Simplify Thanksgiving Dinner Menu

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Delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Menu

Planning an easy Thanksgiving dinner menu complete with all the fixings is a breeze using lite low calorie ingredients to create a stress free meal.  Turkey meat is typically referred to as turkey acquired from wild or domesticated fowl.  It is a popular main dish in North America and the United Kingdom whereas it is traditionally consumed at cultural events such a Thanksgiving dinner as well as standard cuisine including classic dishes.  Turkeys are sold fresh, frozen, or available roasted at your local deli sold as dinner cut options.  Roast turkey is usually eaten as a main course at Thanksgiving dinner feasts in the United States, Canada and the world.   In the Americas domestic turkeys came from wild turkey species indigenous to the states, seen as a majestic fast running bird.  It was domesticated around 10 BC and 10 AD by the Aztecs who ate its meat and used its feathers for ornamental purposes. 

The pilgrims sailed to North America in 1620 taking a few domesticated turkeys with them in the Mayflower for food and sustenance.  Today commercially prepared turkeys are readily available for consumers specifically bred for its tender meat.  Broad Breasted White is the most widely used bread of domesticated turkey.   In 2024 turkey production in the United States is projected to reach 5.11 billion pounds and still remains a popular choice for meals especially the holidays like Thanksgiving dinner menu and Christmas.  Four ounces of turkey breast is only 153 calories, 5.64 grams fat, 0 grams carbs, 33.25 grams protein per serving. Thanksgiving dinner menu wouldn’t be complete without side dishes, fixings, drinks and dessert.  Low calorie options keep dinner low key without sacrificing tastes. 

Roast maple sweet potatoes garnished with maple glazed walnuts is sure to please using Wholesome Yum sugar free Maple Syrup is sweetened with Monk fruit and Allulose blend is only 20 calories per 2 net grams per serving.  There are so many ways to use Wholesome Yum sugar free maple syrup this holiday season, stir it into drinks, or use it in your favorite recipes including sauces, glazes, marinades, dressings and baking adding a festive taste to your favorite dish.  Thanksgiving dinner is just around the corner. It is time to think about planning a classic thanksgiving dinner menu with roasted turkey, side dishes and desserts to impress your guests during this holiday season.  Keeping things light can help balance any diet eating low calorie side dishes while still enjoying a meal with seasonal favorites. Mashed sweet potatoes made with a splash of milk, olive oil butter, sweetened with sugar free maple syrup then garnished with maple glazed chopped walnuts is sure to please. 

Healthy holiday eating can be enjoyed within your home space feasting on your favorite holiday dishes, entree, side dishes, and low-calorie desserts while keeping entertainment at a minimum. Roasted brussels sprouts can be tossed with olive oil then seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper then roasted until crispy.  Pumpkin soup is a warm comforting option especially when served in small pumpkins serves festive decor. Garlic butter roasted green beans using fresh or canned green beans sauteed with garlic and olive oil butter is simply delicious when topped with a sprinkle of chopped almonds.  Cauliflower Au Gratin is a cheesy cauliflower dish that’s a hit with everyone made out of pureed cauliflower, milk, pinch of salt, low fat cheddar cheese, chopped onion baked to perfection.  Lemon scented roasted broccoli garnished with pine nuts is the perfect low calorie side dish. Simplifying your thanksgiving dinner menu with one protein source be it roast vegan turkey, classic turkey, fish, chicken, roast with 3 side dishes and dessert served with seasonal beverages serves a refreshing element to your meal. 


Patricia Lynn 

Images Courtesy of Yana at AdobeStock

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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.