Happiness Defining Moments For Lasting Lifestyle Changes 


Optimism Finding Happiness

Happiness is defined as an emotional state of mind of a person who is optimistic showing feelings of contentment.  Individuals who radiate positive feelings are often physically and emotionally balanced by choosing to look on the bright side of life.  Research indicates genetics may play an important role in having a positive attitude affecting your potential to bring hope for a brighter future. Having a positive attitude affects the physical body increasing physical energy required to achieve goals for success.  

Happiness changes your perspective improving your life with self-empowerment encourages personal fulfillment in all areas of your life. Research suggests environmental factors may influence behavior motivating action based on current conditions including social engagement and economic status. People who are happy tend to become inspirational to others known to inspire other motivating interests with enthusiasm.

Reimagine Happiness Creating Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes promote a healthy physical and mental mindset using strategies by practicing good lifestyle choices as a balanced approach to living well. Meditation may reduce blood pressure while relaxing the mind promoting emotional health as a state of wellbeing. According to the National Library of Medicine practicing meditation including yoga poses has gained attention throughout the world due to scientific evidence that proves meditation is beneficial. Management and technology in the United States have produced beneficial evidence of meditation for stress reduction leading to emotional relaxation.

Devoting time each day in a quiet moment of meditation reflecting on positive feelings of gratitude may invoke happiness enhancing self-awareness in mindful stress reduction. Meditation may bring peace of mind feelings of happiness that may help establish a deeper connection with your emotional state so that may inspire you to make informed decisions about other areas in your life.  

Harness the power of optimism managing stress throughout your life intentionally taking control of your well being.  Relax by learning how to practice techniques in yoga stretching the body using a sequence of poses while deep breathing for a blissful workout experience finding your inner peace of mind.

Diet Affects Happiness

Diet is key for weight loss and may affect happiness managing weight effectively through following a sensible diet plan and exercising regularly.  When you exercise your body releases chemicals called endorphins that reduce your perception of pain while triggering positive feelings of happiness.

Serotonin is an important chemical and neurotransmitter in the body responsible for regulating mood, memory retention and sleep patterns influencing psychological and bodily functions. Serotonin deficiencies may be caused by depression leading to poor memory, low mood, cravings for sweet starchy foods, difficulty sleeping and anxiety are common symptoms of depression.

Increase Serotonin naturally without medication eating turkey rich in tryptophan an amino acid that converts into serotonin in the brain-boosting feelings of wellness.  Research suggests consuming healthy carbohydrates in combination with foods high in tryptophan may increase the production of more tryptophan in the brain. Studies suggest eating foods high in tryptophan with 25-30 grams of healthy carbohydrates to increase serotonin levels to regulate mood. Following a sensible diet plan may affect feelings of happiness helping you create lasting lifestyle changes.

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Patricia Lynn  



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.