Relax Destress Promote Calm 


Relax Mindful Intentions

Relax reduces stress naturally using calming techniques to improve daily functioning through a series of mindful intentions setting new goals with the focus on relaxation. According to the American Institute of Stress 33 percent of people surveyed experienced stress at some point in their life while 77 percent of people experienced stress that affects their physical health. Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which muscles and tendons are deliberately extended to increase flexibility in order to improve muscle tone. Using your own body weight perform yoga exercises building muscle holding each pose for a short duration in consecutive repetitions in each routine can help the body relax.  Stressful life events may cause emotional unrest and may contribute to symptoms of depression or other physical ailments. The physical impact of the stress hormone  Cortisol increases the appetite may lead to overeating and increased cravings for fatty sugary foods negatively affect the body. Lifestyle changes may reduce high blood pressure by implementing a healthy diet plan designed to help you lose weight. Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty found in fish such as tuna and salmon can prevent spikes in stress hormones may help prevent cardiovascular disease, depression, and slow the development of plaque in the arteries help the body relax.

Consuming a healthy diet packed with nutrition eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins increases immunity building physical strength. Relax while eating, taking time to enjoy cooking meals to perfection using spices and herbs to flavor any dish. Drinking tea can produce relaxing effects benefiting the entire body.  The type of tea you choose to brew can help reduce anxiety and lower stress levels. Traditional Medicinals is an independent company that embraces sustainability, pioneer of wellness tea categories is passionate about connecting people with the power of plants. Cortisol is widely known as a stress hormone affecting several functions throughout the body.  Over time repeated activation of stress responses may contribute to high blood pressure promotes artery-clogging deposits and causes brain changes leading to stress that can affect your blood pressure to temporarily increase straining your heart and blood vessels and other bodily organs.

Persistent high blood pressure may increase your risk of potentially life-threatening conditions like heart disease if left untreated. In general blood pressure readings between 120/80mmHg and 140/90mmHg could mean you are at risk of developing high blood pressure if you do not take steps to keep blood pressure under control. Ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmgH and 120/80mmHg improves your heart health-enhancing your life experience. Chamomile with Lavender blend works to calm the nervous system and support digestion known as a gentle yet powerful herbal medicine that improves sleep quality helps you relax. The human body is continually responding to external and internal stressors termed the flight or fight response physical and emotional perception of various situations as a survival mechanism.  In times of stress, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system is activated may cause a cascade of physiological responses leading to anxiety. Adhering to a healthy diet combined with regular physical exercise can reduce stress helping you relax. 

Nature Vitality Calm gives your body the fundamental nutrients your body may be deficient in to help reduce stress and maintain optimal health to relax.  Calm is easy to prepare to start with ½ teaspoon of Calm powder supplement daily then increase to 1 teaspoon daily dose in one glass of pure filtered water allowing the mixture to fix then stir to dissolve increasing magnesium in your diet. Natural Vitality Calm powder is the number one magnesium supplement sold on the market as an anti-stress drink made in great tasting raspberry and lemon flavors to support magnesium levels with a sense of calm with a uniquely relaxing experience.

Manage stress learning techniques to relax your mind and body establishing new lifestyle habits designed to invoke inner peace to relax. Daily devotional moments of meditations are used to quiet the mind and focus on specific readings guided literature designed for individuals to read for personal spiritual formation. Blessed To Be memory cards by InTouch Ministries makes it easy to memorize Scriptures on the go found online. Each card has a prayer on one side and a prayer on the other helping you apply them in your life experience. Meditation can give you a sense of calm freeing your mind from distractions benefiting your emotional wellbeing and overall health to relax.

Creating a vision board motivates an emotional connection of intention helps you visualize the goals of trending topics. Pinterest digital image collection inspires new discoveries including healthy recipes, great ideas to spark your creativity in new areas of interest. Pinterest is a social media software system designed to enable saving discovered information online using images. Maintain focus on personal goals through a collection of favorite pins on Pinterest. Visually originated people may benefit from a vision board that positively affects relaxation used as a calm creative activity.

Regular physical activity walking promotes better sleep patterns allowing the body to regulate hormones while rejuvenating the mind and body to relax. Guidelines for adults are to get a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise, moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week. Any cardiovascular exercise will benefit the entire body, increasing the production of stress-busting endorphins chemicals produced in the body that relieve stress and pain known to trigger positive feelings of calm. Relax the mind with regular cardio exercise walking to improve your mood walking once per day for 30-60 minutes.  Research indicates regular cardio exercise promotes the release of brain chemicals called endorphins that stimulate relaxation to improve feelings of calm. Manage weight by walking  10,000 steps per day performing moderate aerobic activities challenge your body increasing heart rate. Moving your body builds lean muscle while reducing stress overall helping you relax.

Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity. Walking recommendations guidelines for adults is to get a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, moderate cardio physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week. The average person walking for one hour covers 3 miles of trial can burn off approximately 225 to 365 calories per session depending on age, gender, and fitness level variations may apply.  Walking once per day is optimal for managing weight, effectively walking at moderate speed for one hour seven days per week can help you burn off 1,575 to 2,555 calories per week to lose weight.  According to Harvard Health getting your heart rate up changes the brain’s chemistry increasing the availability of important anti-anxiety neuro-chemicals including serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and endocannabinoids. Regular exercise helps the body relax decreasing muscle tension ultimately diverting your attention focusing on fitness promotes wellbeing. 

Yoga benefits relaxation using techniques to destress the body by rhythmic stretching from one pose to the next to promote wellness to relax. Yoga exercise designed to promote total physical wellness practice of disciplines originating in ancient India thought to date back to 3000 BCE.  Studies suggest 37 million Americans embrace yoga, up significantly from 20 million active participants in 2012.  Yoga exercise has the power to benefit health in various ways strengthening the body’s physiological wellness.  Outside India yoga has developed into a postural-based fitness routine often used to increase flexibility used for relaxation techniques activate areas of the brain increasing joy diminishing emotions linked to stress. People who practice yoga 2-3 times per week increase their metabolism manage weight effectively reduce stress balance and emotional wellbeing to relax. Yoga exercise has become popular among people worldwide for a variety of reasons exercising to a sequence of poses designed to build lean muscle while losing body fat.

In the United States 86% of adults regularly practicing yoga said it reduced stress helping them feel better emotionally. Yoga benefits sports enthusiast by adding practice to their regular exercise regime boosts physical performance substantially improves balance, posture, and flexibility, and relax the body.  Stretching is typically used by athletes to increase range full of motion moving as far anatomically as possible during any given exercise is often used to treat back pain and relieve tension in muscles to relax. Yoga techniques help improve balance, coordination, physical strength, flexibility, and boost metabolism helping you lose weight.

Stretching exercises is considered holistic therapy used to relax the body through a series of continual poses in one routine.  This form of exercise has increased in popularity to reduce stress potentially producing favorable physical and mental clarity among people of all ages used to relax the mind and body. Research indicates Stretching benefits weight loss increasing the metabolism to burn off calories effectively with each routine losing body fat. Practice routines in different durations. from 10 minutes to 60 minutes long varying in length of time and difficulty of poses to relax each muscle group. Studies indicate diaphragmatic breathing may trigger the body’s relaxation responses benefiting both physical and mental health. Breathing techniques are referred to as Rhythmic breathing techniques inhale take in long slow breaths hold the breath for 5 seconds then exhale the breath slowly for 5 seconds.  Slow rhythmic breathing can be in a sitting position or lying down to twice per day in a sitting or while lying down used as a form of relaxation using the controlled breath to relax.


Patricia Lynn

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.