Top Fermented Foods Yogurt, Kimchi, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Miso, Natto, Consuming fermented foods has enormous benefits protecting the lining of the intestinal tract to shield against pathogenic factors including E.coli and semolina. Boost the immune system by consuming fermented foods to increase antibodies that increase antibodies fight infection and ward off disease Fermented foods produce enzymes and vitamins beneficial for digestion and gut health-giving the body beneficial probiotics live cultures found in food has many positive effects on the body.  Fermenting vegetables is an inexpensive process used to create different blends of preserved foods rich in nutritional value to restore microorganisms in the gut for good digestion. probiotics benefit the entire body aids in digestion converting food into energy ultimately boosting the immune system. 


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash





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About Patricia Lynn 304 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.