Protein Shake Recipes Improve Metabolic Rate For Weight Loss 


Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes

Protein shake recipes vary in nutritional value including depending on the ingredients chosen for each blend.  A good protein drink can be easily made using a few key ingredients to create a custom shake you can enjoy any time of the day.  Protein shakes for weight loss can help build lean muscle mass while helping your body lose fat.  Suppress appetite naturally adding more protein to your diet in a delicious low calorie drink.

Typically you can consume a wide verity of foods to obtain minerals and vitamins your body can use.  Protein shakes are now being used to fulfill your daily nutritional requirements helping you to feel more satisfied.  Replacing a meal with a protein shake may be beneficial if you are attempting to lose weight as long as you are on a sensible diet plan by reducing calories consumed during the day. Boost your sluggish metabolism adding more protein to your diet helping you lose more weight.

Bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts often add a protein drink to there diet before a workout to increase endurance levels while performing exercises. Protein intake for weight loss is usually 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight or 2,2 grams/kg BW per day for those who are bodybuilders or actively participating in resistance training.  Building lean muscle mass can help the body burn calories 24 hours per day even when your workout is complete. Protein shake recipes can be customized using protein powder of choice depending on your specific dietary requirements.

Tips Protein Shake Recipes

  • Use protein powder in protein shake recipes to build muscle
  • Drink one protein shake per day to boost metabolism
  • Try different flavor protein drink from pain, vanilla or chocolate powders to combine unique flavors
  • Add nutritional support to your diet with a protein drink

Natural Protein Powders

Pea protein has a great nutritional profile including an amino acid complex that is beneficial for preserving muscle tissue while you lose weight.  Pea protein may be better a better option than soy protein.  It comes from yellow peas and like soy, it is a complete source of all amino acid complex. Pea protein is allergen free for those who are unable to digest whey proteins.  Use protein shake recipes for muscle gain helping your body burn calories more effectively.

Yellow pea powder is an excellent source of dietary protein used by vegans and vegetarians who prefer not to use dairy milk or animal products.  Pea protein powder is made up of extracting soluble fiber and protein from yellow split peas and is not considered the same as ground peas due to the removal of fiber and starch.  Pea protein powders mix easily to a smooth consistency without a blender and is made without gluten, corn free, dairy free, egg free, soy free and sugar free.

Egg Protein Powder

Egg Protein powder is made from egg whites containing less fat and is low in cholesterol providing top quality protein.  One scoop of egg protein provides approximately 24 grams of pure protein which is 4 times more protein found in whole eggs.  Powdered egg whites contain less than one gram of carbohydrates per serving and considered a rich source of protein.  It is a good alternative to whole eggs since egg whites and egg powder are cholesterol free.

Nutrition egg white supplemental support can be found online in powder form for performance and muscle mass development for per workout and post workout recovery.  Egg white powder is an excellent source of high quality protein low in fat and cholesterol. Find eggwhite protein pure powder by Now Products online contains less than one gram of fat and carbs per serving.  Simply add to milk or other liquid to supplement your protein program. The best protein shake recipes can be made right at home with a few simple ingredients and a blender.

There is a verity of protein powders available in easy to mix formulas that contain a verity of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Protein powders can be found at most local stores or online and can provide extra nutritional support.  Check out the low-calorie recipes below for protein shakes you can enjoy as a meal or snack.


Banana Strawberry Protein Shake


1 scoop or one serving of plain or vanilla protein powder of choice

6 ounces of pure water

1 cup of plain or vanilla soy milk

1/2 cup low-fat yogurt

1/4 banana

2 strawberries

4 ice cubes

splash of vanilla extract – optional

Directions– add all ingredients to a blender and combine until smooth.  Enjoy this delicious banana strawberry protein shake recipe for breakfast.

Almond Strawberry Supreme Protein Shake Recipe

protien-shake Ingredients

1 scoop of plain or vanilla protein powder

1 cup almond milk

1 cup pure water

1/4 cup ground  almonds or 2 tablespoons of almond butter

2 strawberries

4 ice cubes

1 splash of almond extract- optional

Directions-  Add all ingredients to a blender to puree until smooth.  If the consistency of the liquid is too thick add more water or milk until the desired consistency is achieved.  This protein shake is packed with flavor and loaded with protein helping to boost your energy levels during the day.

chocolate-protein-shake recipe

Chocolate Protein Shake

Protein powders are available in plain, vanilla or chocolate flavors that can be made into a shake or smoothie.  Regular chocolate eaters can reap the benefits for their hearts, lower blood pressure and lower LDL cholesterol helping to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.  The benefits of eating chocolate can be enormous for reducing inflammation naturally and boosting mood.  Try these low-calorie chocolate protein shake recipes providing you with additional nutrient support helping you feel satisfied longer.


1 scoop of protein powder of choice chocolate or plain flavor

1 cup coconut milk or milk of choice

1 tablespoon of dark cocoa powder

4 ice cubes

1 cup pure water

Directions-  Add all ingredients to a blender and puree until smooth.  Try this healthy protein shake for weight loss. Enjoy!

Add more protein to your diet with a powder protein supplement designed to help you build lean muscle while losing fat.  Create your own custom recipes with protein powder mixes that are low in fat and calories using simple ingredients you may have at home. The benefits of adding a protein shake to your diet can aid in nutritional support giving you more energy throughout the day while promoting weight loss.

For additional information on losing weight visit Weight Loss Diet Plans a complete website dedicated to diet and fitness programs.  Tour the whole website to find a diet for your specific needs.  Sign up for your free gift of Garcinia weight loss supplement while supplies last.

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Patricia Lynn

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Photo by Scott Waters on Unsplash

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.