Hydration Essentials For Good Health


Hydration Benefits The Entire Body

Hydration water is a critical nutrient essential for life keeping every system in the body functioning properly. Summer days have inspired people across the globe to drink more fresh water in an effort to stay hydrated. Consumers are choosing bottled water options instead of less healthy packaged drinks helping to reaffirm bottled water’s position as America’s Favorite drink IBWA. Bottled water’s total volume in 2021 reached 15.7 billion gallons surpassing carbonated soft drinks at all time peak of 15.3 billion gallons which was reached in 2004. Bottled water outsold soft drinks for the first time in 2016 and has done so every year since indicators of an impressive consumption shift highlighting consumer preferences for healthier beverages. Americans want bottled water to be available wherever drinks are sold indicating fundamental qualities that explain bottled water’s ongoing appeal for U.S. consumers including its association as a pure healthy convenient drink. If you do not drink enough water equally spaced throughout the day you may be at risk of dehydration which may lead to low blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, and dark urine that is dark in color.

Water comprises of 75 percent of body weight in infants to 60 percent in adults and is essential for homeostasis the state of physical optimization.  Water is an essential feature in cellular homeostasis in a living organism. Water intake must be individualized and you should check with your doctor if you are unsure about the right amount for you. The National Academy Of Sciences Engineering and Medicine has determined that an adequate daily intake is about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids each day for women and 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids each day for men. Atquiate water increases the volume of blood which affects blood pressure and heart rate.  Water dissolves gases allowing for an efficient exchange of and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Water can be excerated so it carries toxins that have been made water soluble out of the body. There are many beverage options on the market but water is still the better option as sugary drinks can lead to inflammation, and weight gain which may lead to diseases including diabetes. 

Good hydration can boost physical performance improving mood and leading to better overall wellness and may reduce appetite.  Hydration benefits the entire body helping to maintain good health and essential for transporting vitamines, minerals, and oxygen in the body.  Physical energy is essential for mental and physical performance in everyday activities.  Common poor health conditions like dehydration often decrease energy levels resulting in fatigue, mental depression, or lethargy. Exhaustion can lead to chronic sleeplessness, muscle weakness, and impaired judgment in making decisions. Unfortunately, unhealthy eating habits in the United States have contributed to the obesity epidemic among one-third of US Adults at 33.8 percent of adults are obese and approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents are considered obese indicating poor eating habits.  Nutritionists suggest food therapy for restoring vitality by combining a basic high energy diet that consists of 65% complex carbohydrates. organic vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains, lean proteins, and drinking plenty of fresh water to restore balance in the body. Eating clean foods combined with adequate hydration has been proven to promote physical energy lose weight and help to reduce certain poor health conditions. The proportion of water that comes from food varies with the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet and must be obtained by drinking adequate amounts of water each day to stay hydrated.

One of the healthiest ways you can improve your health is to stay properly but fluid needs tend to vary depending on various factors. Use an online hydration calculator to estimate the minimum amount of water you should be drinking each day for a well hydrated body. On days when you are more active or work up a sweat, you should consume more water to hydrate the body.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of  Silviarita at Pixbay



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.