Fight Flu Preventive Approach To Wellness


Fight Flu Prevention

Fight flu symptoms with preventive care measures ward off infection reducing the chances of getting the common cold or flu. Take everyday precautions to reduce the spread of flu avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Adhering to social distancing guidelines during the pandemic local governments or local health departments may have issued additional recommended precautions in your community. The immune system is a host defense system involved in the body’s biological processes with organisms that naturally protect the body from disease. Flu symptoms include sore throat, headache, body chills, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue.

Lack of sleep can affect the immune system, increase the risks of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and be susceptible to catching the flu. Sleeping 6-8 hours per night benefits the entire body by fighting off infection and strengthening your immune system. Get a full night’s sleep to optimize immune function defense efficiency.

The immune system is the collection of cells vital components containing antibodies, the body’s primary defense against infections. Sleep deprivation can affect natural wake sleep cycles and may have detrimental effects on health.  Functioning optimally an immune system may detect a wide variety of pathogens that can produce disease in the body. 

Eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants is believed to increase immune function to fight flu symptoms. Consuming a balanced organic diet increases immune energy directed to rebuilding and maintaining strength against outside invasions of harmful bacteria. Get daily vitamin C from foods like orange juice, citrus fruits, fortified juices, broccoli, red and green peppers, green leafy vegetables.  Sugar impairs the immune system, compromising the body’s ability to ward off diseases.

Stay Hydrated Drink Fluids

Drinking water benefits the entire body vital in warmer weather as temperatures rise and drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Water is essential for transporting essential vitamins, minerals, proteins throughout the body to be metabolized for assimilation. Cells in our bodies require adequate hydration to perform various functions including regulating the body’s temperature crucial for maintaining good health.  

Increase your water intake to prevent colds and flu, hydration helps dissolve minerals and nutrients making them more accessible to the body while flushing out toxins, protecting organs and tissues.  Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body, hydrates the skin, maintains the system’s stability, flushes out waists and toxins, lubricates joints, acts as a shock absorber when performing physical exercise. Drinking adequate fluids prevent dehydration caused by fever and keep your throat moist. 

Regular physical activity may help flush out harmful bacteria out of the lungs’ airways reducing the chances of getting illnesses.  Exercise has a profound effect on the body causing changes in antibodies and white blood cells circulate more rapidly detecting an early onset of illness earlier than they might have before helping you fight infection. 

Regular Exercise Fight Flu

Benefits of regular aerobic exercise induce short and long-term effects on mood enhancing positive feelings of optimism and belief in hope. Exercise reduces the body’s levels of stress hormones including cortisol and adrenaline helping you feel relaxed.  Over time if cortisol levels are elevated it may cause high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, which may disrupt natural sleep patterns.

Mental benefits of aerobic exercise have neurochemical positive effects reducing stress hormones stimulating the production of endorphins inhibit pain,  produce feelings of happiness and relaxation even when your workout is finished known as the runner’s high as a  flood of endorphins released by physical exercise.  The immune system and the emotional system reflect a positive mental attitude and boost immune system response, adopting healthy lifestyle choices following a sensible diet plan combined with regular exercise may help develop stable emotional intelligence to boost immunity. 

Adrenaline plays an important role in flight or fight response as a reaction to stress increasing blood flow to muscles, increasing heart rate, and increasing blood sugar levels indicators that stress hormones in your body may affect glucose levels. Adrenaline is a hormone normally produced by adrenal glands and a small number of neurons in the brain where it acts as a neurotransmitter regulating visceral functions regulating heart rate, blood pressure and respiration in breathing.

Reduce stress fight flu symptoms with daily exercise reduces stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline walking once per day breathing in fresh air stimulating the production of endorphins chemicals in the brain that naturally elevates mood and reduces pain while increasing oxygen uptake in the body helps refresh the body.

Natural Remedies Fight Flu

Elderberry is packed with antioxidants believed to protect the body from flu and colds and vitamins that boost immune function while reducing inflammation, lowers stress, and helps protect the heart may lessen the duration of illness from colds and flu. It is packed with antioxidants substances that protect cells from free radical damage in the body that may play a role in cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. Elderberry can help prevent cold and flu symptoms available in syrup and capsule form.

Echinacea is a popular herb used in herbal medicine, commonly used by people worldwide to fight flu and cold lessening the duration of symptoms.  Echinacea is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family traditionally used for medicinal purposes from derived from roots and leaves used to support immune health. Human research has been limited to the use of Echinacea.  Studies suggest the herb Echinacea can only be tolerated for short time use to boost immune function to fight flu.

Oscillococcinum reduces the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms like body aches, headaches, fever, chills, and fatigue. This non-drowsy medication is convenient and reliable for adults, children 2 and older used to relieve flu symptoms. Oscillococcinum works best when taken on the onset of flu-like symptoms. Talk to your doctor and get professional advice if you are at risk of developing complications from the flu. Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine with the active ingredient Anas barbariae  200CK used to reduce the duration of flu symptoms with easy to swallow medication.  

Flu viruses are spread by droplets from infected people when they sneeze, cough or blow their nose or wipe away secretions from their nose or eyes. During the flu season, everyone should be encouraged to wear a mask when recommended, avoid rubbing their eyes, keep their hands out of their mouths. Washing your hands several times per day especially before meals reduces the transmission of flu viruses. Oscillococcinum is one of the most popular flue medications in the United States used in over 50 countries reduces the duration of flu when taken on the onset of symptoms. 

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.