Simple Pleasures Of Life Experience 


Simple Pleasures Effect

Simple pleasures can affect every area of your life increasing awareness by starting each day off with positive expectations with fun this summer in 2022. Throughout history, philosophers and religious leaders have described gratitude as a key factor in social well-being developing good relationships between family, friends, and coworkers cultivates feelings of thankfulness. Attitude allows you to appreciate everything big and small enhancing your experience positively looking on the bright side of life. Enjoy simple pleasures large and small in each area of your life spend time with others embracing friends and family with enthusiasm. Beginning each day with a quiet moment of meditation reflecting on the day’s priorities will change your perspective point of view. Studies indicate writing a  gratitude journal helps people list what they are grateful for in a practice of mindfulness for a successful outcome. Setting your intention on creating a daily ritual contributing to your journal to remind yourself to give thanks set small achievable goals. The most commonly recorded simple pleasure was socializing followed by food, university, entertainment, romantic relationships, and hobbies. Increasingly what some people found pleasurable was annoying to others featuring significantly work, commuting and health according to Sicencebeta.

Walking outdoors is a simple pleasure form of exercise used to benefit the entire body by converting food into energy, burning off calories, lose weight used as a low-impact exercise. Walk once per day for 30 to 60 minutes at moderate speed to dramatically improve your health and tone your body. Walking is the best exercise anyone can perform to boost mood, increase circulation, and lose weight.  Regular exercise can substantially improve health, strengthen muscles, and build bone tone in the entire body invoking simple pleasures feelings of self improvement.  Walking increases circulation, strengthening the heart muscle increases pumping efficiency ultimately reducing resting heart rate referred to as aerobic conditioning to decrease the risks associated with heart disease. Manage weight by walking  10,000 steps per day and performing moderate aerobic activities that challenge your body increasing your heart rate. Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity. Soke up the sun while walking outdoors as a basic simple pleasure to improve your mood and boost immune function. 

Simple pleasures celebrate the milestones birthdays, and graduations with family and friends to honor the ones you cherish by sending a card reflecting the holiday. Small gatherings can bring people together to recognize someone’s accomplishments sharing in the joy of their special day.  Going out to dinner to celebrate achievements serves to congratulate others give a toast of reionization for their performance showcase their achievements.  Celebrating with others can develop an attitude of gratitude that helps people appreciate the simple pleasures to live a little paint the town with friends.  Studies suggest people who approach life with an optimistic attitude benefit significantly including improved physical health and good social engagement with others tend to be less stressed focus on simple pleasures of their life experience.  

Exercise your mind as a simple pleasure increases memory while performing activities designed to teach a new skill set. Amazon Kindle app puts millions of books, magazines, and newspapers at your fingertips across all devices.  Get the free Kindle app for free available on iOS, Android, Mac, and PC devices. Subscribe to Kindle Unlimited get access to inspirational digital books, explore over one million titles, thousands of audiobooks, and current magazines featuring popular topics of interest. Users do not need to own a Kindle device to enjoy Kindle Unlimited programs, access popular magazines, or listen to thousands of books with audible narration. Read on any device, enjoy stories of interest wherever you go, delight in reading, and download books directly from the kindle app. Start binge reading your favorite series or discover something new in a series collection keeping you captivated with Kindle Unlimited digital eBook reader. The book titled Simple Pleasures by Susannah Seton is a book about seizing the day living well year round with soothing suggestions and soothing comforts living life fully creating a unique life experience.

Visual observation of beautiful environmental areas walking in a park can be an invigorating simple pleasure enjoyed any time of year.  Louie Schwartzburg is an American producer-director of cinematography and is recognized for time-lapse cinematography as a visual artist who focuses on the connection between humans and nature.  The short film the Beauty of Pollination is an extraordinary look at nature in slow motion largely unseen by the human eye filmmaker Schwartzburg used his camera to capture precious moments showing us the integrated world of pollination. Photography is a fantastic way to enjoy documenting candid images to share on social media with friends. Benefit from simple pleasures to enjoying the moments of your life watching nature unfold in its natural habitat reflecting on the beauty that surrounds us.

Music is an empowering thought-provoking experience that provides people with uplifting songs is a simple pleasure we can all enjoy. Studies indicate people who listen to music boost their mood as they sing along, reducing stress and anxiety and helping people relax. Listening to music can benefit overall health, regulating emotional wellbeing creating feelings of happiness, and hope for the future by relaxing to your favorite tunes. Google play music provides free ad-supported radio for music you want to hear using smart recommendations based on your taste available on Android iOS or the web. Store up to 50,000 amazing songs from your personal music collection radio is curated by experts for anything you want to hear. Expressions channel our emotions moving to the music contributes to the creativity of the imagination and fosters peaceful relaxing moments of our life that benefit our overall health. Music is considered a simple pleasure that can relieve symptoms of depression and elevates mood while relaxing the mind and body.

Journal to embark on a fabulous journey of self-improvement creating a new you with Journey app Google editors choice 2016-2021. Create a digital album collection depicting favorite moments of your life documenting holiday celebrations, vacations, and everyday activities to share with friends online. Journaling is used for self-expression and may boost productivity through creative writing. Documenting beautiful memories is a simple pleasure reflecting on an everlasting legacy and major milestones which live on through a lifetime of documenting a personal diary of experiences to establish a creative mindset. Create a new you writing in a journal of choice as part of self-discovery writing goals of importance gets things in motion through setting intentional goals with the Journey App.  Types of Journal Gratitude Journal, Daily Journal, Expressive journal, Dream Journal, Daily Devotional Journal, Diet Journal, Travel Journal, Hobby Journal Journeys. Writing in a journal is a simple pleasure that helps people achieve their goals by keeping track of their intentions and finding inspiration along the way.  

Have a spy day indulging in treatments you would not normally buy, including a massage to relax tense muscles as a simple pleasure.  Manicures performed at a qualified solon benefit nails condition the skin with hydrating creams designed to regulate moisture.  Some solons may offer a short massage with a pedicure or manicure for relaxation of the hands and feet. At home enjoy simple pleasures relaxing the body by soaking in a hot bath with 1 cup of Epsom salt with aromatherapy adding a few drops of essential oil to relieve stress promoting regulation.   Epsom salts added to bath water provides magnesium for the body giving enormous benefits promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation of sore muscles. Aromatherapy is especially soothing for both mind and body proved to improve sleep quality and reduce stress using a few drops of essential oils. Self care is a simple pleasure anyone can enjoy conditioning the skin with emollients to soften the skin including creams, oils, and moisturizers to alleviate dryness. 

The scent of an aromatic candle is a simple pleasure used to fill the air with a fragrance that helps make your house feel like a home. Yankee Candle is the largest specialty brand of premium scented candles in the United States that offers the broadest assortment of highly scented candles including innovative home fragrant products and candle-related home decor accents. Yankee Candle has become the most recognized name in the candle industry and the country’s selling candle brand. Currently sell 600 fragrances offering a wide range of seasonal and specialty candles including home, car fragrances, products, and accessories. Yankee Candles take you on a journey to discover inner peace, joy, and tranquility using aromatic fragrances to create a relaxing sanctuary in your home space.

Creating a digital vision board on Pinterest to establish a positive mindset and setting goals you would like to attain in the future is a simple pleasure.  Pinterest is a social media website and mobile application company found online. It offers a software system for the visual discovery of great ideas in many subjects of interest that you can collect in your personal account. Discover topics in weight loss, fitness, business, travel, cooking, healthy recipes, fashion, and many more by conducting a search on Pinterest. Categorize each list according to personal preference helping you to visualize your goals in writing and then fully achieve your goals through actively setting the intention of taking action. Visualizing your goals can be accomplished by creating a digital library of favorite images depicting categories of interest creating a mindset of discovery to learn something new is a great simple pleasure anyone can use to help obtain goals. Find new and exciting low-calorie recipes, fashion designs, styles, or home and gardening ideas all designed to visually inspire you to improve your life visually. Creating digital catalog photos is a fantastic way to discover relevant information on the world wide web using images. If you are looking for new ideas, Pinterest is a great place to collect and share information pertaining to your favorite interests providing digital visualization for the creation of enjoying simple pleasures of life. 


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash     

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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.