Metabolism Booster Burn Off Calories  


Metabolism Optimise Physical Energy

Metabolism is responsible for converting food into energy to run cellular processes effectively burning off calories helps managing weight.  Cardiovascular exercise will improve aerobic metabolism the way your body expands energy burning off body fat.  The main purpose of metabolism is converting food into energy through a cellular process filing the building blocks of proteins and some carbohydrates. Eat well to increase energy consuming small meals spaced throughout the day boost ATP eating fatty acids, lean proteins from turkey, fish, salmon, tuna, nuts.

When we eat the body breaks down nutrients released as energy in the body stored in molecules of adenosine triphosphate ATP provides energy for living cells.   The biochemical process converting beverages and calories in foods is combined with oxygen released into physical energy the body needs to function. Regular exercise can replenish your energy levels raising neurotransmitters in the brain including serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine which is why people feel so good after a workout.

Eating more protein throughout the day helps you burn off calories due to the thermic effect increasing metabolic rate after consuming a meal.  The thermic effect of food is dietary induced thermogenesis is the amount of energy expenditure above the basal metabolic rate processing food for storage and use in the body.  Protein is an important component in your body used to build muscle and repair tissues. The body converts food and nutrients consumed into the energy your body requires to run optimally in order to breathe, circulate blood, grow, repair cells, and everything else it does to survive.

Your body also uses protein to make hormones, digestive enzymes, and other biological chemicals to function optimally. Protein digestion begins when you first eat a meal. There are two enzymes found in your saliva referred to as lipase and amylase that break down carbohydrates and fats.  Once a protein source reaches your stomach enzymes and hydrochloric acid activates pepsinogen into the enzyme pepsin which then helps in the digestion process.  The metabolism works 24/7 to keep your body moving even when you are sleeping or resting.

Protein recommended for adult males is to consume 56 grams of protein per day and the average women should consume 46 grams of lean proteins equally spaced throughout the day enhancing the metabolism. Metabolic enhancers support natural metabolic pathways generating physical cellular energy naturally through diet and regular exercise. Natural stimulants increase metabolic function when used in moderation preventing fatigue may be beneficial for weight loss boosting metabolism.  Consuming adequate protein preserves muscle strength maintaining a lean aft burning physique. 

Plant based enzymes with Lactase and Protease and Bromelain support healthy digestion as a comprehensive vegan blend of enzymes assist in the breakdown of fats, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates optimizing the availability of consumed nutrients.  

Water contains no calories content as water is an element composed of hydrogen and oxygen needed for chemical reactions in the body, especially those involved in metabolic reactions releasing energy involved in energy production. Drinking 500 ml of pure water increases metabolic rate by 30 percent should be considered when estimating energy expenditure while losing weight boosting the metabolism staying hydrated and energized. According to Studies suggest water consumption is essential for life as dietary fluid intake recommendations in the United States for adults is 3,000 ml for men and 2,200 ml for women is adequate for daily hydration.     

Supplement Coenzyme CoQ10 may improve blood pressure increasing cellular energy in the body generating physical energy.  Deficiencies in CoQ10 may cause lethargy low energy levels that may slow the metabolism from working effectively. It is recognized as a popular supplement as a natural way to enhance metabolism, increase energy levels, boost immune function, and support heart health. Eating foods that contain CoQ10 can enhance energy levels including fatty fish, trout, mackerel sardines, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, fruit, nuts, seeds, soybeans can be added to your diet increasing CoQ10 levels naturally increase metabolism. 

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Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.