Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas Boost Physical Energy 

Healthy Breakfast Easy Options

Low calorie breakfast blend is considered the most important meal of the day, providing the body with nutrients to boost physical energy.  According to national dietary guidelines eating a healthy breakfast provides easy options to create early morning meals that help you manage weight.

 Planning your next breakfast include plenty of whole grains and fiber from oats or cereals low in sugar.  A low-calorie breakfast high in protein from eggs or lean meats helps increase the metabolism to burn off calories effectively. The benefits of eating protein is essential for building and repairing muscle mass.

Consuming a good breakfast packed with protein and essential nutrients can boost your energy level and kickstart your metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day.  Nutritional recommendations for breakfast for Americans in 2011 suggest people consume between 200-300 calories per breakfast including 25-35% calories from healthy fats, 20-25% protein, 40-45% carbohydrates for a well-balanced meal.

10 Healthy breakfast diet recipes use high in protein combined with monounsaturated fats that will help you lose weight using great ingredients.

Protein Powder Shakes

Raw organic Garden Of Life Protein Powder rewards yourself with the best ingredients nutritive power of seeds and grains with raw protein featuring 14 raw organic sprouts as an excellent source of protein providing 17 grams or 33% of daily value plus all essential amino acids proven to increase physical energy.

Garden of life protein powders is available in 6 lines of protein suited to your needs whether you are an athlete, vegan, Paleo or have food sensitive allergies for a low calorie breakfast. 

Protein makes hormones, enzymes and body chemicals shown to burn off 80-100 calories per day due to high thermic effect.  Two large eggs are 12 grams of protein and 156 calories considered the perfect low calorie breakfast to kickstart your day. Eggs can be prepared in many ways including hard boiled, scrambled or poached as an inexpensive source of high quality protein.

More than half of the protein is found in the egg white along with vitamin B12 and lower amounts of fat in the yolk. Eggs are a rich source of minerals copper, zinc, iron, and vitamins including B12, B6, D low in calories high in protein. Egg omelets can be made with chopped vegetables and diced lean meats is a delicious low-calorie breakfast meal.

Whole Grain Protein Waffles

Kodiak Cakes Waffles frozen made with 100% whole grains to kick start your day using wholesome ingredients.  Enjoy your breakfast getting 12 grams of high-quality protein per serving to help keep you feeling fuller longer. Serve toasted waffles topped with your favorite fruit of choice, a dollop of vanilla yogurt and one tablespoon of sugar-free maple syrup to taste.

Kodiak Cakes Waffles is a delicious high protein breakfast eaten as a healthier choice in nourishment for the body available in Target frozen food section. Protein is an important part of weight loss however many people fail to get enough. Protein can boost your metabolism while reducing your appetite helping you lose body fat while building lean muscle.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of StockSnap at Pixbay

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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.