New Year New You 2022


Amazing New You

New Year new you establishing healthy habits designed to improve your life in 2022 to regain control over physical fitness. Fifty percent of Americans make weight loss their top New Year resolution in 2022 effort to get back in shape people are setting the intention to reach personal goals.  The New Year is celebrated on January 1 of each calendar year rich in tradition for people worldwide to celebrate in their own way.  The cultural event celebrates the end of the year and the beginning of the next year as people move forward with enthusiasm.  People across the globe make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of each year to assess goals to make sure you are on the right track financially and in personal health.  Goal setting is the intention that creates your reality focusing on future events with the expectation of achieving small attainable achievements one at a time.  People often write a  list of goals they want to accomplish as a collection of hopes and dreams as aspirations of achieving something of significance through journaling. Listing in detail personal experiences a person hopes to achieve during their entire lifetime creates a plan of action creating a new you establishing new written goals to follow in the future 2022.

Obesity is a serious medical condition in the United States affecting 1 in 3 adults, the epidemic affecting 500 million people worldwide in 2022. Gaining weight during the holidays may be attributed to several factors including eating a diet high in calories and lacking dietary nutrition. Most people gain weight because they consume more calories than they burn off through daily activities. Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to consume at least 2 servings of fruit per day and two and a half cups of vegetables per day.  Eating a wide variety of fresh vegetables provides the body with dietary nutrition high in phytochemical compounds produced in plants is good for the body. Comparing diets to find the right solution for healthy eating may help create a new you establishing dietary guidelines that you will enjoy following. Calorie calculators can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day based on several equations to determine simple guidelines for losing weight. The economic benefit of healthy eating is estimated to be 114.5 billion per year in the United States includes medical savings, increased productivity, and the value of a prolonged life expectancy annual report America’s Health Rankings 2020.

Over 50 percent of Americans are concerned about their current health intend to change bad habits embracing a healthier lifestyle in 2022.  When starting a new diet and exercise program a trained health care provider should perform necessary easements to evaluate an individual’s health status and risks. Scales are instrumental when tracking weight providing individuals a baseline to determine ideal body weight. Americans believe they could be healthier while managing weight consumers are concerned about obesity that may lead to health problems if left untreated. Dietary change is an effective strategy used to lose weight maintaining ideal weight to create a new you in 2022. Body mass index BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by square height in meters. BMI is an inexpensive screening method used to determine weight category underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity.  Scales can be an effective tool used to measure weight. A person aged 20 years or older with a body mass index BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese, a person 25.0-29.9 is overweight, a person who is 18.5-24.9 is normal BMI, a person who is 18.5 BMI is underweight. BMI you have questions about your BMI talk to your health care provider about what dieting program is best for your personal needs. Scales vary functionally and are a useful tool used to monitor body weight mainly to help motivate a person to the desired goal physically creates a new you.

Recognize when one door closes another one opens but we often look so long regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the door that has opened for us that creates a new you establishing a new reality.  Goal setting is a valuable process of accomplishments helping you find solutions for completing tasks while working on any set of goals. Begins with a simple list writing down thoughts outlining desires setting the intention to follow through with a clear plan of action for short and long term goals. It is a similar process to set specific goals creating a definite plan on how to get there sets your direction to implement a deceive plan for your New Year resolutions. When goal setting the possibilities are endless designing a lifestyle suited to your beliefs in obtaining something through education, work, health or financial success.  Unfortunately, circumstances may lead to a temporary disruption while achieving goals often leaving many people feeling frustrated with life’s events that may lead them in a new direction. Establishing goals through writing a to-do list is a foundation for making your dreams into a reality.

Create your own customized Goal stetting list in Word dock templates in Office 365 you can design a plan for your future.  Create a list of categories for short and long-term goals including health, managing weight, retirement, travel, family, friends. financing, profession, educational goals, budgets, create an income to support your new goals. 

Embark on a fabulous journey of self improvement discovery creating a new you with Journey app Google editors choice 2016-2021. Create a digital album collection depicting favorite moments of your life documenting holiday celebrations, vacations, everyday activities to share with friends online. Journaling is used for self expression and may boost productivity through creative writing, documenting beautiful memories, everlasting legacy, major milestones which live on through a lifetime of documenting a personal diary of experiences. Create a new you writing in a journal of choice as part of self discovery writing goals of importance gets things in motion through setting intentional goals with the Journey App.  Types of Journal Gratitude Journal, Daily Journal, Expressive journal, Dream Journal, Daily Devotional Journal, Diet Journal, Travel Journal, Hobby Journal Journeys mission is to provide the best journaling experience to the world using online technologies available at Google Play Store.  It currently has over 3 million downloads named by Google Play as editors’ choice in the 2019 Best Journaling app.

Create a new you posting a digital album collection depicting favorite moments of your life documenting holiday celebrations, vacations, everyday activities to share with friends online. Journaling is used for self-expression and may boost productivity through creative writing, documenting beautiful memories, everlasting legacy, major milestones which live on through a lifetime and documenting a personal diary of experiences.    Penzu journal service offers many types of journals people can use to record daily activities or feelings about a particular situation in their personal life experience.  A journal is designed to collect your ideas and a number of observations through creative writing inspire self-expression dedicating time to journal. There are numerous types of journals suiting a wide array of interests people can use for different aspects of their life.  A daily journal can be used to record current activities seen as memorable moments from your life tracking each experience with a notation including date and time for future reference.  An expressive journal is a dedicated space to pour out your emotions and feelings through writing often benefiting mental wellbeing using tools to manage stress better may create a new you. A dream journal sets the intention of fulfilling your vivid imagination writing your dreams on paper helps people visualize a future outcome.  Adding positive digital images to personal journals will enhance your experience in each category making memories along the way.

If you are looking for new ideas, Pinterest is a great place to collect and share information pertaining to your favorite interests providing digital visualization for building a bucket list may create a new you visualize what you want in your life.  Discover topics in weight loss, fitness, business, travel, cooking, healthy recipes, fashion, and many more by conducting a search on Pinterest.  Categorize each list according to personal preference helping you to visualize your goals in writing then fully achieve your goals through actively setting the intention of taking action. Visualizing your goals can be accomplished by creating a digital library of favorite images depicting categories of interest can create a new you just by visualizing what you want to accomplish with digital images. Pinterest is a social media site based in America founded by Bill Silbermann, Even Sharp, and Paul Sciarra, launched in January 2010.  It operates a software system designed to discover information on the web using images and video for people to collect digital images in their own Pinterest account. Create boards for each category then pin your favorite ideas creating a collection of popular images to help visualize your attended desires goal setting.

Fitness apps are a comprehensive approach to weight management using detailed information backed by science.  Discover the simplicity of customizing your own fitness plan choosing from over 800 individual interactive exercises maximizing your workout toning your entire body while losing weight may help create a new you. Choose an exercise program tailored to all fitness levels from beginners to advanced levels building lean defined muscles while burning off fat. Select your music matching tempo with the pace of your workout session elevating your mood boosting physical performance improving endurance increases muscular strength.  Yoga Fit program focuses on the entire body as a complete program promoting traditional techniques incorporated with the power of yoga elevating your workout to a new level.  The Yoga Fit approach primary focus throughout several weeks of exercises toning core abdominals, arms, legs, and hips achieving amazing results.  Create a new you excessing the latest programs to customize your workout progressing in stamina using a sequence of yoga poses specifically designed to increase flexibility and improve athletic performance.


Patricia Lynn



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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.