Low Calorie Thanksgiving Dinner Edible Feast Celebration 


Enjoy Low Calorie Thanksgiving Dinner

Low calorie Thanksgiving dinner recipes are a delicious way to celebrate the holidays while staying on track with your diet. The holidays can be challenging for some people struggling with diet but not impossible.  Thanksgiving is the most celebrated holiday as 51 million Americans travel to meet with family and friends enjoying foods of the season.  Studies indicate people have become more health conscious about managing weight and are looking for low calorie recipes to suit the holiday.

A traditional Thanksgiving meal is between an astounding 3,000 and 4,000 calories per meal consuming the entree, side dishes, drinks, and desserts.  Fortunately, low calorie Thanksgiving dinner recipes can reduce sugars and trans fats while keeping all the flavors you enjoy the most.  Low-calorie food options are a fantastic way to enjoy your favorite foods while managing your weight.

Stay on track with your diet eliminating processed foods, sugar and sweets from your diet.  Give thanks for the bounty we have received throughout the year eating traditional foods without extra calories using sugar substitutes instead of sweeteners.   Follow portation control to avoid overindulging on favorite dishes allowing you to enjoy dinner while managing weight eating a small portation of each dish helps you stay in control of your diet.

Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner Options

Healthy Thanksgiving dinner recipes start with wholesome ingredients the whole family will enjoy.  Typically traditional recipes are loaded with too much salt, sugar and high in saturated fats,  The risks associated with saturated fat consumption is controversial for the development of a disease.  Many professionals recommend eating a diet low in saturated fat for preventing obesity.

Specific products vegetable products have high saturated content including palm oil and coconut oil.  Processed foods or fried foods are considered high in saturated fat such as sausage, dairy desserts may lead to health complications.    Today’s recipes are dedicated to eating a low calorie Thanksgiving dinner packed with flavor using the right ingredients without sacrificing taste.

Low Calorie Thanksgiving Dinner & Deserts

Top delicious healthy recipes for Thanksgiving include traditional tastes of the season entrees, side dishes, and desserts.  Reducing the fat and keeping all the flavors you enjoy. There is no need to skimp on your favorite dish by planning your menu saves time by making a few dishes one day in advance.  Make your dinner party run smoothly with careful preparation and planning. Give yourself more time to spend with others and less time slaving in the kitchen heat and serve food to guests saves time making entertaining a breeze.

Avoid the holiday bloat by eating a low calorie Thanksgiving meal including fresh organic vegetables, fruits, lean protein, low-calorie side dishes, drinks, and sugar-free desserts as delicious options while entertaining.

Surve family and friends buffet style leaving the host or hostess more time to enjoy the celebration.  Setting up a buffet can be completed one day in advance.  Cover a stable piece of furniture or table with a protective tablecloth in coordinating colors for a thanksgiving dinner celebration between family and friends.

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Get access diet information you can implement in your daily routine creating simple lifestyle changes that can make a huge impact on managing your weight. Click Here to receive your information on how to start losing weight using proven methods that maximize results.  Happy Holidays!


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Patricia Lynn


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.