Protein Essentials Increase Metabolism Effectiveness  


Protein Benefits Entire Body

Protein consumption is essential for human growth in the body as a vital part of maintaining health including managing weight. Proteins are the building blocks of amino acids the body uses to build and repair tissues in the body increasing lean muscle mass burns off calories.  Protein deficiencies can occur when you’re not consuming enough protein for the body to function properly, which may lead to muscle weakness and cramping.  Most Americans are eating enough protein to meet their needs however some individuals fail to eat enough protein-rich foods.

The body uses proteins to make hormones, fluids, other chemicals to form skin, cartilage, bone, blood, and muscle tissues.  Eating recommended amounts of proteins plays a vital role in brain function elevating the mood.  Building blocks of proteins usually made up of amino acids produce neurotransmitter chemicals the brain uses in cellular communication promoting optimal health. According to the DIR Dietary Reference, Intake protein recommendations include 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound,  Daily recommendations for an average male is 56 grams per day and 46 grams of protein for the average women is sufficient for most adults.

Protein intake recommendations for athletes increase protein intake 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. A 150-pound person amounts to 56 grams however studies indicate many physically active individuals do not consume enough protein throughout the day.  Use the RDA  calculator to determine your requirements for protein.

Avoid protein mistakes consuming sufficient amounts spaced throughout the day replenishing the body with essential nutrition balance energy. According to the National Library of Medicine protein is the building blocks needed for tissue repair, muscles, skin, hair, blood, and cartilage.  Protein is used to make hormones, enzymes and other bodily chemicals provide the body with a valuable source of energy density a carbohydrates boost energy.

Typically protein sources can be obtained from vegetable plants and animals, meats and dairy products.  Essential amino acids can not be made by the body it must be obtained from consuming foods high in protein providing the body with calories needed to create energy. Chicken is one of the most common sources of poultry consumed as a good protein source served worldwide. 

Dietary guideline recommendations suggest Americans consume proteins from a variety of sources containing nutrient-dense foods from both animal and plant proteins. Dietary proteins do not contain the same nutritional values.  Each gram of protein contains 4 calories and is categorized by different amino acid complexes they provide.  Complete proteins contain all essential amino acids in adequate amounts found in animal sources including meat, eggs, dairy, soy, and seafood. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, protein intake is widely accepted for increasing endurance for people who want to increase physical performance. Incomplete protein sources do not contain enough amino acids making the protein in balanced including sources found in, nuts, seeds, grains, and vegetables. Nutritional balance is key when choosing dietary proteins to boost metabolism to effectively burn off calories for weight loss. 

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Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.