Garcinia Cambogia Benefits


Garcinia Cambogia Lose Weight

Garcinia Cambogia is a small green pumpkin shaped fruit that is native to Southeast Asia.  It is often used in curries and preservatives for food. Garcinia Cambogia contains an ingredient called Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which has been used to aid in weight loss and has been studied for its effects on appetite.  The extract is available in pill or powdered form and can be purchased online or at your local health food retailer. According to the National Center Of Complementary Aand Integrative Health Garcinia Cambogia has also been promoted for relief of joint pain and digestive symptoms which leads to greater athletic performance.  The use of Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss has been subject to many health claims over the years ranging from mild to amazing results. 

Garcinia plants besides being ornamental find industrial, pharmaceutical and culinary applications. The sour rind of the fruit is used as a condiment and also used in folk medicine to manage several health ailments.  Garcinia Cambogia has been used for centuries in Southeastern Asia as an appetite suppressant to make meals more satisfying and filling. “A review posted in the Journal Of Obesity examined the efficiency of Garcinia extract hydroxycitric acid (HCA) as a weight reduction agent using data from randomized clinical trials finding the prevalence of obesity has increased over the last decade and current measures have not been able to stem the tide.  A wide variety of weight loss strategies are presently available, and some involve the use of dietary supplements including Garcinia extract hydroxycitric acid (HCA).

Some authors have suggested that HCA causes weight loss by competitively inhibiting the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase.  HCA has been reported to increase the availability of serotonin in the brain leading to suppressing the appetite.  Other weight loss mechanisms include the inhibition of pancreatic alpha amylase and intestinal alpha glucosidase thereby leading to reduction in carbohydrate metabolism.” Garcinia Cambogia has been promoted for relief from joint pain,digestive symptoms and improved athletic performance. “According to the NIH National Institute Of Health, several studies have investigated the effect of Garcinia Cambogia on weight loss on people.  Less research has been done on other uses of Garcinia Cambogia.  Several other cases of liver toxicity have been reported in people taking products containing Garcinia Cambogia. 

Most of the reported cases involved products labeled a combination of ingredients but some involved products labeled Garcinia Cambogia.”  According to the National Center Of Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) Garcinia Cambogia has been promoted to improve athletic performance but there is limited research on the topic, however a study by McCarty MF concluded that citrate lyase could decrease post workout exhaustion by promoting gluconeogenesis. “If you are considering taking Garcinia Cambogia supplements it is recommended to talk to your health care provider first. Managing weight can be attained following a sensible healthy diet plan combined with regular exercise to reach your preferred weight.  It is true that HCA in Garcinia has been found to boost fat burning potential of the body. Garcinia Cambogia start losing weight today.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Pressmaster at AdobeStock


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About Patricia Lynn 306 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.