Staying In Motion


Benefits of Physical Motion

Staying physically in motion is a popular lifestyle choice among adults who embrace activities with enthusiasm and embark on total body wellness.  Obesity is the accumulation of excessive body fat usually caused by the consumption of eating too many calories than the body can use as energy.  Excessive calories are often stored as fat or adipose tissue consisting mainly of fat cells generated from dietary fats or is produced in the body. “According to a 2024 study in the Lancet more than 1 billion people are living with obesity worldwide which is about one in eight people.”  Body weight is influenced by multiple factors including inactivity living a sedentary life and poor dietary choices often leading to chronic diseases.  The World Obesity Atlas 2023 38 percent of the global population is either overweight or obese. 

The World Health Organization WHO estimates 13 percent of adults aged 18 and over are obese and 39 percent are overweight. The NDDK reports that 42 percent of adults in the U.S. are obese including those with severe obesity.  Staying physically in motion offers a wealth of benefits for overall well being with immediate and long term advantages. After a session of moderate to vigorous cardio activity people of all ages experience improved brain health in thinking and cognition reducing anxiety, stress and restoring feelings of calm. Regular physical activity is beneficial for the entire body, keeps your thinking skills sharp, promotes better sleep and reduces the risks of developing depression. “Regular exercise has significant cardiovascular benefits including the reduction of incidents of mortality from coronary artery disease probability because of the positive effects of blood lipid levels and blood pressure.” NIH

Walking optimizes your workout by exercising for 30-60 minutes each day increasing cardio fitness. One person weighing 150 pounds walking at moderate speed for 45 minutes can burn off 141 calories per session. Walking can help you maintain a good body weight, boosting your metabolism to work efficiently, lose body fat and improve cardio fitness.  Staying in motion offers the body a multitude of health benefits improving your heart function increasing blood flow and oxygen to muscles throughout the body.  Moderate cardio workouts expand lung capacity allowing your lungs to hold more air helping your body make more energy.  When you exercise your muscles work harder the lungs bring oxygen into the body to provide energy and remove carbon dioxide, the waste product created when you produce energy. The heart pumps oxygen to the muscles that are doing exercise. NCBI A body in motion can stay active throughout your life participating in physical activities you enjoy the most.    

Outdoor exercise benefits sports enthusiasts who want to stay in motion hit the trails for socially originated fun exercising outside increases physical activity. Americans cycled on a regular basis for transportation or for recreational activities find the sports exertion known as a popular pursuit used as a form of outdoor exercise. The number of people engaging in cycling in the United States has increased in the past three years from 43 million cyclists to 47.5 million in 2017 and continues to grow into 2022 as more people hit the trails to enjoy the great outdoors Cycling is a low impact exercise that is easy on the joints used to keep people in motion. Bicycles were introduced to the public in the early 19 century and have grown to approximately 1 billion worldwide as cycling was a principal means of transportation in many parts of the world providing benefits leading to less cost.  

Yoga workout increases the metabolism managing weight effectively reduce stress while balance emotional wellbeing. Yoga exercise has become popular among people worldwide for a variety of reasons exercising to a sequence of poses designed to build lean muscle while losing body fat helping you stay in motion.  In the United States 86% of adults regularly practicing yoga said it reduced stress helping them feel better physically and mentally fit. Hip flexors are a group of muscles in front of the hip that act to lift the knee bringing the thigh upward to the abdomen. Hip flexors the hidden survival muscle within your body overlooked by modern physicians that keep millions of men and women defeated by the pain, frustrated with belly fat, and struggling with fatigue. For years yoga was practiced as a form of exercise in ancient India and has gained popularity worldwide among children and seniors in their eighties and nineties found this mind-body practice an invigorating form of exercise for people of all ages used to stay in motion.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of carballo images at AdobeStock




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About Patricia Lynn 302 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.