Healthy Super Bowl Snacks Ideas Game Day Favorites


Delicious Super Bowl Snack Ideas

Super bowl snacks can make any occasion special treat eating food packed with nutritional benefit while still managing weight.  Research indicates 92.8 million people tuned in to watch the Super Bowl Game making it the largest viewed game in tv history in 2019. Spectators have gathered together in local establishments and their homes to watch the game while overindulging on food often too high in calories. Studies suggest that people who consume healthy foods during any party festivities are able to manage their weight while still having fun.

Discover 10 Super Healthy Game Day Snacks recipes This menu includes mini turkey sliders with sugar-free maple-glazed turkey bacon topped with jalapeno peppers and sauce, Healthy Game Day Nachos with fresh organic creamy guacamole and salsa, Healthy mixed toasted nuts with dried fruit and Spicy Soy Bar Nuts. Gourmet Deviled Eggs, Spinach dip, and Pita chips, homemade popcorn with low-calorie butter, tips and resources for making great healthy Super Bowl Snacks.

Eliminate the high calories foods heavy cream cheese using healthy ingredients to prepare healthy game day snacks. Reduce salt in recipes by selecting no salt or low salt foods helping you control sodium intake. 

Check the ingredients on the back of the package to make sure you are buying chips low in saturated fats, low sodium 100 mg per serving, Serving size 6-15 chips.  Avoid cotton and palm oil as they are higher in saturated fats.

Search for healthy Tortilla brands such as Green Mountain Gringo White Tortilla Strips, Tostitos Chips, Bearitos Blue Corn Tortilla Chips made with real organic blue corn.  Find the section in your local grocery store that offers healthy options. There you will be able to find the ingredients that benefit your health.   

If you are unable to find healthy baked tortilla nacho chips try whole wheat crackers instead as a low-fat option Top the whole wheat crackers with guacamole, topped with fresh salsa and a dollop of Greek yogurt and a splash of sriracha sauce adding heat to the recipe.

Roasted Nuts Perfect Snack Option

Nuts are a great Super Bowl Snack as a source of healthy protein, Vitamin E, vitamin B2, folate, and essential minerals, selenium, potassium, copper, phosphorus,  and magnesium. Regular consumption of nuts has been linked to protection against CHD coronary heart disease in clinical trials and has shown beneficial health effects eating nuts as part of a healthy cardiovascular diet.  Roasting nuts for an appetizer or Super Bowl snack option can be a perfectively seasoned taste

Studies suggest walnuts contain the highest amount of omega 3 fatty acids protect the heart and contain twice as many antioxidants compared to other nut sources.  According to the food and drug association eating one serving of walnuts 1.5 ounces or 25 nuts can be part of a low saturated fat diet and a low cholesterol diet may provide protection against coronary heart disease.  Eating healthy Super Bowl snacks are a great way to manage weight while still enjoying the game with friends eating favorite low-calorie foods and drinks

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Patricia Lynn

Photo by Christine Siracusa on Unsplash

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.