Lose Belly Fat Basic Essentials 


Lose Belly Fat Manage Weight

Lose belly fat diet is essential for managing weight as part of healthy lifestyle choices eating for life. Weight gain is a serious problem in the United States putting people of all ages at risk of developing serious health-related conditions. The prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5 percent to 42.4 percent and the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7 percent to 9.2 percent from 1999 to 2018. The estimated medical cost of obesity in the United States was 147 billion in 2008, the medical costs for people who have obesity are 1,429 higher compared to people of the normal weight range. 

Weight gain is a serious costly disease affecting millions of people in the United States. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise is key to achieving and maintaining weight throughout life. Eliminating sugary drinks and snacks may put you on the fast track to weight loss opt for whole food choices pack with nutritional value for best results. Establishing new lifestyle habits can reduce the risks associated with obesity may increase longevity. Changing behavioral habits is scientifically proven to be effective for losing weight eating whole unprocessed foods high in nutrition reduces appetite.

Body Mass Index is a useful measure as indicators to gauge your risks for diseases that can occur with more body fat.  The higher the BMI the higher the risk is for developing diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing difficulties, gallstones. Estimate your body fat percentage using a BMI Smart Scale.

BMI scale estimates body compensation by analyzing body fat percentage body water, skeletal muscles, fat body weight, muscle mass, bone mass, protein, basal metabolism, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat.  BMI scales provide detailed information you can use to determine your weight loss goals. Managing weight effectively may help lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity.

A person aged 20 years or older with a body mass index BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese, a person 25.0-29.9 is overweight, a person who is 18.5-24.9 is normal BMI, a person who is 18.5 BMI is underweight. BMI.  Although BMI can be used by most men and women it does have limitations.

Lose Belly Fat Change Lifestyle

Reasons your not losing belly fat may be due to eating the wrong kind of foods and not exercising enough. Lose belly fat by changing your daily routine to include healthy food choices high in nutritional value leaving you feeling satisfied longer. Belly fat is sometimes hard to lose however with the right combination of lifestyle changes losing extra weight can be easily accomplished.  If you are struggling to lose that last 10 pounds of belly fat, you not alone.  Are you having difficulty buttoning your pants because you have gained weight?  Your gut may be the problem.

Exercise abs at or at your desk sitting in an upright position pull the abdomen back toward the spine, hold the position for 5 seconds and release a form of isometric exercise.  Repeat the exercise for 20-30 repetitions 4 times per week while sitting in a chair or watching tv to strengthen core abdominal muscles to lose belly fat.


Patricia Lynn


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.