Reduce Inflammation Holistic Approach 


Combat Inflammation Naturally

Inflammation is part of the body’s defense mechanism a process in which the immune system responds to cellular injury indicated by capillary dilatation. Injuries often cause pain, redness, swelling as the body produces heat the body’s defense mechanism to fight off infectious agents including bacteria, and repair tissue damage. Inflammation is the release of chemicals that increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection and may result in redness and warmth in the injured area.

According to Harvard Health suggest eating an anti-inflammatory including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fatty fish, sardines, tuna, salmon, and healthy oils. Limit foods high in simple sugars candy, soda, and refined carbohydrates, including pie, cookies to reduce inflammation.  Managing weight with diet and exercise may combat inflammation and it’s many damaging effects on the body. Reduce chronic stress by engaging in relaxing activities including yoga, deep breathing, and meditation preventing inflammation naturally.

Inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released into the blood or affected tissues to protect your body from foreign substances. Inflammation can also cause chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Pain medications like steroids for the treatment of pain long term can cause serious side effects that can cause detrimental damage to your body and actually contribute to weight gain, hormonal changes, heart disease, diabetes, and cataracts.

Compounds in certain foods such as omega 3 fatty acids, phytosterols, carotenoid antioxidants, polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols, that help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation naturally. Consuming a clean diet with fresh ingredients such as organic grains, rice, fruits and vegetables, fresh ginger, black tea, nuts, seeds, olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil and coconut oil, fresh fish, and soy products may help reduce inflammation.

Hydrate drinking plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins may reduce the effects of inflammation. Upon waking drink one glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon to alkaline your blood PH level and reduce inflammation. Lemon juice will flush out toxins as it normalizes your acidity levels.  Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.  Selecting foods that reduce inflammation internally is a good place to start. Eat organic foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits that contain vital nutrients your body needs to restore balance and remove inflammation from the body.

Turmeric Reduce Inflammation

Turmeric comes from a Curcuma long plant and has tough skin and deep orange flesh.  Turmeric has a peppery warm taste and mild fragrance and has long been used for anti-inflammatory properties. A compound in turmeric may ward off heart attracts turmeric is safe to use for pain and has no side effects.  Find turmeric in fresh and powdered form. Turmeric has long been used in Chinese and Indian medicine as an agent to treat for a wide variety of conditions including pain, flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, bruises, chest pain, and colic.

Turmeric is typically used in herbal medicine to naturally treat sore joints, muscles due to the anti-inflammatory effects.  Scientifically proven, specific compounds in turmeric especially curcumin have been found to be beneficial for health to treat cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and other conditions.  Turmeric supplements give you everything you need to fight dangerous inflammation within the body helping to fight disease.

Turmeric supplements are natural anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories used to boost energy levels aiding in weight loss. Turmeric natural supplements are now available in the purest form without fillers or additives. Today herbal remedies are still used to combat health conditions naturally and nutritional support.  Turmeric is found fresh, powder, supplement form is considered safe to use when applied to the skin, taken by mouth or in cooking.  Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to enhance your body’s own natural fat-burning capabilities helping to control appetite cravings helping you lose weight.

Decrease Inflammation Naturally

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are heavy hitters in reducing inflammation and diseases such as heart disease, colorectal disease, authorities, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic conditions.  There are 3 types of Omega 3 fatty acids involved in human physiology that is a-linolenic acid (ALA) found in plant oils, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found commonly in marine oils, marine algae, and phytoplankton are the primary sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Reduce joint pain with omega 3s and lubricate your joints and reduce wear and tear in the joint. Eat more plant-based foods like avocados or walnuts or fish oils to get your daily dose of omega 3 fatty acids. Reduce inflammation naturally just by adding fatty fish that contain omega 3 fatty acids.

Common sources of plant oils include edible seeds, flaxseed, clary sage seed oil, algal oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, hemp oil, fish oil, krill oil, and more.  Omega 3 fatty acids are an important part of the metabolism process and have been found to reduce inflammation and heart disease naturally.

Inflammation Diet

Relieving inflammation naturally with diet may optimize your health helping you gain more physical energy while losing weight.  Coping with chronic inflammation may be remedied by a holistic approach using a natural diet approach packed with nutrition.  Studies suggest focusing on the foods we eat, we can soothe the inflammation in our bodies leading to greater physical energy, weight loss, and may help prevent the disease from developing.  Conquer chronic inflammation by developing a customized anti-inflammatory diet plan arming you with the tools you need to help support your health.

Omega 3 fatty acids help the structural part of your brain function, sleep patterns, and memory. It also promotes good blood flow, oxygen levels and keeps your arteries, clear from blockages.  Reduce high cholesterol levels by adding omega 3 fatty acids to your diet while reducing inflammation and disease naturally by eating foods high in nutritional value to reduce chronic pain due to injury, inactivity, or poor health.

There is an anti-inflammatory diet that’s right for you including Vegan, Mediterranean Paleo Saving The Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Action Plans to help you manage weight. Prepare to cook your way toward better health. Your anti-inflammatory action plan is waiting. Manage weight successfully eating whole foods known to reduce inflammation in the body helping you lose weight.

Eat organic foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits that contain vital nutrients your body needs to restore balance and remove inflammation.  Selecting foods that reduce inflammation internally is a good place to start planning possibilities are limitless.


Patricia Lynn


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.