Hydration Benefits Maintain Good Health


Hydration Benefits Regulates Bodily Functions

Hydration benefits the entire body especially in warmer weather as temperatures rise and drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Drinking adequate amounts of water may increase hydration energy expenditure among people of all ages. Athletes require extra magnesium while exercising to increase endurance levels may help relieve muscle spasms while working out. Every cell in our bodies requires water to perform various functions including regulating the body’s temperature essential for maintaining good health.  Bottled water consumption reached an all-time high in the United States in 2019 at 43.7 gallons per capita. Water sales in the US increased to 14.4 billion gallons result in the highest amount of bottled water sold in the US. Water makes up 65-75 percent of the body, hydrates the skin, maintains the system’s stability, flushes waists and toxins from the body, lubricates joints, and acts as a shock absorber when performing any physical exercise. 

Water is essential for transporting essential vitamins, minerals, proteins throughout the body to be metabolized for assimilation.  Staying hydrated helps dissolve minerals and nutrients making them more accessible to the body while protecting organs and tissues.  Drinking plenty of water each day has been proven to be beneficial for overall health with zero-calorie intake improves metabolism, helping you lose weight, cleanses the body of waste while decreasing water retention. Hint fruit-flavored water delivers refreshment without sugars, diet sweeteners, extra calories, or preservatives as a delicious beverage.  Hydration benefits the body by preventing dehydration by drinking adequate amounts of fluids typically water and other beverages throughout the day, helping the body rid of waste through perspiration and urination.  Pure water cleans the body from the inside out aids in weight loss it can help you burn off more calories while suppressing the appetite. Dehydration occurs when a person lacks the proper amount of fluids needed for the body to function optimally.

Drinking adequate amounts of water to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Blood is 90 percent water responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body helping to hydrate tissues. Boost immunity with daily exercise reduces stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline walking once per day 30-60 minutes breathing in fresh air refresh the body to help flush the body of toxins. Hydration benefits the entire body especially in warmer weather as temperatures rise drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Drink 6-8 ounces of pure water each day to avoid dehydration. 

Hydration Benefits

  • Regulates body temperature
  • Lubricates and cushions joints
  • Protects sensitive tissue
  • Drinking water instead of sweetened beverages can lead to weight loss
  • Water is essential for kidneys and other bodily function
  • Adequate water intake helps maintain blood pressure

Quench Your Thirst

Consume more fluids from foods high in water content including soups, stews, celery, watermelon. tomatoes, teas to increase fluid intake.  It is recommended to drink 6-8 ounce glasses of water each day to stay hydrated replacing fluids throughout the day. Quench your thirst with summertime treats making a mint watermelon sparkling beverage with cubs of chilled watermelon, 2 springs of fresh mint, carbonated water poured over ice. Sports drinks can replace electrolytes and fluids replenish the body’s potassium levels boosting energy. Electrolytes regulate muscle and nerve function hydrates the body and helps rebuild damaged tissue while balancing blood pressure and acidity vital for normal functioning in the human body. Levels of electrolytes can become too high or too low may lead to an imbalance in the body, and can be affected by water levels as well as other factors. 

Dasani purified water enriched with minerals containing magnesium and potassium chloride. It is water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis or other suitable methods to render it suitable for drinking. Adequate magnesium levels promote stress reduction and good sleep because magnesium is crucial for the body’s function, promotes healthy blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and is necessary for bone formation, and may help reduce the risks of osteoporosis.  It promotes heart health and may reduce the risks of hypertension, stroke may ease tension in blood vessels walls reducing blood pressure, helps oxygenate the brain, and enhances cognitive function for clear thinking. Drinking adequate amounts of water may increase hydration energy expenditure. Athletes require extra magnesium while exercising to increase endurance levels may help relieve muscle spasms while working out.  Potassium an electrolyte mineral found in bodily fluids works well with sodium balances the acid-alkaline system transmits signals between cells and nerves enhancing athletic performance.

BodyArmor is an American sports drink partially owned subsidiary of the Coca-Cola Company based in Queens New York. In the summer of 2018, the Coca Cola Company purchased a minority stake in the company to position BodyArmor as a premium sports drink above its own Powerade brand.  BodyArmor Lite flavors include Berry Punch, Blueberry pomegranate, Watermellon, Coconut, Orange Clemintine, Tropical Coconut, Peach Mango, Strawberry Lemon Aide. Proprietary formula BodyArmor Electrolytiate Sports formula used for all day hydration promotes higher physical performance. A sports drink that can replace electrolytes and fluids replenish the body’s potassium levels boosting energy.

Electrolytes regulate muscle and nerve function hydrates the body and helps rebuild damaged tissue while balancing blood pressure and acidity vital for normal functioning in the human body. It promotes heart health and may reduce the risks of hypertension, stroke may ease tension in blood vessels walls reducing blood pressure, helps oxygenate the brain, and enhances cognitive function for clear thinking. Drinking adequate amounts of water may increase hydration energy expenditure. Levels of electrolytes can become too high or too low may lead to an imbalance in the body, and can be affected by water levels as well as other factors. Having enough water in the body during physical exercise reduces physical strain if heat stress occurs. It is important to stay hydrated before and after exercise to boost performance.

Drinking water benefits the entire body vital in warmer weather as temperatures rise and drinking fluids throughout the day is essential. Water is essential for transporting essential vitamins, minerals, proteins throughout the body to be metabolized for assimilation. Cells in our bodies require adequate hydration to perform various functions including regulating the body’s temperature crucial for maintaining good health.  Hint flavored water is a delicious treat with zero calories, no preservatives, vegan, gluten-free, and kosher, available in a wide variety of fruit flavors including watermelon, lemon, blackberry, and pineapple 16 fl oz per serving.  Hydration benefits the entire body may enhance physical performance helping you lose weight.


Patricia Lynn

Photo by ShengGeng Lin on Unsplash


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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.