Figs Edible Fruit Health Benefits


Figs Simply Delicious

Figs are an edible fruit of Ficus carica, a species of a small tree of a flowering plant family Moraceae.  It is native to the Mediterranean region as well as western and  southern Asia. Figs have been cultivated since ancient times and are now widely cultivated around the world in warm and dry climates.  Figs are commonly known as a fruit but are actually a type of flower.  The fig develops from a closed inflorescence which includes hundreds of tiny flowers.  These flowers bloom inside the fig developing small fruits within the flower for people to consume.  Mature edible fig fruits have thick skin and sweet plup consisting of tiny seeds which are slightly crunchy when consumed fresh or dried. The fig skin color differs among varieties varying from black violet, green, depending on pigment compounds present in the fruit. Historically Ancient Olympians were rewarded with figs for their athletic achievements. 

Sumerian stone tablets dating back to 2500 B.C. record culinary use of figs making them one of the oldest fruits consumed by humans. They are eaten fresh, peeled or unpeeled, and are used in various foods, sauces, flatbreads, jams, jellies, puddings, salads, energy bars, marmalades, and pastas.  Nutritionally, figs are low in calories, a rich source of copper and vitamin B6.  They have been valued for centuries for their various beneficial effects on health including gastrointestinal, respiratory inflammation, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Figs are an excellent source of bioactive components including vitamins and minerals, carotenoids, and polyphenolic compounds. NIH. They promote digestive, heart and blood sugar health in the body.  So if you are looking for a nutritious healthy snack option consider adding figs to your diet plan.  One medium fig is only 37 calories, 1.4 grams of fiber, 18 mg calcium, 0.18 mg iron, 116 mg potassium, 4 mcg vitamin A, 1 mg vitamin C. Dried figs contain more calories, fiber, sugar, vitamins and minerals compared to fresh figs which have more vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin A.

Sunny Fruit Soft Organic Turkish Figs is a healthy sweet snack option, organic, Non GMO ,kosher, no preservatives or additives.  Figs are a nutritious superfood consumed as an excellent source of dietary fiber antioxidants, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium all of which help boost your immunity, promote healthy digestion, and balance glucose levels naturally.  Sunny Fruit dried figs contain no gluten, dairy eggs, syrups, sulphate, sulfur or soy.  Figs make a delicious nutritious addition to cheese platters, gift baskets, or mixed with granola and yogurt add to your smoothies, baked or eaten straight out of the bag for snacking.  Try using dried and fresh figs in culinary uses including breakfast dishes, oatmeal, yogurt bowls, toas. 

Figs are naturally sweet in savory or sweet dishes making various delicious recipes. 150 fig ideas on Pinterest including popular recipes like Chickpea green Salad & Figs, Golden Fig Applesauce, fig granola bars, Chicken Biryani Rice with Figs and Nuts. People can eat fresh figs as they are or reconstitute them by soaking them in warm water until softened.  In culinary use fresh or dried figs can be incorporated in various dishes paired well with salads, low calorie desserts, and savory dishes. Fig jams, fig paste and dried figs are all popular culinary choices among people around the world.  As a nutritional powerhouse figs are pack full of fiber and offer many additional health benefits Figs held a symbolic significance in various cultures representing fertility, peace and prosperity.  


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of tan4ikk at AdobeStock


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.