Probiotics Essential For Good Health


Probiotics Positivally Effects Gut Flora

Probiotics are beneficial to the body reduce inflammation results in several effects in the body positively responds to immune function. Probiotics are microorganisms that have been proven to have substantial health benefits when consumed in the diet or supplement form. Probiotics provide enzymes essential for digestion decrease the amount of energy the body uses turning food into energy. Probiotics enhance the metabolism affect levels of hormones, proteins related to fat storage, and appetite help control body weight, and boost mood.

Enzymedica Digest Plus Probiotics supports healthy digestion for all major food groups throughout the digestive tract for optimal food absorption. The digest is designed for people who want to fully benefit from the nutrients they consume. Metabolic enzymes catalyze regulating every biological reaction occurring in the human body making them essential for cellular function overall health.  Enzymes are biologically active proteins necessary for all living organisms enhancing the rate of all chemical reactions in the body.

Raw probiotics made from a whole food’s formula Bulgarian yogurt, wild Europen Keifer and clinically studied probiotic strains mimic fermented foods harvested then blended for consumption, encapsulated stored then transported in controlled tempters to preserve the quality of the product. Garden Of Life Probiotics maintains more live nutrients enzymes and probiotic strains offering the greatest health benefits for men and women. A raw probiotic is an innovative line of whole foods probiotic formulas that emulate fermented foods to support healthy microbial balance promote healthy bacteria in the gut, enhances immune function.

Probiotics Reduce Inflammation

Probiotics reduce inflammation used to treat chronic disease principally due to their role in immune system function and the anti-inflammatory response.   in the body Studies indicate positive health benefits for individuals supplementing with probiotics reducing body weight lower total body mass index reducing abdominal body fat. Probiotics are living organisms that occur naturally in your gut may play a role in weight loss and weight gain. Beneficial bacteria in probiotics help break down and digest food help create vitamins and minerals the body can utilize for the body to use.

Probiotics can provide benefits for certain conditions such as healthy individuals or people with obesity or metabolic syndrome may yield positive results. If you have inflammatory type arthritis probiotics may be especially important for healing.  The beneficial bacteria appear to have an impact on inflammation-reducing common biomarkers of inflammation of C reactive proteins (CRP).

Are you having difficulty losing weight? Your gut may be out of balance or digestion is not working at an optimal level.  Try adding fermented foods to the diet or a probiotic supplement to establish friendly digestive flora.  Those who ate a diet of fresh and fermented food, probiotics had better carbohydrate metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, improved immunity, and reduced LDL ( bad cholesterol levels). Probiotics have become a popular resource for individuals who want to improve their digestion and good health.

Doctors are interested in the health effects of probiotics on lipids and other factors in heart health and circulatory disease reducing cholesterol in the body preserving heart health. Studies covering 788 people who have taken some form of probiotics either from foods or supplement form. Measurements of total LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, lowered the body mass index scores and reduced the waist and total abdominal fat as well as reducing harmful inflammation. Studies show the using probiotics reduces inflammation in the body after exercise or injury, aids in muscular repair and rejuvenation, reduces Metabolic Syndrome a condition of abdominal obesity, high cholesterol similar to pre-diabetes.

Probiotics can come from certain foods or natural pharmaceutical grade proprietary strain of non-pathogenic yeast with a probiotic activity that acts as a temporary flora to protect the intestinal flora and protect the gastrointestinal tract and the beneficial organisms of the intestine.  Works with the body to establish the intestinal microflora, helping to maintain gut health digestion, healthy immunity, reduce, repair muscle and reduce body inflammation.

There are a growing number of probiotic supplements offered to the public leaving consumers wondering how to choose the right formula?  When evaluating probiotics follow the basic criteria for choosing the best brand that will work for you.  Check the label for specific probiotic strains Saccharomyces, Boulardii 20 billion CFU. Some formulas contain a combination of L. Acidophilus, B.Lactis at 2.5 billion CFUs or more depending on the probiotic formula.

When digestion is not optimal problems go far beyond the usual symptoms of gas and bloating.  Energy is reduced as a result of metabolic byproducts that have not been eliminated, diarrhea, allergic reactions, and fatigue can result.  Chronic indigestion impairs the immune system allowing viral and other infections such as Candida and chronic fatigue to comprise your health. Good digestion food assimilation is the heart of health.

Common causes of intestinal digestion difficulty can be caused by eating poor combinations such as eating too much and eating spicy and fatty foods.  Allergies to sugar, dairy wheat, and enzyme deficiencies, Candida, yeast overgrowth, overeating, too much caffeine, and soda and acid-forming foods can all lead to digestive difficulties, constipation, HCI deficiency, diverticulitis, and vegetable protein deficiency.

Fermented Foods Naturally Contain Probiotics

Fermented foods that contain probiotics or taking a probiotic supplement can help regulate your digestive system reduce inflammation and help you lose weight. by lowering LDL cholesterol.  Individuals who eat probiotics have better carbohydrate metabolism and lower blood sugar levels after three weeks. Fermented foods naturally contain probiotics or have probiotics added to them fortifying the food source.

Foods that contain probiotics natural forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate enzymes and digestive juices that keep the digestion process working properly.  Probiotics can be purchased in supplement form or eaten in foods that host live bacterium such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, dark chocolate, microalgae, miso soup, tempeh, pickles, kimchi a pickled sour krout, kombucha tea. A small body of evidence suggests some probiotics may help people lose weight.

All probiotics are not created equal.  Find probiotics sold online, local health food stores, drugstores or local stores near you.  One common source is supplemented form in capsules, tablets powder or liquid form. Fermented foods also contain probiotics and promote good digestion. Consume more yogurt, kefir,  dark chocolate, miso soup, kombucha tea, into your daily diet regularly. Fermented foods can help promote digestive balance, however, taking a probiotic supplement offers a quick solution.

Different strains of probiotics have very different functions concentrated in the digestive tract. Formulas that include multiple strains tend to be more effective compared to formulas that contain highly concentrated of just one or two strains.  Heath is influenced by microorganisms working synergistically in the digestive tract as beneficial bacteria break down and digest food promotes healthy gut flora may boost mood.

Researchers have studied the effects of Lactobacillus gasseri on fat loss.  In this study individuals who have extra belly fat who drank fermented milk products containing beneficial bacteria lost 8.2 to 8.5 percent of belly fat in 12 weeks indicators of the importance of good microorganisms that aid in digestion.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Jillwillington of Pixbay


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.