Lite Meal Options


Delicious Lite Meal Options

Lite meal options are essential when choosing a healthy diet plan that focuses on eating the correct amount of foods per serving following portion control.  Research indicates following a sensible diet plan packed with nutrition can reduce body fat while promoting overall health. Obesity is a common serious problem affecting millions of people in the US including 70 percent of the population indicators of a public health crisis. An estimated 190 billion dollars was spent in the US on obesity related health care expenses in 2005 there is continued debate over the cause of weight gain in 2023, as a large amount of the population believes the cause of obesity is linked to poor diet and lack of regular exercise that may lead to a sedentary lifestyle. Excessive weight harms health in many ways and increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and other poor health conditions.

Obesity related conditions continue to motivate people of all ages to lose weight in an effort to improve overall health by following a sensible portion control diet plan suited to their personal needs eating lite meal options. Lite Sauces make meals taste gourmet using Kevins Natural Foods Korean BBQ sweet and spicy Bulgogi sauce made with coconut aminos, garlic, and toasted sesame seeds.  Each sauce includes a 10 minute recipe on the back making it perfect for a quick healthy meal with minimal prep.  Simply saute your favorite protein or veggies stir in the sauce for a delicious guilt free dinner.  Cook with Kevin’s sauces marinate, grill, stovetop using natural ingredients available in 8 flavorful varieties including Tomatillo Taco Sauce, Korean BBQ, Teriyaki, Lemongrass Basil, Thai Coconut, Tikka Masala, Classic Taco, Cilantro Lime sauce. “Grilling uses high heat and direct contact with a grill to make foods taste crispy on the outside while keeping foods moist on the inside all while adding smoky flavor to your meal.

Delicious lite salads paired with proteins of choice build the foundations of creating a healthy meal packed with nutrition.  Research has found that grilling may reduce your risks of chronic diseases including heart disease, cancers, and type 2 diabetes,” New York Health. Sauces make lite meal options taste great using low calorie ingredients to enhance the flavor of your favorite dish. One 3 ounce grilled boneless chicken is 158 calories, 16.7 grams of fat, 24.1 grams of protein per serving. Burgers are a lite meal option often char broiled, grilled, baked in the oven to create a lite meal option paired with salad and dressing on the side.  One 3 ounce grilled  beef burger is 232 calories, 21.29 grams of protein per serving topped with lettuce, onions, tomato and one dollop of low calorie Heinze ketchup is tasty. JennieO all white frozen Turkey Burgers are made with all natural white meat, 240 calories, 24 grams of protein per serving.  They are 100 percent delicious and guilt free.

Amy’s Organic California Veggie Burger is vegan and dairy free certified USDA sold as a frozen food item 10 ounce 4 pack, made from organic ingredients,150 calories per serving, 0 saturated fat, 0 cholesterol, 550 mg sodium, 1.5 mg iron, 4 grams dietary fiber, 6 grams of protein, 30mg calcium, 240mg potassium, Shop for Amy’s foods online or at your local grocer to find canned soups, lentils, Madres Quinoa & Lentil Bowl vegan food.  and Amy’s frozen food items including Vegan Black Bean And vegetable Enchilada, Casserole, Gluten Free Burrito, Vegan Thai Green Curry, Vegan Tofu Scramble, Vegan Spicy Chilly low calorie option.


Patricia Lynn

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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.