Sea Moss Naturally Balance Wellness


Sea Moss Growing In Popularity 

Sea Moss typically refers to a specific type of algae or seaweed called chondrus crispus also known as Irish moss or carrageenan, a species of red algae which grows abundantly along the rocky parts of the Atlantic coasts of North America and Europe.  In its fresh condition it varies in color from greenish yellow to red with a soft cartilage appearance.  Sea moss consists of nearly 10 percent dry weight protein, including 15 percent mineral matter and is a rich source of dietary sulfur and iodine.  The principal of its mucilaginous body of sea moss is made up of polysaccharide carrageenan which constitutes 55 percent of its dry weight.  Carrageenan is of the family of natural linear sulfated polysaccharide.  They are extracted from red edible seaweeds then widely used in the food industry for their jelling, food thickening, and stabilizing properties. 

Studies suggest Marine seaweeds are a great food source with bioactive compounds that promote a healthy diet with the advantage that exhibits anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory antioxidant, UV protective and neuroprotective properties after assimilation.” PubMed  Dietary iodine is an element that is needed for the production of thyroid hormone that controls metabolism, growth and other bodily functions.  Sea moss drink is a Caribbean beverage made from dried sea moss, a type of seaweed made with milk and various sweeteners to enhance the tasty brew.  In most recipes sea moss is soaked in lime juice overnight then boiled in water with a cinnamon stick until the liquid becomes jelly like.  After cooling it is then blended with milk along with nutmeg and sweeteners or vanilla flavorings giving it a distinct taste.  Sea moss drinks are popular throughout the islands of the Caribbean particularly in Jamaica and Trinidad and are thought to improve virility.  

Their main application is in meat and dairy products due to their strong binding to food proteins used as a thickener and stabilizer in milk ice cream and processed foods.   Carrageenans have emerged as a promising candidate in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications wound coverage.  Sea moss is also known as Irish moss is a type of red algae that offers several potential health benefits.  Sea moss is packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamin B12, vitamin B2, magnesium, calcium and iodine.  Due to its high iodine content sea moss can help maintain a healthy thyroid function.  Some studies suggest that sea moss can enhance immune response and may help protect the body from infections.  The fiber in sea moss helps support the digestive system by promoting good gut microbiome. Sea moss may help lower bad cholesterol LDL improving heart health due to its high fiber content.

Consuming sea moss can aid in weight management helping you feel fuller longer potentially aiding in weight control.  While these health benefits are promising it is important to note that more research is needed to full understand the effects of sea moss on human health.  Sea moss is available in various forms making it easy to incorporate into your daily wellness and diet routine.  Here are some common forms of sea moss you can find including raw dried sea moss the most natural form you can soak in water then blend into gel that you can use in smoothies, recipes, soups or used as a topical gel.  Sea moss is available in supplements, powder, and premade gel. and gummies form.  HerbaME Sea Moss Vitality supplement is organic Irish Sea Moss with Bladderwrack, Burdock Root and black pepper extract includes 150 capsules.  Sea Moss Vitality is a cell food blend that contains red organic sea moss bladderwrack, burdock root, black pepper extract that works together to regulate healthy thyroid function. 

Both Irish moss and and bladderwrack contain high levels of iodine a mineral necessary for thyroid function.  Revitalize focus and energy levels properly supporting your thyroid.  It can also impact your digestive health, mental health and cognitive clarity to keep you energized at work or at the gym.  Sea Moss Vitality naturally supports hormone balance which boosts metabolism which will help keep your overall wellness.  Sea Moss Vitality s is rich in powerful antioxidants as burdock root contains quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids that help improve circulation and detoxifies the blood which can impact skin health and overall immune support. Protect long term joint health consuming Sea Moss Vitality.  This superfood can act as a joint supplement to keep elbows, knees, hips and other joints flexible which makes sea cure great for those seeking help with mobility.

Experts suggest sticking to the recommended serving of Sea moss of one to two tablespoons per day in gel form and no more than 1000 mg in capsule or powder form.  One two tablespoons or 10 grams of Sea moss contains 4.95 calories, 0 grams fat, 1.2 grams carbohydrates, 0.1 gram sugar, o.2 grams protein. Sea moss is a red seaweed low in dietary calories fat and sugar, small amounts of plant protein vitamins and minerals including 7.2 milligrams calcium, 0.89 milligrams iron, 14,4 milligrams magnesium, 15.57 milligrams Phosphorus, 6.3 milligrams  potassium,  o.2 milligrams zinc, 0.02 milligrams copper, 0.04 milligrams manganese per tow tablespoon serving.  “ Seaweeds are gaining popularity in 2024 due to the health benefits it provides. “ Studies suggest seaweeds contain high nutritional value having powerful properties that bioactive compounds provide. 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Faustudio at AdobeStock


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.